Worth Playing? Is it good?

Worth Playing? Is it good?
(DS version)

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every time you change class your stats reset

I thought that the NES one was better.

You might as well play the PSP or PC version, it's the same version but with everything better.

I still like the NES version best though, but it's mostly nostalgia.

No, FF3 is a shit game. The only fun with it was the original famicom version because of how broken and glitchy it is

Yes. Very much so. The people who made ff3 also did ff4 ds versions and drastocally improved EVERYTHING.

they also made 4HoL (a deconstruction of FF1 and hard as balls game)

Then they made bravely default 1 and 2 for 3ds

oh, cool
yeah did i hear 4 on ds was pretty good.

No it isnt. Ff3 and 4 ds are completely new versions made by the bravely default ppl. They are fuck awesome.

it's the same version

it's not like FF4 psp

Seriously. If you can get ANY of the bd team's ds games it is totally worth it.

I definitely will

btw, thanks for the fast contributions anons.

I thought the DS option was a bad idea because the onion knight job is locked behind sending mail to actual friends?

>actual friends

that's why they removed that stupid online stuff in the PSP and PC version and you should play those instead


How's the iOS version?

I play XIV and have been curious about this game because I heard it's where Crystal Tower originated from.

If you haven't played the other FFs then you're missing out on tons of references. Go play all of them, start at 1 and work your way up.

Yeah man it's good.

Is it really worth it to do so? Most of them seem like very long games. I've already been playing XIV for two years anyways.


The games are mostly fantastic, so yes, its absolutely worth it.

I guess my issue is I don't really have a lot of time to play games every day, so I could see this taking me well over a year to beat a bunch of them.

Good. Do the sidequests as well. I demand a full report of each game when you're done with them.



You don't get to demand anything until you come over and fuck me in the ass so hard that I have to obey you.

I;d say get the PSP version instead, exact same game, but there's no wireless communications bullshit locking you out of the best job, and it includes the original 8bit soundtrack.

FFIV on ds is the best version

also the hardest, if you're into that sort of thing


It's fun but it's got some serious issues I think you'd best be aware of. Every time you swap class you get debuffed for X amount of battles. It can get annoying if you swap a lot.

same as PSP, but with touch controls, no gamepad support, and no 8bit soundtrack.

Bye, don't let the door hit your ass on the way.

Pacing is terrible and doesnt pick up until about you get to the dwarves.

>Most of them seem like very long games.
All NES and SNES Final Fantasies together are shorter than Dragon Warrior VII.

That's because DQ7 is ridiculously fucking long.

how long? never played it.

If I'm really going to consider doing this, which version should I play for the NES/SNES games?

I don't think that applies in the psp and steam ports.


Keep in mind, the 3DS version is the shortened version of the game.

what the actual fuck

Evem the 3DS version which was streamlined averages at 90-100 hours. It was up to 150 for the original psx version.