How will Sup Forums ever recover?
Maybe we will, maybe we won't
Subtle trolling or retardation mate?
Which one?
I wish Siliconera would change the title of this article after they got BTFO
Good, because I'm waiting for a revival in FF Tactics - imagine it with FF XV's graphics!
Well, that's great, actually. It means that we'll see it on PC soon.
Shipped =/= sold.
48% stock sell through rate. With two platforms and a worldwide release, it's still lower than FFXIII managed when you add up it's individual territory releases, by like a million.
Lol. Good try OP.
>ULS claims sales
>article says it's shipments and digital sales
They haven't sold shit so far.
>He didn't know
Well wrap me up and call me a pinata.
GG EZ FFXV haters.
FF13 sold 1.05 million on ps3 alone in Japan, day one. FFXV sold 450k on ps4 physical and digital.
They're hiding behind the worldwide release to disguise the fact the game isn't doing as well.
Keep dreaming son.
>All these butthurt damage control autists going "these are the shipped not sales figures"
>Distilling the truth among bullshit is damage controlling now
This is why we can't have nice things 2bh
>Butthurt: The Post
>Shitposting: an Example
I haven't given a shit about a Final Fantasy game in decades. These 'butthurt autists' are right. Shipped units is not the same as units sold. I hope for the fans of the game that it came out and was all that they wanted.
>mfw I was expecting a really shitty game
>mfw it was so good that I played nearly 40 hours in the span of 3 days
Seriously, this game is god damn good.
What a surprise. Who knew that absolutely fucking your brand over 6 years would result in your new installment bombing?
>Shipped meme
>"In Worldwide Shipment"
I don't care about all the shit posts, I am enjoying the game.. Got like 10 hours in, only on chapter 2, enjoying the ride.
Played the Duscae demo, was like meh... Played the platinum demo, was like meh... Didn't pre-order, was really hesitant from allt he early reviews.... Read some actual reviews of actual non shit-posters, decided to say fuck it and get it.
So far It is fun. Combat is allright, I am still early game and learning/expanding my skills, I like warping around. The game is... Comfy. I love just, Chillin with my boys. We riding in our sweet ride, camping out and eating meals. So far having fun, and thats all I want from a game. Visuals and music sweet so far, just getting into the storyline. I'm loving all the voice acting.
Wait for the honeymoon period to end
>Le comfy meme
XV being good or bad will impact XVI's sales, not its own, after 10 years of dev time no one has any baseline to draw from in terms of what they might have produced so stupid hype sells the copies and THEN people will form an opinion on what to expect from FF titles made by those people, which will then reflect upon XVI's sales.
Link me to your shitty blog please.
>Honeymoon period
>On a game that lasts 30 hours
I swear you idiots don't even think about what you're writing.
Shipped, not sold. But congrats, you fell for it.
Why come to a textboard if you're not interested in text son?
>I have no idea what a honeymoon period is
You're a fucking idiot
Yeah I totally enjoy my honeymoon period for a total of 3 hours.
What you're talking about is novelty you fucking idiot. You should have said, wait until the novelty wears off.
Even then, it's a shitty fucking post because you're upset someone is having a good time and isn't a jaded cynical idiot like yourself.
The honeymoon period for a game is when you drop all the preconceptions and hype then see the game for what it is, usually after you get over the fact you just spent $60 on it, you fucking retard.
He's been playing it for 10 hours.
How the fuck would that definition even apply?
Because he's still got the preconceptions and hype working against him, you absolute fucking retard.
>FFXV sold 450k on ps4 physical and digital
Im level 57 and havent finished Chapter 3 yet. Why is this game so easy?
He has played the actual real game for 10 hours.
How does he still have preconceptions? He is looking at the real thing. He is playing the real thing. You don't make any sense at all.
You're also upset someone is excited about a game, played the game, their excitement increasing the overall enjoyment? Hahaha, oh man. What a shitty life.
ET also made 5 million sales on day one.
FF was never hard if you grind as much as you do, child.
Are FFXV fans really this stupid? The game is selling worse than FF13.
>WTF I spent 10 hours grinding and/or cheesed the peninsula of power why is this game so easy?
I don't get why sales is such a huge argument. Early sales depend almost solely on marketing, not the actual quality of the game.
Anyway, if you bought XIII release day and felt robbed of your money, you'd think most people would wait out on the next installments.
Plenty of Sup Forums core games didn't sell very well yet no one gives a shit.
>Sup Forums still trying to make excuses
>If I perform wide range of mental gymanstics, I was right after all!
Don't worry Sup Forumseddit you
Will get your next TORtanic just not today, champ.
This game needs a hard mode
>/xv/ still trying to damage control
Do you find it sad that your attempts to justify your purchase ended up providing more hours of entertainment than XV?
Sure, in 2 years or so...
For the record, this is supposed to make you sad or angry, but I know PCkeks feel like getting a game after 2 years is still a victory.
>Mfw reading this thread
The salt be real.
Boт pyccких нa фoчaнoпapaшe pacпoзнaть oчeнь пpocтo. Oни жe кaк дoлбaeбы, кoтopыe нocки c caндaлями нaдeвaют, пpeбывaя в дpyгих cтpaнaх. Идeшь и видишь, вoт этoт дoлбaeб тoчнo нaш.
Speaking as Sup Forums, I've been waiting on Versus XIII and eventually XV for quite awhile - and I'm pretty happy with the game. Never bad mouthed it. It was just a bunch of faggots that occupy me that hated it.
Honestly, I'd have been really surprised if it'd outsold pokemon. That's speaking as someone that's enjoying the hell out of FFXV right now.
It's just simple reasoning
Turns out you ship more games if you send to the entire planet rather than just to a bunch of islands, who'd have thought
You answered your own question.
I haven't been on Sup Forums in 6 months, I come back to look at the first thread for old time's sake and I am reminded instantly why I left
I fucking loathe all of you newfucks, your opinions are wrong and mean nothing anywhere beyond this board, bye again