This boss is artificial difficulty

This boss is artificial difficulty.

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i actually didn't have what it takes to beat him, now this is a quality of a proper videogame

the whole game is shit

how, exactly? it does the same thing as the other boss fights, but it's just harder
>inb4 he dodges
yeah, and in other fights you have to spend turns just passing, or several turns hammering damage into them.

how so

You literally kill him in one hit. It even says he's the weakest enemy in the game. Fucking casuals.

Back in my day, we played cheap little mini games made by high school and college students knowing they were shit and we mostly dicked around in them, but acknowledged that at least whoever made them was having fun and not trying to get anything out of it aside from practicing their coding skills or maintaining a hobby they liked.

But now people are fucking paying money for this shit, most of these devs are attention whores on social media, and the whole community in general acts like they are proper games worth defending in the face of industry-made games. What the fuck happened?

>what the fuck happened?
Social justice and gamergate my man

>attention whore

Wasn't that kinda the entire point of his fight? He fought dirty because he knew he couldn't beat you in a fair fight. He wasn't even trying to win, he was trying to piss you off so hard you'd never touch the game again.

This fight was by far the funnest part of the game.
The flavour text on every death was a nice touch too.
Trial and error is a legitimate form of difficulty

maybe not shit, but definitely overrated

OP's pic and like two other bosses were the only difficult points of the WHOLE GAME, everything else was not challenging

the writing was standard fare

three playthroughs on a linear game is not high replayability

only really good feature was the soundtrack

This, there's no turning back once you get to Sans. He's the gatekeeper to Chara, and he's doing everything in his power to stop you.

>Trial and error is a legitimate form of difficulty
not if it involves punishing you with a fail state when you, as the player, didn't fail. I'm not saying undertale did this, just as a general concept

By definition isn't that not an error?

what? I think you might have misread my post

I am saying punishing the player when they didn't do anything wrong is bad game design and artificial difficulty


>pit with a bunch of platforms suspended over it

>one of them will drop into the pit if the player jumps on it, with no indication of this fact whatsoever, it looks identical to the rest. And if you jump on the platform, there is no way you'll be able to save yourself by jumping to another platform even with superhuman reflexes

>player jumps on it because they don't know any better

>YOU DIED (direct implication the player failed)

that's bad game design

Trial-and-error is only alright when done in a form which does not immediately punish the player for errors

If a perfect player with superhuman reflexes, following all the rules of the game explained to him to the letter, can't beat a game on the first try, it's a badly designed game

meant for

>Didn't do anything wrong
>They killed Toriel, Papyrus, and Undyne

It's meta you fucking retard. The entire fucking game is meta.

read and apologize, you fucking retard

Artificial in what way? The game gives you all the tools you need to beat him before you arrive at him, and it's on you to execute correctly


For what? You're gay. Sorry you're gay.

What's the best song and why is it Bergentruckung/ASGORE?

You are literally 13 years old. What are you doing here?

>If a perfect player with superhuman reflexes, following all the rules of the game explained to him to the letter, can't beat a game on the first try, it's a badly designed game
>the game is good or bad based off a player's individual skill of games

>I'm not saying undertale did this|
>tells me about how undertale didn't do it
So you're not just a fucking retard, you're an illiterate faggot too.

I get what you mean and I agree.
However you could cite similar issues with any sort of difficulty put into a game, and your point doesn't delegitimize trial and error as a valid form of difficulty.

I really just don't understand the tangent. Bad game design is bad game design.

I'm literally 24 years old, and I'm shitposting on a Malaysian shitsmear board.

Post your dick and drivers license, faggot


>artificial difficulty
It's all artificial you melt it's a fucking video game

Ever heard of a little something called cookie clicker?

YOu sound so stupid right now.

you're just asking for trouble.

Exactly. That's the reason Sans actually tries doing anything at the end of a Genocide run instead of every other run. Because he knows there's not gonna be a reset if you go any further, it'll all be erased. Despite his Nilistic viewpoint on life, I've always felt that he clinged onto the thin hope that you'd just stop and things would just turn out for the better. I'm sure he wishes you reset the game every time you kill Papyrus.

Not saying you're wrong, but Undertale relies on the idea of trial-and-error. There's no way you're gonna know each enemy's spare settings are on your first run. Hell, the SAVE ability is just a time-rewind failsafe in the event you die, specifically there so that you can learn an enemy's pattern. The only time the game stops being fair is during the Sans fight, and that's the entire point of the fight.

>If a perfect player with superhuman reflexes, following all the rules of the game explained to him to the letter, can't beat a game on the first try, it's a badly designed game

Not everyone is Asian.

The theme of the game is literally reseting time to try again
In real life you get fucked, in the game you get fucked, but you reset and try again knowing more than you did before

thanks for that enlightening piece of information oh sage user

>its easier than Patchouli EOSD on Normal Mode

you Underbabbies make me laugh.

>the bad design is part of the game guys! you just don't get it!

Ha, next time wipe it off

Define """artificial""" difficulty

With specific regard to how it differs from """normal""" difficulty

holy shit user. Kill yourself

Anyone who seriously had trouble killing this guy whether it be for emotional reasons or just sucking shit at the game should consider offing themselves. It's sad that we live in an age where you can have shit gameplay in a game and it still gets 10/10 from almost everyone because of some guilt trippy bullshit and shitty meme characters.

that's the joke