
Reminder that Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition is free on GOG right now and you can keep it if you get it within the next 2 hours and a half.

It's on their homepage.

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thanks mang

I made an account on GOG and clicked the "get fof free" button. Where's my game?

Check your account and purchases

Downloading now. Thanks f.a.m

Why did they have to make barbarians so shitty, tho

>God Tier:

>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Shifter

>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Black Guard, Bard, Weapon Master

>Mid Tier:
Paladin, Harper Scout, Fighter, Red Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender

>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer

>Trash Tier
Barbarian, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight

there a wiki or something for nwn1? I'm wondering how their mechanics still work out. Or is there more populated persistent servers with their own rules? Don't care for RP enforcement nor pvp where people just play HIPS abuse.


HIPS is utterly destroyed by True Sight or skill dumping spot, you really cant abuse it in PvP

>you really cant abuse it in PvP
Who fucking plays pvp anymore?

Is this bait?

>ask a question of a druidfag
>so salty they have to respond with 'is this bait' every time
Like pottery

Seriously, who plays pvp these days?

>already have it on GOG
>click on "Get it for FREE"
>email comes with key for it

Put some effort into it next time

>b-b-but muh pvp powerlevels when everyone only plays modules
Fucking kek
What's the matter druidfag
Mad your tier list counts for nothing in a dead fucking game?

This post reeks of butthurt

I've been playing NWN as a rogue mostly, I want to try something new (and preferrably better). Any recommendations?

>Any recommendations?
What type of character do you want to play? No-fuss melee fighter? Pure caster? A hybrid, maybe focusing on buffs?

Go too the wiki and hit random page till you land on a class page, thats your new class

Is there a tier list for modules?

I tried playing as a sorcerer before and really enjoyed casting spells, but my builds were always shit and I could never progress too far without resorting to cheats like the underage faggot I was. So I'd like to do it fair for once.

Anyone else having an issue with the whole screen getting stuck down in the corner when you change the resolution to 3200x1800?

You cant really go wrong with Sorc/Wiz, just max primary stat, but a decent amount in CON and the rest w/e. take spell focus school in whatever spells you want to use (mostly evocation for wiz/sorc) pick the imp/mephit familliar for early game then swap to the beholder later in the game when when the mephits DR becomes useless.

Dont waste feats on weapon skills as a wis/sorc and make sure you have concentration skill points maxed

>7 minutes left
>make a new gmail account
>make a new gog account
>rush to download it
phew that was close thanks senpai

Do you still need to email them to play online?

Everything is free from GoG.

How are they worse than in 3.5?

I'm somehow incredibly tempted to replay OC all over again, even though I know for a fact that Chapter 3's and most of 2's fetch questing was utterly unbearable

Man, this game's hold on me is strong

>spell focus in evocation
Plz no. Get spell focus for things that end fights on a failed save, and leave damage dealing to fighters and summons. In fact, just cast haste and protections on your designated bruiser and go eat a sammich while he mops up the fight. Evocations are wasted spell slots.

>How are they worse than in 3.5?
No Frenzied Berserker prestige class, for one.

They are some extremely powerful evocation spells such as flame arrow, you should be able to get 2 or 3 spell school focuses on a wiz/sorc no problem.

Great, now GOG is stuck on fucking login screen.

Am I too late?

It says the game is $3.99

Being able to refresh all your rages by sitting down for six seconds is far more valuable.

And you should put those spell focus feats towards schools that contain spells that end fights on a failed save, instead of just dealing some damage on a failed save. Evocation is the noob trap school. In 3e moreso than anywhere else, because everything has mountains of hit points and dealing damage is the least effective way of killing things.

Yes, me too, see Is the purchase worth it for multiplayer? How easy it is to set up and how populated? Do you guys foresee any surge in playerbase thanks to this giveaway? $3.99 is beer money, but I don't like drinking alone.

More things are going to be immune to save or die than have enough health to withstand a barrage of flame arrows

Also evocation offers loads of utility such as the bigbys line, sun burst, prismatic spray, thunder clap etc

I'm playing it right now and that user who said that moving around in the game is slow as fuck is right. I don't remember having this problem way back.

Tips for fighting dragons in OC?

you are probably used to having permanent haste from items

Cast harm and 1 shot them

Favorite class/combos?

Not really. Bosses won't die to FoD, but casting buffs on a warrior or dropping some battlefield-altering spell will be far more cost-effective than playing at magical artillery.

And even if we acknowledge that cost-effectiveness of spells is a moot point in a game where you can rest after every fight, there is still no situation in the phase space of conceivable reality where spending two feats to make your evocations slightly harder to dodge is a smart decision. If you insist on dealing damage you'd be better served by Quicken & Empower Spell.
Bigby's line is the only redeeming type of evocation spells, though, and only because they offer utility instead of dealing damage. And you can find far better utility in other schools. You can lock down hordes of enemies with conjuration or illusion spells of the same level.

1. Immunity to fear
2. Piles of hit points, something that gives concealment (enemy miss chance), elemental protection and a big stick

Belt with fear protection, strong heal potions.

Saying "well my fighter friend will just kill anything immune to death" is a dumb cop-out and not really practical to any real situation or even valid form of argument when we are talking purely about a caster build.

Quicken spell is completely useless since it doesn't stack with haste, no one is ever going to take that, you can take 2 schools and still have enough for meta magic feats anyway.

Evocation has arguably better save or die spells anyway since Sunburst is perma blind and once AI is blinded they just stand still and lets you wail on them till they are dead and nothing is immune to it, unlike FoD or WotB which wont effect a great number of enemies.

Evocation will give you the most out of you feat since wiz/sorc get a far greater selection of evocation spells, whatever else you take is up to you.

best toolset ever

>click on chest
>Familiar goes apeshit and starts bashing it until I force him to stop and there is no option to change this

>Hit friendly henchman with fireball or other FF-causing spell
>He instantly turns around and kills me in 1 hit unless I shout at him to DEFEND me

>Target enemy with a spell
>Familiar and Henchman are psychic and know exactly which enemy I targeted
>They focus him and kill him while I end up shooting a spell at his corpse

Being a sorcerer in this game is fucking suffering and I'm not even level 6 yet.

First problem is solved in most modules, you can order your character to leave lock/traps to you.
About the second - I don't play on core rules in nwn because of this. In baldurs gate I can actually control all characters and friendly fire is not a big deal like in nwn.

I can order my -henchman- to leave locks/traps alone (though I don't cause he's a rogue I drag around for the sole purpose of dealing with that shit), but familiars don't have that dialogue option for some reason, just 'follow me at X distance'.

And I can understand why you wouldn't want to play it, there's something wrong when I'm fleeing for my life from my henchman after most encounters spamming "FOLLOW, DEFEND, FOLLOW, DEFEND".

Just get to 9 n use Gate without any protection on yourself :^)

>only allowed 1 henchperson
>constantly finding enchanted weapons and armor
>can't use 90% of it
>can't interact with henchperson's inventory

This game has some very strange design choices.

Monk is amazing in NWN and its expansions though. Also they did red not purple.

The problem was that they never intended the game to have any permanent companions. It was designed for one at most. The intent was for the OC to show off a few engine capabilities and then everyone would make their own online mods and campaigns and whatever, and actual people would be their companions.

The problem came in SoU when they actually decided to start up an actual story, and only got worse by the time HotU came out.

>Monk is amazing in NWN and its expansions though
Its not

>Also they did red not purple.
Purple Dragon Knight is not the same thing as Red Dragon Disciple

You can interact with their inventories there, though.

>only allowed 1 henchperson
Uh maybe in the campaign

You can have way more than that
>Playing the fucking campaign at all
It's like you completely missed the point of the game

Also it adds some replayability, like in Dragon Age origins, you can't use all items you found on your main character.

Did I miss the free shit again?

>get a game
>play the main campaign of the game
>this is the incorrect way to play the game

>Make shifter
>Turn into wyrmling
>Save game
>Reload game
BOOM im now a fully grown black dragon

ye I did too fuck me

>using a familiar other than the pixie
literally why?

Fighter 5/Weapon Master 7/Barbarian the rest of the way baby.

Cause a frontline-fighting dragon with AE firebreath and 50hp at level 6 seems like a better idea than some shitty utility Familiar

Paladin /Fighter 4/Champion of Torm
Rogue/Fighter/Shadowdancer (of course)


meatshields is what companions are for
aoe is why you're a sorcerer

>only got worse by the time HotU came out
You mean the only good single player content Bioware ever put out for NWN? That HotU? How is that "getting worse"?

Honestly I feel like it was a mistake making the game entirely focused on player-generated content. The creation tools were great but the problem is 99% of people who play these games are barely-literate mouth breathers who couldn't create a compelling module to save their lives, so trying to find good content is basically searching for a diamond in colossal mountain range made of shit. This is the case for pretty much every game that emphasizes player-driven content, but at least some (the first two LBP games come to mind) don't decide it means they get to phone in the official single player content.

No matter how much you samefag monk is simply not a very good class in NWN, get over it already.