ITT: The biggest blunders in gaming

ITT: The biggest blunders in gaming

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Wait, they replaced Dorrie with a dolphin from SMW? How did I not realized this until now?

wow, talk about nostalgia coloring the fact that those designs were absolute shit in SM64

Scuttlebug was a good redesign. That thing looked ugly as shit.

Dorrie is debatable. Fits in more with the Mario universe now, but looks less like a dinosaur.

Why do devs insist on changing shit for remakes? Just make things have more polygons. Don't completely change the fucking thing and give it goggles like it's some Chinese rip-off. Nintendo will completely change models and make them look nothing like the originals but won't actually improve a game like Wind Waker by removing the triforce hunt.


But see, here's the thing.
The remake takes place in a parallel universe.

>goggles like it's some Chinese rip-off

>Nintendo changes things
>Nintendo doesn't change things

There's just no winning with you retards.



Dorrie looks better on the right

If you unironically think the original is better than you need to castrate yourself with haste

Left looks out of place

The recent update really made it abit more interesting.
Not much, but they added some difficulity in a survival mode that feels rewarding and right

Super Mario 64 was a mistake. Not just the atrocious visuals, camera, and controls, but the barren collectathon discovery gameplay itself is so bad that it has been gradually abandoned with each 3D Mario Game. Anyone who defends Super Mario 64 should try playing it right now without any nostalgiafaggotry. It has aged worse than almost any other game.

I never had an N64 as a lad but I still find it fun

Why do I feel like I have seen this exact thread before?

We're in a time loop.

it's still a fun game just to control, there's clever ideas all over the place, the levels are all memorable and interesting. I can't think of any real abject flaws with the game

The internet posts the same things over and over. Nothing ever changes.

you did in a parallel universe

fuck that monkey that steals your hat, that pisses me off

There's nothing really wrong with it, but there's also really not much about it that's super amazing.

It certainly set standards for the time, but that's the thing: It set a standard that's now just standard.

It's a solid 7.5/10 game now, but nothing more

if you played it back when it came out as a snes kid you would flip but now its just not standing up to time

why does the sea creature need goggles

To sea better

The mercury pollution bothers its eyes.

It happens every so often. I don't know if it's a bot or what. We had a fun thing on /tg/ once where every post that was made in a thread was repeated in exact order over and over, for days on end.

Im dead



for starters, I still think it's fun. The core loop, the movement, it's just fun.

Second, what do you want, exactly? All games must age, and even the greatest game will pale in comparison to what the future holds. SM64 set a whole lot of standards, as you say, and it set them well.

I don't give a shit how good a game is, another game in the future can and probably has already taken the formula and improved on it, or at least made minor changes and/or graphical changes that just make the game "better".

Context is everything. Without Space Invaders or Adventure we might not have *insert your favorite game here*.

its still the best 3d platformer by far,

Nintendo in particular has a weird obsession with preserving their characters and keeping them on model, to a borderline autistic extent.
Brawl Mario's gritty denim was the most that Mario has changed since the N64 days

are you new to Sup Forums? that's 90% of the threads here

he's a numale

>Second, what do you want, exactly?
Well, for starters, at least IMO, Sunshine took mostly everything 64 did well and polished it up a bit, and improved in a few areas that make it go from good to great in my mind: the consistent atmospheric tropical theme alone makes it so much more intersting to me then 64 ever was.

I'm not saying it's 64's fault for being old, it's not, but that doesn't make it any less old or any of the games that improved on it's formula any less of an improvement. But you already said that to you personally, you don't care if that happens or not.

>Context is everything. Without Space Invaders or Adventure we might not have *insert your favorite game here*.
Sure, and I have no problem with recognizing 64 for the bar it set and the innovations it brought about, or even saying "for it's time, it was a 9/10 or a 10/10", my issue is when people aren't actually being honest about relative quality between newer and older titles, and by extension ignore or undersell how good gen 8/7/even 6 gen games and go "THOSE ARE SHIT" or stuff like that when if you actually compare them to older games, even putting aside the obvious graphical improvement and stuff like that.

I really disagree.

I already said I prefer sunshine, and even just from a raw fun perspective, I prefer sonic adventure 2, though Sa2 is also really, really flawed and lacks any sort of polish, wheras SM64, as mentioned is almost flawless and is as polished as an n64 game could possibly be, and is honestly more polished then most gen 6 games, including Sa2

>sonic adventure 2
>better than mario 64

please dont breed

Bottom left is kind of creepy

It also looks like some animal from Adventure Island 2 or something like that.

From a technical stand point Mario 64 it's still top tier, which is why the 3D games haven't changed that much, just tweaked the gameplay a bit and give it some gimmick.

>Bottom left is kind of creepy
he's supposed to be creepy, he's a mysterious beast, not a dolphin/yoshi

Honestly Nightmare in Dreamland is worse. They literally replaced one of the minibosses with an elephant because it appeared in the anime and they wanted to promote it (Rip in piece Armadillo). Oh and this fucking travesty.

I didn't say Sa2 was better, I said I had more fun with it. There's a big difference between those two things.

Preffering something =/= thinking it's better.

Don't forget about how kirby looks autistic as fuck in the cut scenes instead of having some expression.

He looks like a freaking baby.

>I had more fun with it.
that makes you just as retarded

No way it's better than ME!


>Perfect Dark Zero

Come on it wasn't that bad

Did someone say parallel?

What's the deal with Kabuki, Bad Street Brawler and Dark Rift? Never heard of any of those

Do you have a link to this post? I need to see it all for myself.


The DS redesigns for enemies are a huge improvement and bring the game more in line with the standards of style established in Mario games both before and after 64

>not a Yoshi
>Japanese name is literally Doshi

Honestly I really liked how it changed the normal Big foor guy or dorrie or whatever that water thing is called into a Yoshi type creature. Kinda give you lore or something.

You're taking about a remaster here, user, a remake is a full remake from scratch, usually on on a new engine, with better graphics and new additions.

Also, name me a better remake than Resident Evil 1 Remake.

pro-tip: you can't

Fuck you. Elephant is bro-tier.

>just fuck my shit up

Dorrie is much better from a design perspective. A lot of people I know and myself thought Dorrie was an enemy when we first encountered it. You see a huge dinosaur in the water and the first thought usually isn't "I bet I can ride it around." The Dorrie redesign immediately communicates that it's friendly.

there's a difference between established characters/items/places and making a new game. you can do new things by introducing new locations, mechanics, etc. plus this is a remake, it should be as close as possible to the original while updating graphics and increasing polish if it needs it. dumb nintendrone.

>Shaq-fu a blunder

Yeah, no, fuck you.

I needed that chuckle

A shame NMS and Battleborn came out on the same year.
Battleborns blunder was hilarious, NMS was just depressing

Besides the tower I couldn't give three fucks about any of that. Like wow, floating platforms in a Nintendo game? Absolutely shocking.

this is some top tier nitpicking

I didn't know people disliked this game.
It was the first Kirby game I played.
I haven't played the originals but I like the way they look more than the GBA in terms of art style.

ice cream? I love ice cream!

Honestly that stupid Henry meme ruined the original spider so I don't mind the change.
It also makes me think of Buck Bumble the best game you've never played

bickity buck bumble

literally 2 seconds

Fuck you Miyamoto, I dont want all my Marios look the same

>Tor was bad
Stop this shitty meme

Should of been this.


Metroid Zero Mission comes to mind