Why aren't there any good likable female protagonists?
Or for that matter any good games where the protagonist is a female?
Why aren't there any good likable female protagonists?
Or for that matter any good games where the protagonist is a female?
Other urls found in this thread:
Or for that matter any games period?
>why arent there any good protagonists wah wah
game gets a female protagonist
because it's not true to life.
Women don't go around swinging 8 foot swords around like they weigh nothing. Plus they have a built in weakiness: their period. How can you be the savior of the world when you get cramps, cry and want chocolate to get you through the night?
Women work best in horror/disempowering games. I think the best female protagonists emulate Ripley.
men don't need to scratch their balls if they wear tight pants. they don't need to fart if they've eaten a big meal. Your point?
>men don't need to scratch their balls if they wear tight pants
>tight pants
Why even do that? It limits mobility and makes you sweat. Besides that takes 5 seconds to fix, tell me about a girl who go rid of her period in 5 seconds.
My point is that women are not as strong as men, have no sense of loyalty as men, have no desire to put the common good ahead of their own and generally won't use logic to solve their problems. There is no sense it suspending reality and making women something they are not. I'm not saying a girl can't be a protagonist but they work better in some genres than others.
Faggots like you don't usually have the courage to shitpost, and yet here you are proving the universe wrong. Anything can happen, user.
>Why even do that?
because it's a fucking video game. it is FICTION.
>Why even do that?
Because it is a fictional videogame you twerp.
Because video games are about making money and they don't care enough to stick a female protagonist onto something if male protagonists are selling just fine.
Hit too close to home?
I think this user is right. A game/movie where emotion is the most important tool for telling the story, women can do great.
i'm playing parasite eve II currently and i think its a great game. aya brea is a good woman.
lol I didn't read your post, but the fact you're still posting shows that you're doing a great job with controlling your anxiety. Only matter of time before you'll become a bigdick tripfag.
>entire world is currently being fucked by men who only see other people as potential business partners, competition, or animals
>entire world is currently being fucked by men who put personal wealth and power above anything else, including human life and rights
Are you just trolling or what?
Are you trying to say Metroid isn't good or Samus is not a good character?
Can't tell if white knights or butthurt women. Either way, it's true.
read my post, it's breddy gud.
Not an argument. Try again.
Lol. Women need material to argue with because they can't come up with it on their own. Sad. I gave a list of good arguments but I'll humour you some.
Women are not as strong as men.
Do you mean to imply Samus isn't a good female protagonist?
Ripley is easily one of the best female protagonists. Or at least until Joss Whedon got a hold of her.
>Oh look, this thread again
It also occasionally works in other genres that have that as a theme, too.
Trails in the Sky, for example, makes a big deal about Estelle trying to live up to her brother. If nothing changed except her and her brother getting genderswapped, the game would be much worse for it because trying to be as strong as your sister just doesn't have as much impact.
I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing the claim that men have a sense of loyalty and put the common good ahead of personal gain. See here:
Best women in movies.
Alright. Here's one.
>stuck in shitty, vulnerable disempowering situation
>Ripley just gets pissed as shit and claws her way out of it
this shit is how you do it
Metroid should never have gone first-person. Zero Suit Samus was a mistake.
Post a link to a source for that. Text on an image isn't credible.
That's true for Sup Forums, but even outside of here most female characters are shit.
Samus, Heather from SH2 are pretty much the only two good female characters i think I've played, and Heather was a bit of a "explain the story via questioning other characters" character at times.
strong enough to give birth to you, faggot
Zero Suit Samus didn't come from Prime, what are you saying?
Once again Zero Suit had nothing to do with a shitty stealth section being added to a remake or Other M ruining her character. Plus just making 2D Metroid 5, making suitless Samus gameplay an Amiibo bonus similar to the "Justin Bailey" code, and making Samus personality more in line with her personality from Metroid Fusion would fix any damage Zero Mission and Other M caused to the franchise.
Everyone just focuses on Zero Suit and how sexy she is but not on the fucking game itself.
FPS is just dumb because you can't run and sprint or even climb.
Did you even look at the bottom? It has the name of the fucking study and the people who did it.
>Gender Differences in the Relational and Collective Bases for Trust
But since you don't know how to use a search engine, I, the big strong man will do it for you. There is a link to the PDF on the web page too.
>Everyone just focuses on Zero Suit and how sexy she is but not on the fucking game itself.
That's partially because there hasn't been a game in a decade. Most people fucking loved Metroid for the gameplay.
>Everyone just focuses on Zero Suit and how sexy she is but not on the fucking game itself.
I mean, fair enough. I've seen that happen. But what does this have to do with going first person? The Zero Suit was introduced in a sidescroller. I don't quite follow.
Wow, something that humans have evolved to do and pretty much any woman in child birthing age can do. Giving birth is not special. Nearly half the population can do it.
What's your favorite meme these days, faggot? You into mudkips?
Depends on the day. I'm pretty keen on this one though.
Questionable already.
doesn't contain most of what that image states, and doesn't refute the reality that most American men are primarily concerned with personal gain. There is no loyalty to friends (hookup culture and rampant cheating).
>one book source
>statistics meme
>study from 1999 but published in 2005
I can careless about your comment about the Prime series, I was talking about you bring up the Zero Suit ruining Metroid and not looking at the elephants in the room, Zero Mission and Other M.
I enjoyed this character, no bullshit attitude, bound to duty, a true gaurdsmen.
>anime reaction image
kill yourself faggot
so you admit everyone can be strong and that being special means you must be strong? ok
It's magic
How about (You) kill yourself faggot? This is a site founded to discuss Japanese culture. Go to if you don't like anime.
>Questionable already
>doesn't refute the reality that most American men are primarily concerned with personal gain
Literally a meme point that you made up. The study isn't trying to prove anything about American men. It's talking about stereotypical differences in men and women in general.
>There is no loyalty to friends
IF you read the study, it talks about how men ARE NOT LIKE WOMEN who are more focused on a personal feelings bullshit like women are.
>pic related
kill yourself faggot
>Game has a female protag
>Makes them a powerful mary sue
>Her mentality is strong
>She is strong
>She has no faults
>Just clearing the story in a chapter of tetris like progression
Game developers and weak story tellers in general don't understand character growth.
When someone has no faults you don't feel for them; nor do you connect with them.
What makes them a character you should like other than them being all powerful?
Them being female?
When 90% of non mobile gamers are male then there is going to be a disconnect.
If and when game developers learn that protagonists need to be more human than female, then they will make a good game.
Call me when that happens but in the mean time i'd rather not have a character forced on me just because she's female. I don't care about equality I care about how a story makes me feel and whether or not a character is male or female is irrelevant.
Clearly female poster using social stigma rather than counterarguments for a discussion.
Hilarious keep these posts coming.
>personal feelings bullshit
Is that not loyalty as you described men to have? If men were loyal as a rule and not an exception, stories about the best friend of some guy enabling a woman to cheat on her boyfriend with the best friend.
Most men don't do that. They just fuck the girl and never tell.
wew lad. Can you not read? I said
>giving birth is not special
>nearly half the population can do it
Giving birth is not like squatting 500 lbs. As long as the woman is healthy, she can give birth.
I just realised pretty much all the upcoming Metroidvania titles have female protagonists.
Life is good.
wew lad. Can you not read? I said
>It's a video game. It's fiction.
That green text applies to the majority of male characters in games too.
Gender shit is besides the point, it's a question of writing quality.
Fuck yeah.
>Game developers and weak story tellers in general don't understand character growth.
>When someone has no faults you don't feel for them; nor do you connect with them.
>What makes them a character you should like other than them being all powerful?
>If and when game developers learn that protagonists need to be more human than female, then they will make a good game.
I agree. We'll get more female characters when they realize all characters must be more human.
Fuck you, Heather and Silent Hill 3 are both fantastic.
Heather is one of the, if not the only, best teenage girl characters in vidya. She has reasonable reactions, goals, thoughts, and isn't just a male character that someone gave tits.
look harder
Because very very very fucking few devs can bring to life a female lead that doesn't feel forced or pandering. Our default setting is male because a majority of us are. If there is a female lead it is going against the norm and must be explained. Either for sexual fan service or to pander to people who specifically want a female lead because male leads are the norm.
It is the same reason no non-cuck male cannot have female friends. A female friend is just a girl you have not managed to fuck yet. It is in our blood. We cannot fight our nature and our nature is pretty basic. Men are men. Women are women. If you create a character that challenges the flow you have to give a reason why. So far no one can give a good reason why.
fucking Fallout 4 does this shit.
Why the fuck does a newly first-time mother not give a shit about her infant son? Why are you even allowed to do side quests? It makes no fucking sense.
With males though they have a reason for being in the game.
>Majority male viewership and purchases
In a realistic sense males in a combat game make more sense as well.
It's not just about writing, the issue is shoehorning in a woman for social politics alone.
Putting Sup Forums garbage etc aside from this arguement it's a real issue.
If women don't want to be viewed as a joke in games then changes need to be made.
If a game makes more sense to have a woman then I agree with you it should have a woman. The issue is again good writing and appropriate placement.
>Because very very very fucking few devs can bring to life a female lead that doesn't feel forced or pandering.
>A female friend is just a girl you have not managed to fuck yet. It is in our blood. We cannot fight our nature and our nature is pretty basic.
Wow, that was quite a jump in statements.
>If men were loyal as a rule and not an exception, stories about the best friend of some guy enabling a woman to cheat on her boyfriend with the best friend.
What a mess of a poorly conceived sentence.
probably meant today
This guy is right.
We're talking about human behavior not the difference between the NES and SNES.
What is the army? A bunch of butt buddies that love each other so much that they will die for each other? No. It's a group of men who are fighting for an ideal. In America that ideal was freedom and private property.
> If men were loyal as a rule and not an exception
Wrong. I never said they were 100% always more loyal. I said they have no sense of loyalty as men, meaning their idea of loyalty is different from men.
I thought you were talking about childbirth. If not, clarify.
So much butthurt. I love it.
I'm tired.
If men were loyal as a rule rather than an exception friends would not enable your woman to cheat with them.
The army is mainly guys looking to kill people, do something other than wagecuck, or use it to go to school.
They have to be loyal to each other because their lives depend on it, and the military spends ample time brainwashing you into believing in that sort of thing.
They compliment each other. Men think of women as sexual conquests. Sure it can get deeper and there are exceptions but we didn't survive 65 million years of history because of equal rights and social justice. We survived because our men fought like savage animals with the distinct advantage of a brain while our women cared for our young and nurtured the next generation.
If there is a female lead in a video game our immediate reaction is 'why not a male'? It is putting the pieces in the wrong place on purpose. That purpose is usually sexual positioning as a selling point or to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
Both of these seldom lead to good female leads. Thus reinforcing the stereotype that female leads are bad. As they are usually shallow dick baiting or virtue signalling gender politic bullshit.
kill yourself faggot
>Majority male viewership and purchases
That's exactly the same reason to have a female protagonist, though. Attractive girls have been used as protagonists in games for years for that reason.
>In a realistic sense males in a combat game make more sense as well.
Realism is immaterial in most games. It's not realistic for a human to be able to kill a giant dragon or robot with crude weaponry, but that's still standard practise whether the character is male or female.
>It's not just about writing, the issue is shoehorning in a woman for social politics alone.
If that's what's actually being done, but that's only the case of a handful of modern games for a practise that's been common since the 80s. The MC girls of back then weren't pushing some kind of social agenda and a lot of the modern ones aren't either.
>If women don't want to be viewed as a joke in games then changes need to be made.
Such as what, exactly?
>If a game makes more sense to have a woman then I agree with you it should have a woman. The issue is again good writing and appropriate placement.
I don't know what you mean by 'if it makes more sense'. How about it can just be that way because of creative license with no further justification needed? Needing a justification either way is part of the problem, a game should be judged on it's quality first and foremost and not whether it's using genders appropriately. It's inane and largely immaterial to well-designed or well-written games in general.
>If there is a female lead in a video game our immediate reaction is 'why not a male'?
Can't say I have that same reaction. Even when playing games with generally stereotypical feminine roles (cooking, caring for young, etc) it doesn't necessarily feel "right" or something. It just feels like I'm playing a character, that's really it.
Playing Heather in Silent Hill 3 doesn't really bother me. Nor does playing a guy in a romance focused VN where it's all about feelings and shit.
But to each their own I guess.
I know, I'm trying my best. It's fun though.
>men were loyal as a rule rather than an exception
No one is saying this. You realize that you're making up a hypothetical that makes it so that you're correct but I'm not even arguing that at all. I'm saying men's loyalty is different and better for a large group, like a nation, than the loyalty women have.
>the army is mainly guys looking to kill people
No. The purpose of the army is to protect the nation that it's from.
>They have to be loyal to each other because their lives depend on it
Well yeah, no shit. But they have to be able to keep casualties to a minimum and still win. During war, men will go and fight even if they don't want to. They will do it because they understand what is at stake if they don't. Sure there are draft dogers but that is frowned upon and unmanly. Men will more often than not risk their life to protect their family whereas a women will be too caught up and selfish about her own safety to do it unless she had no other option.
Don't get mad, lady. The truth hurts.
I don't think you understand. I was in the military for 4 years and the only people I spoke to that joined for any reason similar to what you're arguing were in the Marines. They were usually dumbasses too.
But when you join you understand the risk that you're taking. It's for a specific purpose: the defense of the land at home and abroad. Whatever you personal decision is, either benefits after during/after service, willingness to serve, or no other option, you still know what you're in for.
Not going to respond to a lot of your points because they were exactly what I expected for someone to respond.
I don't know what you mean by 'if it makes more sense'. How about it can just be that way because of creative license with no further justification needed? Needing a justification either way is part of the problem, a game should be judged on it's quality first and foremost and not whether it's using genders appropriately. It's inane and largely immaterial to well-designed or well-written games in general.
Forced and broken stories that are taken from social politics are arguably worse than a standard game.
It takes away from the games story and overall value as a vehicle for growth.
I'm not sure who you're trying to convince because i'm solid in my beliefs. I'd rather have women and men in games but only if it would make sense for the story.
To believe and shout "but videogames!!" When any kind of fictitious bouts are shown; is in itself ridiculous.
Personally i'm trying to convince those who are being hatefully against women and self destructive of women in story telling fashions.
What are you arguing for?
You saying there are no issues with women in a story telling medium, when this whole thread is discussing women is itself ironic.
There is an issue with this and you are being ignorant of it.
Forgot greentext i'm tired.
I didn't give a shit about the nation because even if war broke out I wouldn't be on the front lines or anywhere near danger. I joined for the money and GI Bill, and I wouldn't have put my life in danger regardless of the circumstances.
Most of the other people I talked to about this also didn't give a shit about the nation. They were men.
This meme again
Well I'm afraid it's too much of a mess to make sense of, so I can't really say anything in response. Even with the greentext I think your points would probably still be borderline incomprehensible. Sorry.
I liked Regina in the first Dino Crisis, I still haven't played the second game yet.
I haven't heard of this game in ages, I remember seeing the video and the screenshots in their kickstarter page and instantly recognizing sprites and backgrounds from SotN, I suppose they used them as a placeholder.
If that's how you respond, it furthers my point.
There are people in this thread that would actually give their life for their country.
Just how fucking cucked by the state can one person be?
>I joined for the money and GI Bill
Yeah a lot of people do. I don't dispute that.
>I wouldn't have put my life in danger regardless of the circumstances.
Very honest of you. But you still joined so you know the risks.
>Most of the other people I talked to about this also didn't give a shit about the nation. They were men.
>They were men
They were not men.
kill yourself faggot
Why? What point? Your post is very poorly written and your case isn't understandable. I don't even know what your so-called 'beliefs' you're so steadfast about even are.
Go to sleep, you're clearly too tired to not post jibberish. Try again when you're more salient.
You're a complete joke, when your only rebuttals rely on you're wrong. Without displaying a case yourself.
You're not arguing for anything just trying to shitpost.
Go back to tumblr
The metroid games would be just as good if Samus would be a guy and they probably wouldn't have ruined the game with metroid other m, which made samus a shitty character.
Surprise Samus got shitty the first time her gender became relevant in the games.
They had a penis between their legs. They were men.
Hedonistic nihilism is worse than being "cucked by the state."
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying your argument isn't comprehensible.
Re-read your post and try to understand why it doesn't hold up as a response to .
I'm not insulting you, I'm being serious. Stop being so indignant and actually make your case properly.
Obviously you have no morals or values. What's it like having no shame? Do you form to whatever cock is jamming up your ass?
Hmmm even sweeter the second time.
You replied to individual points of my comment without having a point in mind.
The irony is palpable.
It works when female protagonist is sexualized, like in Oni, Heavy Metal, old tombrider e.t.c.
>No good female protagonists
You clearly haven't played Drakengard 3 with best girl Zero.