Post 9~10/10 games that nobody knows
Post 9~10/10 games that nobody knows
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i've been seriously addicted to the first game as of lately. it's seriously amazing.
Also Rasho is the best summon.
>Liking Knights in the Nightmare
I didn't play much of the game at the time due to the DS controls. Is it much better on the PSP?
>not sugar
>not playing female
You goofed.
>Being a faggot
I didn't think Kurushi was particularly obscure
>Having shit taste
Name a worse Dept. Heaven game. Hell,I'd put the Generation of Chaos Idea Factory games above it,.
It's their best game though.
Git gud.
This game was fun at first, right until you get to the part where it just get tedious and you don't know exactly where to look because there's so much going on.
Even touhou was easier.
Not trying to be negative, just going to tell you my opinion, because I discovered Yggdra union and knights in nightmare years ago and tried out both.
Art style is gorgeous, Yggdra union pacing was ungodly slow. Obviously its a tactical RPG so we can expect some slowness, but holy damn it felt like battles dragged on forever, while the plot (of what I played anyway) was "Let's keep running from all this shit, oh wait they're behind us again"
Does it get better? Is there some trick to it? did I miss upgrades somehow?
Knights in nightmare I'm convinced I just need to try again, because it was complicated as hell and I never felt like I was doing things right. Even more pretty than yggdra union, also only played the DS version, and I suspect its better without touch controls.
Fucking casuals
I know a guy who's played all the main Touhou games repeatedly. Even he thinks KitN is a clusterfuck
Yeah it's dank, play them on ps vita to really enjoy it.
Anyway the main thing with dpt.heaven games is they they usually have pretty complex UI's with kinda meandering plots but I always found them enjoyable regardless.
My personal fav is rivieria despite it being the least challenging of them all, i'd say start with that then play yggdra union then knights then finish with gungir which is a fun little srpg. Basically chronological order. Also play the psp ones on ps vita or pc to really get the most out of that art.
And my 10-year old nephew managed to beat it just fine. What's your point?
I wish I had an actual copy of Rune Factory and a GBA
Emulating it kinda blows because my computer chair isn't as comfortable as my bed
Pretty underrated
>muh lies
>muh casuals ruining everything
What's YOUR point
Gonna dump some ((obscure)) games since you guys seem to be interested in games again.
Starting with this guy, Pagemaster on SNES. Based off the movie of the same name. It's a platformer that's both fairly difficult and visually interesting, especially if you liked the movie.
>Whine about a game because you can't take the time to get good at it
>Get mad when you learn someone else beat it
>You can only obtain their weapons if you were using a drill and breaking their weapon
>Oh you didn't know that? Well too bad they're gone forever. You should've used a drill from the start! lmao
Fuck that.
You. I like you. I had this when I was a kid, and I downloaded a rom a while back when I first got into emulating. I played that game either last year or the year before, and I beat it in an hour or two. Fairly short, but holy fuck did those levels look amazing. Such a great game.
Dr. Jekyll level is the best, fight me
Yeah I don't really have a Vita, just a PSP. So if there's a PC release I'd probably go for that one.
>Patchwork Heroes
This game is fun as fuck, there's even a bit of a story to it. Basically your town is being attacked by airships, and your cute little 2D characters board said airships via steampunk flying machine, and attempt to destroy it by sawing pieces off of it by hand.
Your health in this game is the villagers who came with you on the mission, when you take a hit, they die and their age/name etc is shown with their RIP etc. Really makes you want to play like fire emblem and save everyone. Gameplay is simple and airships get bigger and harder with more defenses, special plating etc. It's a PSP exclusive as far as I'm aware so you may have to emulate it if you don't have one.
you can emulate them fine on pc and upscale them
I had the PC version of Pagemaster.
A pretty fun Point and Click adventure game.
Seiken Densetsu 3
Maybe not 10/10, but I reckon it deserves more attention. In fact, the entire Mana series doesn't seem too well known here
Gonna list some games and very short reasons.
>Keioh Flying Squadron
Side-scrolling shooter with 110% Japanese influence, plus a loli bunnygirl. 10/10 shit english dub makes it better. Sequel is a platformer and has an equally hilariously bad dub.
>Tail Concerto
If you can ignore the obvious flaws, it's an amazingly fun game. Simple mechanics, but a wonderful setting and story. Precursor but not prequel to Solatorobo, an equally great game.
>Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis
Think Fullmetal Alchemist + Visual Novel routes + Toonami aired anime. It's got a crazy good story, and gameplay is satisfying despite being turn based. Huge difficulty spike too.
>Kenka Bancho Badass Rumble
Japanese school thug beat em up with an amusing story. This is the second manliest game in existence.
Isometric Zelda, but more interesting. Long as fuck too.
>Popful Mail
Sega CD version is best. Simple platformer with a fantasy theme. Very reminiscent of early 90's anime, complemented by leotards, handsome and idiotic male companions, and silly fun.
>Faussete Amour
PC Engine game. Think Castlevania + Bionic Commando + 80's anime, set in a fantasy world. It's in Japanese, but you can figure the context out easily.
SNES, no text, no story, no dialogue. You're a pissed off dinosaur that beats the shit out of boars, bears, dolphins, monkeys, lions, and any other poor fucker in your way.
$1 Japanese indie game made by one guy. Think traps - Gay + Megaman. Three playable characters with unique movesets, one unlockable character with a crazy fun playstyle, easy to figure out the story through picture context, and simple fun. Dev loved the sudden western fans it got, and the game is easily a few hours long, but no updates since 2014
To be honest I never finished it, call me a scrub but I could beat Megaman 2 but not pagemaster. I'm planning to return to it and finish it on a stream or something. Visually its really appealing though. Left a really great memory.
Is Vita emulation a thing now? could I have been playing all these vita games I missed out on all along?
This one's for retro fags who don't mind GBC games. This little gem is called Warlocked and it's basically a highly toned down version of Warcraft/Warcraft 3 ETC.
There are 2 factions and only really 3 basic units to go along with your structures. Archers, Knights, peasents (Builders/Miners) Combat is pretty basic but the campaign is still quite fun.
What sets it apart though, is wizards. I think every level has a wizard in it, some of which are hidden, they all have different magic like turning shit into delecious healing chicken, unleashing a contagious bubonic plague, and other shit I'm not remembering. Game was really good and had a GREAT OST. Check it out if you want a comfy strategy challenge that's not too demanding on micromanagement. Gameboy had 2 buttons after all.
psp emulation is a thing but vita isn't
although vita has been blown wide open and no one wants one so you can get a mint one for cheap and play basically every sony game on it for free
it has quite a few dope games if you like DRPG/JRGP/SRPG and lewd games
Pagemaster is incredible if you play it all in one go. Definitely go for it when you get the chance, and tough it out. It's almost as rewarding as watching the movie.
Warning; the golden brick road level is FUCKING ANNOYING. Lots of bullshit traps that appear from just off screen
Jurassic Park on Gameboy. This game was FUCKING HARD as a kid, and I got my ass handed to me on level 1 recently. This was Dark Souls before Dark Souls existed.
Super Word Muncher all day every day
I like most of those things, mind you I feel guilty over the shit I already pirate. I'm broke beyond words right now, so until I get a new job I'll have to hold off on a Vita.
I'm excited, maybe I'll rewatch the movie too. It's been ages. PS: You can add me on steam if you want, I don't want this to be one of those times where I don't extend the hand of friendship to someone with good taste
There's two versions on gameboy, and I played both of them. They're both hard as tits, one is top down zelda style perspective with limited ammo. The other is a sidescrolling platformer. Not sure which you played.
This one I'm throwing in because it was surprisingly cool for a 15 dollar used game purchase when I was like 10 years old.
Besides the god tier cover art, It's a bullet hell shooter on gameboy where you hire mercenaries. Read: Ninjas, Shrine Maidens, Servants etc. Who all have their own bullet patterns, you can have up to 4 and change their formation on the fly. There's shops you go by on the side like in goemon where you can buy health to pad their max HP. When they die its permanent, suck it up and buy more. Or just buy one mercenary and feed him until he has 30+ health and enjoy less bullets. It's fun, and hard.
The first was the best.
>Reminded me of Number Munchers
>Same developer
Fucking yes, this was my jam back in early school years. Edutainment games were the shit.
I played the top down shooter JP game. Didn't know there was a platformer one.
I'm remembering an arcade fighter, but I can't fucking remember its name. The characters I recall were;
>Catgirl waitress, always held a pan
>Short knight boy, huge sword and boots
>Crazy desert thief looking bastard with a bag over his head
>Magician rabbit
Anyone know what I'm talking about? I remember emulating it at one point and loving the fuck out of it, but it was so long ago.
This one i'm throwing in for difficulty fags who want to prove the skill for 'nintendo hard' etc. I'm going to be straight with you, there is tons of misleading shit out there claiming to be 'the hardest game you've never played etc' I'm not meme'ing like with Dark Souls or ninja gaiden, I legimately believe the developers intended for you to cheat to beat this fucking game because it's so frustratingly hard despite not being a bullet hell shooter.
It's called B.O.B, It's a SNES game about a Robot trying to go meet his date on an alien planet. Gameplay is a 2D platformer with different limited ammo types and painfully unfair enemies. Seriously everything just wants to murder you, and sometimes you're forced to take damage because you weren't careful with your items. It's hard as fuck and I've never beaten it.
Scratch that, I found it on Steam of all places, holy fuck. It's also on PS3, maybe more.
Battle Fantasia, shit's fun.
Ever wanted to play Breakout as an action/adventure game? Well this is the game for you.
not 9/10 or anything but its pretty good so far. been playing or trying to play alot of pc-98 games recently and this one is a standout
its held back by its system but its still alot of fun and sprite work is top notch. wish my japanese was good enough to know where the fuck i should be going or that there was a guide online somewhere
I've seen it mentioned sometimes but never seen it actually talked about on Sup Forums. A good little turn based game that plays sort of like Worms but has story progression and level ups to characters. Each character's distinct enough to give replay value too, and the higher difficulties are actually challenging.
a classic
Final Fantasy Legend 2 was my first RPG as a child. You've probably seen it recommended somewhere along with the shitty remake on DS.
You're on a quest to collect 77 'Magi' magical items spread across multiple worlds stacked on top of each other connected by 'The Celestial Pillar' which might I add has some chill music
So when you start the game you get to choose your party from
>Gains stats randomly from battle victories Mutants
>Similar to humans but learn magic also
>Loses half of the uses of any item you equip it with, swords, guns etc, but restores uses at Inns. All weapons are limited use ALL OF THEM.
>Eat meat of stronger monsters to undergo a magical shitshow of transformations, use a guide if you want to get a non useless monster, try to go for faeries if you do it blind.
So game is hard as fuck, actually has a pretty cool story, the game manual warns you that a party of 4 robots is a terrible idea, and it LIES.
If you like this one, check out FF legend 3 as well, it's got its own epic story and some updated battle mechanics, but I would suggest you play both.
this was remade for the DS. and is superior on it.
legend 3 was a great game
The series this game is from is famous but this game wasnt what its fans wanted so not alot of people gave it a chance. It's a card srpg with mgs stealth rules and it works great.
Heck yeah.
I'm literally on the second last level of this, unless they're going to deliver some surprise when I finish them. Steamworld dig was great as well but painfully short (just like this one probably is) Also the bar song in this game was pleasant to my eardrums.
I'm aware of the remake, but I wouldn't say its superior. It's definitely easier though.
It sure was,
That feel when dying to agron over and over having to watch Dion sacrifice himself 50+ times, also holy dick, Dion is a child in the present, and you meet him again in the future only to see him kill himself
I don't know how well known this one is, but I've never seen anyone talk about it and I really like it. It's called Puppeteer.
The game is presented as a mock theatre much like the Paper Mario series battles are. Moving between areas will be met with curtain closes or scene items scrambling together from off screen etc. IT, IS, GORGEOUS. And I'm so fucking sad I don't own it yet. I've literally played the demo like 15 times.
Anyway, You're 'Kutaro' a young boy who's soul has been stolen by the 'Moonbear king' You play as a wooden puppet version of yourself with a head that frequently falls off while everyone bullies the shit out of you.
Your one hope is a magical pair of scissors called 'Calibrus' that can cut fabrics, enemies, etc. And give you some hope of rescuing a princess and all that jazz. It's visually beautiful, there's constant narration scene per scene but with full movement on your part and no cutscenes. Also you can pick up various other heads that have special (usually circumstantial effects) Definitely check it out if you want a really unique visual ride.
I liked Dig too, though that felt a lot shorter to me than Heist did. Or at least Heist's length doesn't feel like nearly as big an issue as Dig's did since i wanted to do at least two more playthroughs trying different party ideas on the higher difficulties. New Game+ also lets you start with everybody recruited from the beginning, but at level 0 which can help with that. There's three main maps/campaigns.
good taste
AWWWW SHIT THERE'S MORE? awesome. I feel like lasersight weapons are pretty much the best you can get though, if it's possible for muscly melee friend to outdamage them somehow that'd be great, but that's my experience so far.
You're still fighting royalists, aren't you? It's going to get a lot more rough.
Billy seems kind of neat but a little too gimmicky. Especially in the later part of the game where you need guns to do anything. He can absolutely wreck shit in early game via NG+ though, but then he'll be less useful if you carry him to the late game anyways.
As for lasersights, they do feel really reliable, but they just can't keep up with assault and heavy weapons when it comes to bringing firepower. They are still very valuable though for making very long distance shots. Valentine's the best for this, just gotta try to keep him safe during boss fights.
Shilling for Gotta Protectors
Musou/Gauntlet-esque game made by the Street of Rage 2 devs
One of the best games I've played this year.
At least it got a NA release. RIP SWORDCRAFT 3.
Pretty much that.
>That barbarian
Oh yes
>That ninja
Hentai Kamen?
Looks interesting, might have to check it out.
I am, and yeah, obviously I can still point blank/medium range hit targets between cover most of the time. But lasersight with a rifle essentially lets you line up a shot two rooms away, bounce it off 6 different walls and into the back of the enemy's head.
>Boss fights
Come to think, I don't remember fighting more than one boss really. I guess I am in for more. If rifles really do fall off I'll have to start buying more shit. At the moment I'm pretty much relying on Valentine to do most of the work. It's hard not to be greedy and clear out a whole stage every time, I need that tasty 100% completion.
Bringing up Einhander for those who don't know it. This is a PS1 Classic made by Square back when they pulled some kind of wizardry to make an amazing 2.5D bullet hell shooter.
Do not be confused though, this isn't like touhou or gradius. You don't have to be into the genre to like this, you literally just have to sit down and play it for a few minutes to see the appeal.
In this game you're a suicide pilot from the moon colony who is warring with the earth colonies, there isn't a lot of story or cutscenes outside of the intro and mission briefings between levels, it's all seamless and buttery smooth.
When you start the game you pick from one of 3 different ships, One has two simultanous projectiles and one weapon pod, one has 3 weapon pods, and one lets you wield two weapon pods at once.
What are weapon pods? pretty much every enemy in existence can be killed for their weapon, which will briefly display its name, you grab it by flying into it. All weapon pods are limited ammo but very powerful, they range from cool shit like homing missles, armor piercing tesla guns, literal beamswords and more. Also any weapons you encounter in your playthroughs, you can then start with from the beginning, with full ammo on every death.
The game is fun as hell, and has a great OST, just listen to this:
One of the earliest games I ever played. Only just recently rediscovered it.
Zanzarah is like an action version of Pokemon with a fantastic design. Great combat, great visuals, decent story, great exploration element with lots of side things to find.
That looks cool as fuck after I watched some gameplay. Will definitely get it on my cfw 2DS because I'm still broke Thank you for the recommendation!
You want a huge blast from the past? This was an interactive demo disc from the 90s where you walk around a space station loading up different games from video screens.
This game is just fucking insane. You ride on walls, do mad spins in the air, use a bunch of weaponry and have cool huge open levels to ride around, unlocking secret cars that all look like radical 90s toys.
Alex Fergusons Player Manager 2001 on PSone
It was literally Football Manager 2015 but with a better game engine.
pic related was a neat little jrpg that was real alice in wonderland feeling. Its is horribly dated and is a 7/10 at best but the imagery was great.
>Does it get better? Is there some trick to it? did I miss upgrades somehow?
The plot gets better. After you drive the invaders out halfway through the game, you invade their country, are blatantly the villains in that situation, and in the end Gulcasa goes mad with grief after you kill all his friends.
Its even worse if you somehow managed to play Blaze Union, which is about how Gulcasa rose to power in the first place.
Die Hard Trilogy (PS1)
Legend of The Dragoon (PS1)
Driver 1-2 (PS1)
True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2)
Thats all I can think of, theres probably plenty of people who have played these games, but they are great
It had a bit of a buzz when it came out, but now it's mostly forgotten. Also sequel's alright but very buggy to the point that it's easy as fuck to corrupt all your saves.
I need to try this game as well.
Definitely going to play more tomorrow then. I'm hyped for more levels.
Also I'm going to post a gem I found on the 3DS Eshop for those of you who enjoy roguelikes. It's on steam as well apparently and I'm probably playing the worse port, but whatever.
It's called Quest of Dungeons (Oh boy what a name!) You pick from a Mage, Warrior, Archer, or Druid. And make your way through a sprawling dungeon kind of like Shiren the wanderer, only with more permadeath.
It's pretty comfy on portable from what I experienced. I mostly only played the mage because the prospect of having different spells appealed to me. Stronger enemies required kiting, it was hard.
Damn nigga you dumb
If you do, remember to go back for the ore as soon as you can and get extra.
PSP or DS?
talking about
the elder scrolls v skyrim
Bought this at a buy 2 get 1 used game sale. I expected some generic bullshit but it was actually really well done and surprisingly difficult.
is there any game where the girl needs to rescue the boy?
>well done
You can just spam vampire mode and steamroll every boss aside from that 2v2 one you have to beat in team.
I remember the crab that gave you the ice spirit being a pain in the ass, that and the final boss.
Cool thing about B.O.B., the source files were found and made available several years back. As far as I know it's the only SNES game where source has ever been recovered like that.
That was the best trailer I've seen all year
7th dragon and 7th saga
is it translated?
great taste
It was fan translated a only a few years ago so that explains why not many people played it.
Mystic Ark was also part of the 7th saga series, albeit with no real connection in plot.
fuck, i loved this game
Fun bit of tivia about that: In FFXIV, the first boss of one of the dungeons added in the last major patch before the expansion came out is a weird bird thing called Einhander. It periodically flies up and comes back down holding weapons(scrap from the derelict crashed flying battleship you're exploring) in its talons that it fires at you. They're the same ones from the shmup, and it even holds them at that same downward angle, too.
This badassery right here
Suguri 1 and 2
My favorite action games ever. Fast, satisfying and smooth gameplay.
Touhou Soujinengi
Has a deep combat system, great music and balls to the walls boss fights.
Lethal Application
Lots of shit to blow up and an amazing final boss.
Legend of Dark Witch
A game reminiscent of Mega Man but with a Gradius upgrade system, extremely fast-paced on the highest difficulty.
I figured, Thank you for the advice senpai
I recall seeing this during my GBA emulation sprees. Adding it to my list to give it a try.
Whaaaat, That's amazing. I'll have to do some research on that. I'd love to see their programmers notes. Specifically if there's anything in there mentioning how the player is "going to get repeatedly fucked in this section" seriously though, that's incredibly cool.
B.O.B's animation and sound is actually really well done, it's just hard to enjoy when the game is so hard.
I need to save this thread for these cool facts alone. Subtle reference to one of my favorite games of all time done in a tasteful way? impossible.
I think I played the port of this on DS. I didn't end up sticking it out. It's harder for me to value a game when I'm playing a pirated copy with a save that will be thrown away.
PSP version sucked dick,
Also the "How'd they get behind us" stuff is a huge hint that the valkyrie ladies are twins, not just one person
What are some short games? I played almsot everything off the recommended freeware list.
Short games? Contact on Nintendo DS is pretty short and enjoyable.
The artstyle is actually kind of reminiscent of earthbound.