What's the verdict? Is it a trainwreck as the underageb& who weren't even around for tortanic would have you believe, or just mediocre?
Or is it decent?
What's the verdict? Is it a trainwreck as the underageb& who weren't even around for tortanic would have you believe, or just mediocre?
Or is it decent?
Its decent
It's weeb shit so I'll leave it up to you
8/10 pretty comfy.
7/10 material at best, maybe 5/10 at the worst.
At least it sold and reviewed well enough that other Squeenix projects aren't going to take too hard a hit.
Its not like SE makes any profit from shit like FFXV even if it sells a good amount. All the real money comes from mobileshit and MMOshit.
I'm 47 hours in and I'm still having a good time.
I'd give it an 8.
It's terrible. Just watch footage of any boss fight and you'll see that even Lightning's game is miles ahead. The open world design is obfuscating the low quality, as it does with most open world games, but it goes linear in the second half and when people reach that point they'll start to hate it when they are suddenly forced to actually analyze what they are playing and confront the core game systems.
It's less about the money and more about the reception/market response. If it had reviewed and/or sold poorly, it might have put a damper on sales for similar upcoming properties like KH, FFVII Ramake, Nier Automata, etc.
Just arrived at Caldin Quay where the dude asks you to get the stone. level 10 across the board. Cannot over state how underwhelmed I feel at this point. The landscape is just a big nothing, the bros started repeating themselves within minutes, not sure how much of a cluster fuck combat is supposed to be but it is impossible to know when to phase apart from the parry chance. Watched Kingsglaive and the brotherhood mini series especially for this and im super worried im about to get burned.
Is there hope guys?
If you don't like it now, you're going to despise it when you get to the end
No, the combat never gets better, phasing is as unresponsive as it is from the beginning all the way to the end.
A 6/10
Holy shit so i'm not alone in this. Phasing out seems broken and impossible.
Noctis commits to his attacks which would be fine if enemies telegraphed their attacks but they don't and the camera fucks you hard on anything that isn't plain flat grounds so weapons like GreatSword get you raped.
Enemies attack suddenly and without warning and make it near impossible to predict when to phase or continue attacking since you can't back out and the game does nothing to explain it better.
I am literally cheesing every fight with Warping and regrouping. The game also gets insufferable in Chapter 3 when you basically get raided by Nilfheim every 10 minutes like it's FARCRY 2 all over again.
The first real Hunt you have (Deadeye) has a cool pre-fight section but ends up being a gimmick fight where he is impossibly fast and phase doesn't do shit AND he one hit kills you, so you just run around like a faggot blowing up barrels (BTW good luck if you didn't prepare Fire spells beforehand lol).
The whole combat system is just complete chaos with no consistency in what you do. I just spazz all over the place. This is the definition of "all flash no substance". It's like the devs didn't even stop for a single second to actually sit down, play the game, and actually try to balance it. Kingdom Hearts shits all over this ass-combat. Why didn't they just use KH2FM combat. No one would have complained, it's the only good combat to come out of Squeenix.
Other than that graphics are nice and quests arr a mix of fun stuff and MMO kusoge. Also DO NOT play this game without watching Brotherhood and Kingsglaive first. It's like they assume you consumed all pre-release XV related material beforehand since the game explains NOTHING.
I like it a lot
Fuck you. Just how you type and word your sentences and the terms you use, you're a faggot.
I literally just passed the story. Closest I've been to tears in a videogame, not only at a single part, but close to tears for the entire last two chapters. Unreal. As the story progresses the story and gameplay become super Nomura. You can tell the main story shit wasn't changed much, just the open world stuff.
Really impressed overall. Managed to pass the story in 25 hours with some side quests.
Still got a shit ton left to do.
It's pretty hard to cry over people who look like they just walked out of a gay bar.
Stop fucking lying, this game and its story is not what Nomura wanted
And Tabata is all into that tearbait shit
Already at 11 hours at chapter 3.. I'm doing everything and having a blast. The game is great to play serious and just be chill in, love driving long distances listening to ff music and riding choccobos. Promptos picture taking is also cool too, didn't think I would like that but its actually pretty neat.
Just finished it, wasn't as long as I expected it to be, probably because they spent alot more time on all the side quests than actually focusingredients on the story, it was pretty good in the middle of it but it started to feel a bit rushed, like it needed alot more but they didn't want to delay it again and they thought "that'll do" combat is fun but at times frustrating especially when the camera goes all over the place and not knowing when to counter or instead of blocking you dodge instead. The final boss was ridiculous though when you go into kickass mode they could have done it alot better the the leviathan fight it'll stead of going all over the place. BUT the charactersuper were good loved ardyn and the rest of the gang but I felt it to be a bit lackluster at times so I reckon about a 7/10 could have been alot better
Not lying. A lot of what we saw originally is still pretty much there. I don't want to spoil anything story related for anyone. Also the gameplay and especially the boss battles are 100% nomura and you can't tell me different.
It does something inexplicably terrible that an FF game has never done.
It was bland.
Honestly, you could use any number of words to describe and FF game, but "bland" is something the series has never become.
The story is bland. The design is bland. The soundtrack is bland. The side quests are bland. The characters are bland. The world design is bland. The gimmick is bland.
It's a fucking shame.
20gil has been deposited
>most of the content is optional
I dislike this shit tbqh. 2 hour jump quest dungeon was pretty unique though. I just wished they put in the same amount of imagination and work towards the main story.
It's already down to £35 in GAME in my town (flash sale or some shit). Think it's the day one edition?
Worth it at that price or should I wait until it drops? I've played the Judgement Disc demo and didn't like the combat much, does it improve?
Combat definitely improves. At that price it's more than worth it.
That's a lie
If you bottomed out on the combat, ie, you weren't a fucking scrub, then you've seen all there is to see from the combat outside of a few weapons.
Why is fishing so shit?
Easily in the top 5 Final Fantasy list
It's a fishing mini game.
What did you expect, honestly? Fishing mini games peaked with Zelda on the N64
It's a victim of the open world meme.
10% 'story' 90% padding of shit quests. (for real, Dino actually has a quest CHAIN, seriously?)
It's a mess in terms of ideas, you can tell it's been pulled by different leaders all over the place in the 10 years or so of development.
That opening montage of the events of Kingsglaive in Chapter 2 wast he stupidest, laziest thing I've ever seen in terms of storytelling.
Ive played three hours and I don't know what Im doing or why I should care
It's awful everything falls apart after chapter 9 and I hope Tabata is fired.
Probably the worst game ive ever played, not joking.
I actually returned the day after i bought it.
The combat is slow as fuck to. And the entire story is cringe as fuck.
Did you watch the movie? Despite what Tabata says, it's fucking essential, without it you have no idea WHY or HOW the fuck Niflheim invaded Insomnia, why Lunafreya is suddenly on a road in the middle of nowhere and why Noctis is being sent away with just 4 of his friends.
>Driving long distances
>Chilling out
WEED BRO 420 like omg. WEED.
Oh my god BRO 420 on my list to WEED. Dank memes!!! FFXV forever for Gay bros!
If a game needs a feature length film for its basic premise to make sense then its not worth anyones time
I finished it today. No where near as bad as everyone saying it was.
Chapter 9 - 12 were so short, it could've all been done as a chapter on its own.
Chapter 13 was actually fun and required you to play differently.
The final boss was actually good. The webm's seem completely different to the fight I did. He was constantly 1 shotting me if i didn't hold dodge down all the time.
People obviously didn't watch the scene after the credits to show that Noctis and Luna are actually still alive.
Last time I feel even slightly swayed by Sup Forums's lies ever again.
No Bro the game is awesome you have to be a gay faggot like me to understand the huge philosophy behind it.
When it his £25, call me
BRO I totally get your a faggot that loves the cock and understands the deep bro gay themes in FFXV. But you need to stop schilling hard and be real like me bro. 420
You know it was bad when FF13 had important terms and stuff in it's glossary, but needing to watch a movie before I can even understand what Im doing in the game? FUCK. THAT.
>Final Fantasy 7
>You're a mercenary hired to blow up a power generator for a group of people fighting a corrupt and cruel mega conglomerate
You know how long it took to establish that? A FUCKING MINUTE! I knew all I needed to know IMMEDIATELY.
This is bait.
If anything, the open world is what will save it. That padding is the only reason anyone actually likes it, and they start hating it once it goes linear because then the game has to be played like an actual game and not a boyband road trip simulation.
It suffers from the same problem of XII.
There's much happening offscreen while your party is wanking eachother that it isn't even funny.
Music is pretty solid
Gladius has some good lines
The monsters look great, and all the non-cutscene animations are really good
Special effects look great too, especially things like bombs at night
Combat system does have a little more nuance than hold attack button
Some of the dungeons are decent
Theme park world is completely empty unless the game specifically tells you to go somewhere. No reason to explore.
The only things worth going to are quest markers. Don't bother with treasure, plants, or mining unless it's right next to you
Can't pick things up on chocobo
Sound quality is all over the place. Entire cutscenes with no sound, character dialog scripted for walking pace that cuts out instantly if you run
Noctis is a whiny bitch, and constantly goes "ennnnhhh" and "uhhhnnnn" for no reason when people talk to him
Combat with more than a couple enemies is annoying and tedious. Smaller, big enemies is better but they're not common
Way overleveled guys spawn at night blocking the road, so you're forced to go on foot or camp to get past. If you fight, 50% chance a dropship appears and then bombs spawn and you have no chance of winning the already-unfair fight vs overleveled guy
Can't resolve quests if an enemy is within 20 meters of the quest point, meaning if an iron giant is near you you have to wait until morning to do the quest
Constantly jumping instead of interacting/picking things up
I could go on more but you get the idea
I agree, I'm just saying this is the case. The taking over Insomnia by Niflheim is probably the single biggest event in the universe of XVand all you get from the game is a contextless montage that tells you fuck all.
And Noctis is so far very mildly vexed by learning by Newspaper that his home city has been taken over and his father murdered. Think back to XII and how Ashe treated the Empire with scorn for what they've done, here it's like "This Chancellor gives me the creeps"
Whereas in XII, Dr.Cid is clearly a lunatic but he at several points treats Ashe like an ally, something which she wisely shuns because she knows he's fucking dangerous and part of the empire.
No one acts in a believable way at all.
Schill confirmed.
Why the FUCK does Noct walk like a spaz in dungeons, I've had to bunny hop everywhere so far.
It dethroned FF2 as the worst FF.
Final Fantasy 13 I remember most of the complaints were about it not being open world until chapter 11 and Hope being an annoying ally.
Is Luna EVER going to be not sitting on her ass sending Noctis messages by book?
I remember that meme. I dropped the game once I got there and realized it's just as bad as the rest of the game.
Japan warned us and we didn't listen. We didn't have that luxury this time, though.
Do we seriosly not have a boss fight against Glauca in the game?
It's a good game but Sup Forums is confused because they think that there is nothing between blunder of the century and GOAT
No, you can thank Tabata for that.
>tfw I used his photograph for the final cutscene
It brought a tear to my eye desu. 10/10 game.
>Chapter 13 was actually fun
bull fucking shit
People say to wait till chapter 11 for the game to get good, but you're already on the 3rd last chapter and near the end of the game. Game is shit for chapter 1 - 10 and 12 - 13. It's only 1 chapter of good, and it's nothing anyways as it just feels like FFX calm lands.
Just give it to me this way: better or worse than FF13? That's all I want to know
He specifically ensured we wouldn't fight him?
To be fair, it was shit up until you get your sword. After that it's just solo Noctis wrecking shit.
They never speak to each other face to face in the game. Not once.
There's no hope, snow or vanille
To everyone having problem with dodging attacks:
Just buy this skill that let you dodge by pressing square at the last moment, and not holding it.
This way you can cancel your attack animation and dodge during them if your timing is good.
I was getting rekt like a bitch before and now fighting is really good without this hold square bullshit. Because "holding" works only when you are not in attack animation.
Hold O to win combat.
Did you like FF13's exposition being in the Datalog? FF15 has entire events, character development and deaths happen off screen.
One scene like how Ignis went blind will be sold to you later as DLC.
This game is rubbish and anyone who says otherwise doesn't like video games.
We could've had an epic villain like stella, making her more interesting. Instead we got a boring goodie-goodie nothing who does nothing. Luna is so shit she could be left out of the games plot completely
It is one of the shittier installments in the series, largely in part of being incomplete. If FF manages to become great again in the future, it will be remembered as part of that awkward period of history when developers seriously thought it would be a good idea to implement MMO busywork into a single player game.
Didn't drakenguard 3 do something similar. I heard it sold all the antagonists chapters off as extra and Im sure that could have really helped the story. I hope automata doesn't pull this shit
Game is basically everything XII was, but a million times worse, roll on the Zodiac remaster of XII.
>Why didn't they just use KH2FM combat.
For real.
If they really did just straight up copy KH's combat, this game would be a 9/10
>This game is rubbish and anyone who says otherwise doesn't like video games
>liking this game means he doesn't like games
>Didn't drakenguard 3 do something similar.
I don't know, I didn't play it.
>I hope automata doesn't pull this shit
I doubt it.
It's decent, I like it.
However since I am someone who comes to Sup Forums every day I can't help but be mad knowing how the game turned out compared to what it should have been.
>people whine about no more overworld
>complain X and + are linear
>get open world, still complain
Devs must talk trash about consumers on a daily basis
Iggys vr cooking experience
Fuck off, XII was literally playing by itself and was a shit game.
Not even kh will have kh2fm combat ever again. What a horrible fate
8/10 game.
I feel the game's biggest flaws rest with the storyline. Although the storyline has the appropriate narrative points, its pacing and execution is awkward and cobbled together. Some parts feel like they were stuck in development hell for too long and were cut to oblivion, such as Chapter 9. I was underwhelmed that they cut so much of the Empire's part in the Levithian fight.
I honestly do not understand why the game would cut all the important background context and stick it in a separate movie. It completely ruins the experience of the main game. The Kingsglaive footage should have been in the game, or at least shipped with the game.
I didn't mind the idea of the second half as I felt it needed to go a little more linear to retain more focus, so I think the direction was appropriate. But, they could have made each stop be its own minihub like Altissa with its own sidequests. I was completely disappointed to get to Tenebrae and not even get to explore the area apart from a clearing outside the station. Also, the second half is too fast paced for its own good when it didn't need to be, making the train trip feel too short lived.
Chapter 13 is horrible. I appreciated the experimental essence of it, but its a failed experiment nonetheless.
Why some characters which were foreshadowed as being an essential component to the story before the release of this game, only to wind up having 5 seconds of screen time (ie. the emperor and his generals etc.) is beyond me. Who the fuck was that Ezio guy as he literally did not appear once in the game.
It's not a trainwreck but it's goddamn medicre, 10 years...10 fucking years for a mediocre game.
wow, it's almost like we expect quality on top of these things. But no as long as it's open world that means it's okay if they half ass everything.
My only complaints are ''stand by me'' and Chapter 13.
Both very tasteless choices.
XII solved party ai in a real time combat system, meanwhile this game has freindly fire on magic and now way to get party members to move out of the way in time, if at all.
Remember when you could expect quality and polish in a FF game?
anyone else really like FFX? 6 and tactics are better, but damn did I love 10
>That opening montage of the events of Kingsglaive in Chapter 2 wast he stupidest, laziest thing I've ever seen in terms of storytelling.
Actually, the worst is the use of the Omen trailer at the start of Ch6.
I like 10.
6 is a piece of shit.
It sure is a lot better than your favorite corridor simulator, lightning fag
The Ezio guy is Ravus.
I wish more people would bring up the soundtrack, because after the fucking slam dunk of XIV and how one of the few aspects people agreed was pretty good in XIII, you'd think they could have made it not be so fucking subdued and forgettable in XV.
Honestly, the crazy thing is, even with the movie most of those things are honestly sketchy and horribly set up. Niflheim's invasion of Insomnia still doesn't make so much sense outside of being a cartoonishly evil empire, their plan to kidnap and attempt to kill Luna (the FUCKING ORACLE) made absolutely no sense and how they succeeded in stealing the crystal and killing the king by attacking with their Emperor and his accompanying handful of guards in the fucking capital city of Insomnia surrounded by enemy guards is beyond me. And their plan involved RAISING INSOMNIA'S SUSPICION causing them to post more guards to that very area they attacked, making it even harder.
It also makes you wonder how in the absolute fuck the clear main villain of the game is already dead and barely mentioned in the game, with almost nothing establishing him in the movie either. How in the absolute fuck did a completely random Lucis kingdom citizen become the supreme military commander of the Empire and commander of the Kingsglaive, at the same time, for multiple years, with absolutely no suspicion? How did he become stronger than the King, who obtains ungodly magical power from the crystal/ring? How is the man who personally killed both Luna's mother and Noctis's father not play an active role in the story or motivations of Noctis's adventure?
Just goes to show that even if you delay something into oblivion it can turn out shit. In this case, losing sight of what it could have been
I didn't say shit about 13