What's your rank?
0 thankfully
prove it
2250, and I finished last season at 2300
All my other filthy gold pleb friends are being placed in silver, did they actually change the algorithm or are they just even more shit than me?
Haven't played since two days before the Competitive update.
you and your friends are just bad.
I'm above the entire game
3350 from solo queuing
0 I got certified and have a job now. Don't really get the drive to play video games for more than one or two hours anymore anyway.
If you're under Platinum you're scum.
Just reached legend with my piratewarrior. What rings you got bitch?
desu Platinum isn't anything to brag about. It's about the point where the line blurs between shitters and decent players.
Hell, even diamond is full of fucking morons. Sometimes I feel like it's just gold with better aim.
Im just starting to try competitive and i got stuck with a three person party who dicked around and then went afk (or just sit back and laugh) and when everyone started yelling at them they kept saying "it's only competitive, if you want to try hard go quick play". I have up on comp, I'm probably giving up on this game.
really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you're low diamond, you're already the nightmare of every team
Is it possible to get 0? I'd love to try that when I go home for the holidays. I don't play that game seriously anyways so fuck it.
atleast in diamond people half the time trust each other and dont go 6 dps
I can live with it
>get carried in placements
Do people really give a shit about these numbers and metal names? Is this the true point of esports?
I don't have an Overwatch rank. I play video games, not esports trash.
it's to prove your worth, user
Got 5 games to go. Lost 4 won 1. Same issue I always have: 5 dps so I have to be tank or healer. Then people run in one by one and just die until timer runs out. Meanwhile enemy team is balanced. I think I was a serial killer in my past life or something and this is my hell.
Last season pretty much every pleb that should have been in silver or bronze was in gold instead, and all the golds were plat, this season placements are meant to be more accurate.
I lost 7 and tied 1, still ended up in diamond somehow.
Guess it's personal performance, but playing Rein and doing a good job means lots of shielding which does nothing for medals. I assume those mean a lot for ranking.
I won a game with rein with over 40k blocking and only went up 12 points
overwatch is pretty cancer in quickplay
people just dont give a shit about the team
and if you dont want to play a team game well dont play overwatch
I've never managed to get a rank because I get bored after the 1st match
no it uses your last seasons rank or converts your quickplay performance into hidden ranked rank if you had not played ranked before.
Is the placement changed or someshit? I went 5-5 in soloq and placed 3225. I went 9-1 last season and barely got into low diamond.
come on guys you really think theyre gonna give you a rank between 0-4000 based on 10 games where people have no rank?
>someone abandons during my placement match
>still counts for some reason
Why are blizzard so fucking bad at competitive games
Ah well that explains it. Ranked 2490 last season with the same issues I mentioned. Then in ONE go tanked to 1400. Painstakingly climbed back up to 1980 before season ended. I'm not a pro or anything but I definitely am bugged by teams fucking you over. I feel I have little control over a matches outcome.
yeah, look at this guy
>3100 last season
>work colleagues want to play ranked
>haven't done placement matches
>they tell me they were 1400 last season
Wat do? I played quickplay before the season started and they teleport as reaper infront of an aiming widowmaker and go afk mid match when we're getting steamrolled without even quitting before hand because they thought we already lost
ended top 300 or so in season peaked around 100 played duo with a support found on /vg/ general
game is pretty shit no more motive to play
>Just bought the game 5 of days ago
>Lvl 24
it's a game
Have no one to play with so I solo it. Last season I lost my first 3 placements due to shitty team mates (I know I know, I must not be that good either but I was teamed up with memers in a party who decided to stay at the base and jump around for the beginning of the match) and had two draws. This season is looking to be much of the same with two losses and a draw so far in my placements. I envy you folks with your shiny ranks.
Season 2 High/Final was 3513, placements put me at 3473. I hope to stay in Master by the end of the season playing mostly Lucio/Zenyatta, solo queue only.
i am, so full of rage
he was probably 3.5k last season so ..
Just hit this. I might quit again. There's really no point in playing now unless I can hit Master.
Place with them. I finished at 3000 last season (stopped playing and deranked to 3k flat) and I only won 2 placement matches because I played with retarded friends. I placed 2868. They placed bronze. No big deal. I already made Diamond again.
What's the incentive of playing competitive? More crates? I just got the game not long ago and still at level 23.
still doing placement matches
1 loss 3 wins
last season was 2900
Yes I think someone did it and after they lost again on purpose it rolled over and they were grand Master number 1 in the world and blizzard had to patch the game because of the one guy.
gold weapons an an enlarged e-peen if you rank high
How do you do it? I barely made it 3k just now as a support main.
Your going to be placed within 100 rank of where you and Ed last season pretty much guaranteed even if you lose the rest of your games. Wins don't matter the way you think it works.
It's just to compare epeen.
The fact that most of it is luck doesn't bither most.
If you're high ranking in a 1v1 game THEN you can be proud.
But claiming you're good when you're only 1/6 of the team is pretty dumb
lost all 10 placements got a better rank than I had last season lmao
How does it calculate your rank?
And who's Ed?
get good?
wasnt the 1v1 with random hereos?
I don't play bad games
I was talking about 1v1 games like fighting gamey or rts
So you mean maximum cheese factory. to master the cheese, you must become the cheese
Who gives a fuck? I got gold last season because my friends all wanted to play ranked, but now I have every intention to avoid it like the plague.
Ranked modes in online games were a mistake.
When you're the best at a 1v1 competitive game then you're actually good.
No one to blame but yourself, no one to be proud of but yourself.
How? What heroes do you play, what sense do you play at? How much have you played? Did you just throw? I have a friend who's complete shit and he only placed at 1800 so I just want understand how you get placed at 1158.
i lost half my games and drew 2
i am good at junkrat and ok at soldier and zen and i had a pretty good lucio game for one of them
no i didnt throw but i cant speak for the people in my games
about 3-4 of my games had people talking over voice chat, the rest were silent and ignored me
2 games nobody picked a healer and im not terribly good at playing healer so we just had me solo healing with mercy which im not great at but even when i was keeping everyoen up and damage boosting peoiple they couldnt kill anyone
i just dont know dude
The placement games algorith is dumb. It literally just puts you where you were last season. I won 9 of my placements and got put in gold
>tfw got banned from season 1
>tfw got banned from season 2
>See Defeat pop up
>Close game
>Get banned
Maybe you should stop being a little bitch