>That one snobby nerd who thinks you're pretending to be a gamer
That one snobby nerd who thinks you're pretending to be a gamer
>that one jojobrony who insist to shove his shit on the videogames board
>that one fuckface who couldn't stop talking about videogames
>I seriously hope yo don't jimbo this
>That op that has more memes than videogame threads
>there will never be any good games based on Kurosawa movies
Why even live?
You're probably joking, but my main hobbies are fitness and video games, fitness dudes are fine with me playing games, but most people who play games are kind of cunty and assume they're better than me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that normies are less shitty people than most of you.
t. normie
greetings reddit
Depends how you judge it I guess. I've been playing videogames since like 92 or something and I've been playing online since the late 90s.
I have social skills, but I'm also pretty good at most games and spend a lot of time playing them.
How do I upvote this comment?
>user or common friend told me you like video games hahah!
yeah I like video games
>sweeeeeet I can't wait to play COD 22, battlefield and Dark souls with you hahaha. Dude join my clash royale clan
>his thread got deleted again
JoJoBronies. will they ever learn?
ALWAYS hide your powerlevel.
i thought it was jabronies shitting up the board.
I hate people that assume you play the same shit as them or that you'll drop what you are playing for them. Within friend circles and out.
Never happened. I worked at a games/comic store for years, and I have NEVER seen any of these legendary gatekeepers. I want empirical evidence that there is actually a rash of people who quiz you for wearing a Batman t-shirt or whatever.
This meme must die.
I've seen it with music but only music.
>that one fag who doesn't think samurai movies are good
How the FUCK did we go from this...
>that one bitch that tries to forces herself into the group
even amongst neckbeards it come off as pathetic.
why even bother doing this seriously?
Way of The Samurai for PS2 is as close as you'll ever get.