>beat the hardest boss in the game first try solo
>get fucked up by stock enemy next area
Beat the hardest boss in the game first try solo
You just lost the game.
Use reaction images or fuck off.
you fuck off dude im not gonna use your stupid anime shit
four posts in and this thread has lived up to its potential
Serious question, are you autistic?
Trash taste in games detected
>defending emoticons
>defending emojis
>pepe triggers nu-redditors his much they have to passive aggressively shitpost
thanks for making sure my thread stays alive tho faggors
Sup Forums needs to fuck off.
What the fuck is the difference between the two?
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
>Buy game for 60$
>Don't play it more then 10 hours
>Sup Forums
I beat Ornstein and Smough on the first go, but died like 10 times to Forest Guardians in Oolacie.
shitty bootleg pepe
>obvious Dark Souls thread
I've died at least once to every enemy in Dark Souls, except for the Asylum Demon. Even basic hollows.
Even the fire-breathing statues in the Demon Ruins?
Hmm, maybe not. Those were pretty pathetic.
how bout this deluxe 3d pepe?
Every enemy in the game can kill you in 3 hits, so that's not very surprising.
I enjoy playing Pokemon and Watching Disney channel too.
>played hundred of hours of a game
>beaten it loads of time with no problem
>go for another spin
>get your ass handed to you more than when you first started playing
I got gud but not I need to git gud again.
>reddit and Sup Forums both love trump
>reddit and Sup Forums both love pepe
>>>implying it's not Sup Forums
>frogposter calls others reddit
the ironing