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How did you get this picture of me?

Not posting the copy pasta of him too... I am disapoint.

No need. Ken-sama has made it to the three dimensional 2D world. He is living the dream

Salve, my name is Vyv Lucis Caelum. I'm a 27 year old Lucian Insomniac (Noctis fan for you niffs).


>making jokes at a dead man's expense
Over the line.

>you will never be immortalized in a video game

Why is life so cruel?

>not the Rawhide Kobayashi one

>that user who vandalized Nioh's Wikipedia entry and managed to get Game Informer to print "Ken-Sama" in their preview


Please spoonfeed me.

Some user vandalized the Wikipedia entry back during the Alpha demo, replacing William's name with Ken-Sama, which stayed up for a while before it got deleted.

A few websites, alongside fucking Game Informer, subsequently actually published "Ken-Sama" as his name in articles about the game.

provide pics




I want his shirt tho.





>gaming journalism

Gaming 'journalists' everyone

Great to see both companies paying respect to the late ken sama. Damn those gaijin hating Tsunamis.

Gomenasai ken-sama, you will forever anta no baka in our kokoros ;_;

Regular Journalism falls for this kind of thing more often, just ask Sup Forums to post screen caps of all the news papers they trolled.
There was one that was really funny and recent about a muslim lesbian harassed by trump supporters.

>muslim lesbian harassed by trump supporters

The madman got it into a physical newspaper too.

No that one, the one I'm talking about had my wifes son, big 4 u and other memes thrown into a serious article.
Almost as funny as what /fit/ did with those fake creatine stories, fuck journalists.


tha tlooks like a porno movie

I want to see it, user.

I'm glad I'm not the only one getting that impression. I'm not even sure why.

thats because it is

Probably because it's actually porno user.

Yes, but what is it that makes it look like a porno?

Its pretty obvious, but im sure you said it becuase you wanted sauce

>I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times

Always gets me

low camera angle is a less-obvious reason

nigga the bitch in pink is Mia Khalifa

it's literally a porno featuring thicc women

holy moly

The bad costumes, the lack of framing, lighting position, filtering, all done with a camera worth its weight in gold.

it's been proven before that a katana can easily cut through a gaijin sword

pic related

So it turns out that he drowned a few months ago.



Wow the kata hits it so hard it becomes symmetrical

>not having a talking transforming katana
They fucking hand those out at the macdonalds in japan, user


>The bad costumes, the lack of framing, lighting position, filtering, all done with a camera worth its weight in gold.

Sounds like a Marvel movie.

>clashing swords in the first place

God bless the glorious turbosperg.


>ken-sama ffxv.jpg
That is fucking hysterical.

Rest in peace, Ken-Sama

as expected from a bakagaijin

Trolling newspapers is pretty much a tradition for all boards at this point

Here's one thing I find really interesting: someone theorized that his sword fell into the water, and so he dove in to retrieve it. So he died protecting his sword. At first I thought it was just a joke, but I realized that would make perfect sense considering a weak female was able to swim to shore, where as the Scottsdale Rapes legend was not.

I think the guy was something of a well-known nut in his area.


That's sad. I hope he got to put his dick in that 16 year old at least.

Holy shit, his brother's uploaded a bunch of these. Might actually not be too much of a shame that he's gone.


>BTW this was over him not wanting to admit he lied about something he was caught dead lieing about. His past. I'm his brother, I know him and he never lived in Japan for 15 years in a japanese death squad. He was in a foster home because he was abusing our younger brother and chasing me with knives.

Can someone explain why the picture looks like all the assets havent been loaded yet?
Why does it look so shit?

I can explain this phenomenon very simply. Modern consoles cannot do texture filtering well due to shared bandwidth. This is why so many console games have awful clay textures despite having a massive budget. Digital Foundry wrote an excellent article about this. eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-vs-texture-filtering-on-console




Man, I love that porno, it's so hot.


was expectingthe one where the sword get's completely bent and the one he hit only get's a slight dent

>japanese devs have such contempt for their western audiences that they make fun of their most hardcore fans

fuck japs 2bh buncha ungrateful pricks


They are making fun of weeaboos like what's depicted in the game. Are you saying you're one of them? If not, then they're not making fun of you.


holy shit how did this happen

it's fucking daily mail

>stops in middle of water
>screams NOOO
>sinks suddenly
Lake spirits man. Got him when he was at his weakest.
Without his sword.

>I was moving into their blind spot
>Ready to cut him open
>My family couldn't handle me
jesus christ I only ever saw the gif

>Game """"""""Informer"""""""""

did you watch the interview?
he said he carries the sword because it limits his strength and cause less damage

I also have that pasta with an asian in a cowboy hat and filename

This is the reverse, he hits the katana with the sword.

Then how did he lose to the lake without his limiter?

the lake and the boat got so fucked up because of his power


part of me wants to believe this is the truth and ask you more about it
