Name a more jewish video game company
Name a more jewish video game company
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I fucked your mom last night and she felt so good
EA games basically require the DLC to play them online. Paradox not only lets you play with people using DLC, but enables it for you for that game as well.
I know their DLC releases are sometimes shitty, but they're still a far cry from EA shittiness.
Creative Assembly is getting there. Not even paradox does something like charging $20 for a faction
Justify This
t. perverted jew
paradox at least puts effort and passion into their games instead of mass producing the latest corporate boardroom designed sequel
ActiBlizzard. EA. Ubisoft.
Are you retarded?
>paradox at least puts effort and passion into their games
woah lad wew I don't even desu famille
It's 15€ and it's reasonable considering the amount of work that get put into it.
I kinda can understand Paradox's policy with DLCs, since they make massive games for a very niche market
You know nothing and can't understand even the simplest of jewing.
You sound really angry user.
Just pirate their shit and move on.
This. It hurts to pay so much for content but i get autistic satisfaction from their games so i don't really care.
We have a winner
Paradox is one of the least Jewish devs I can think of. Their DLC is almost always just optional stuff that doesn't really make a difference. Other devs make DLC basically mandatory, make always online singleplayer games, stop supporting games far too early, release their games on shitty platforms, run literal gambling rings, etc.
That bloat is impossible to play these days. It was almost painful to observe their descent into total and unabashed jewery and pandering and always taking the easy route.
Everything good about EU3 and Vicky has been lost while all the awfulness has been enhanced. It's an unfun and banal chore these days. The greatest challenge is not overcoming the gameplay situations but struggling with the literally arbitrary mechanics.
It's just awful.
Also, DLC is mandatory in the sense that the AI players will get full access to the features while you with your "free patch" don't. So it's mandatory in that you can play on an older version. As you should since anything from 1.9.2 upwards is shit.
>Their DLC is almost always just optional stuff that doesn't really make a difference.
I take it you're not a CKII fan.
>what is sword of the stars 2
>Paid features
>Random pointless shit
>Patch features
>Literally revamping the entire game from the ground up
ultra garbage
eu3 and vicky2 were masterminded by Johan, who no longer holds much sway in the development process. Literal manchildren Wiz and Podcat now lead development of their respective projects, both are confirmed retards.
I don't get why they get called jews all the time, sure they make a ton of dlc for their games but none of it is essential and they have no drm so you can just pirate all of it, plus you can get all of it for like 40 bucks during a sale, they look like angels compared to most publishers
A game published but not developed by Paradox
But what if the dlc ruins the game instead of improving or expanding it?
I fucked your dad last night and he felt so good
then you don't buy it
But if the free patch accompanying the dlc enable all those feature for the AI to clumsily exploit while the player can't?
>what is EUIV
>what is Stellaris
>what is Hoi4
These games are not even comparable to good games like Vicky2 Hoi3 and Darkest Hour.
You underage faggots need to get off Sup Forums, if you think its anything other than these 3 you dont belong here
/gsg/ go and stay go, stop getting so buttmad that Stellaris outsold all your dead as fuck gsg games.
then you roll back to the previous patch you were playing
It's like you think i wanted the game to be bad, i fucking looked forward to it but was as disappointed in it as Fallout 4.
>literally the entire game
What is it that you like about that game that you can't get from any other game?
>Paradox is one of the least Jewish devs I can think of
>download crusader kings
>games flaps it slaps its dick across my face "see all this shit? its all DLC and I'll constantly remind you to about these features you forgot to purchase :^)"
fuck paradox
Oh wow so you haven't even played it recently
Well done staying ignorant
They're not.
But what if faggots keep making posts about their dlc being 'benign' and how 'free patches' are so good that they shouldn't even be free at all and that they'd happily pay double for that or 'paradox at least puts effort and passion into their games' and 'I kinda can understand Paradox's policy with DLCs, since they make massive games for a very niche market' and all this drives the dev ever deeper into the whole of pandering and jewery?
So you don't even know why you play it, why the fuck do you even play games?
Pic related it's you.
Paradox is just a shit gamemaker occupying a cool market.
Risk was big enough in the boardgame biz that it's dishonored by having such a craptastic videogame equivalent.
Can't wait for an American company to rape them out of their market.
>Calls a game shit
>Has no justification as to why other than 'blob' which was changed literally months ago
I get it, you're an idiot and want to save face. Go on ill let you get the last reply so you can post something witty and feel good.
>>literally the entire game
You obviously dont even play Stellaris because the last update completely revamp the combat system, blobbing is a sure fire way to lose your entire fleet now.
Pretty sure Swedes are anti-Jew because they upset their Muslim brothers
Matrix Games really busts my balls with their insane prices. Gary Grigsby taunts me with his 80 dollar pricetag.
>enjoying the fuck out of EU4
>completely move over from EU3
>Tell Steam not to update
>It does anyway
>keep having to restart every time there's a patch
>eventually they change the building system and fortresses
>game is unplayable
>go back to EU3
Sorry, EU4, we had our moments, but I'm going back to my ex.
Horse armor.
You forgot paid mods and SE.
I get that you're trying to justify buying that game but maybe you should try just not buying shit games from now on.
>you don't need to blob anymore that's why the game is good lmao
I agree that as long as you don't need to blob every game is good, i fucking love Undertale because you don't need to blob thanks for this revelation lad.
Man, that was easy.
seriously, its EA. I dunno how anyone could argue with it.
The CEO of Bethesda/Zenimax is a jewish ex-lawyer crook who illegitimately fired the original CEO who hired him in the first place, try topping that
Fuck off m8, all those expansions are great, the only jewy thing is the commanders
It's not hard to look these things up
that's the thing, there is no "pandering and jewery" here, they're making extra content for their games which you can choose not to buy, if you feel like it's not worth the money then you can pirate them because unlike most publishers they're keeping their games drm free, if you don't like the patches then you can just roll them back, if you don't like the games that's fine no one is forcing you to buy them, if you bought a game and didn't like it you can even get a refund. there is literally no pleasing you people.
>Implying everyone doesn't pirate Paradox DLC anyway
im not reading all that
point to where he fires anyone