Reminder that Fallout New Vegas was developed in 1.5 year and it had more quests, characters, weapons, locations...

Reminder that Fallout New Vegas was developed in 1.5 year and it had more quests, characters, weapons, locations, lore and had a bigger game universe than Fallout 3, which took 4 years to develop.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's pretty easy to focus on world-building when your engine and all your assets were taken from the previous game.

Reminder that Fallout stopped being good when it went from an isometric RPG to oblivion-with-guns.

To be fair, more does not mean better. As a whole, NV had better quests. But many of those listed in that image might as well be fetch quests and are on par with Skyrim's radiant quests.

Also, tons of the world and ideas came from Van Buren did it not? There was already a basis for a lot of the game to go off of. NV is still superior, but lets not go crazy here.

Fallout 3's engine was complete shit, even Obsidian made changes and enhancement to make it run better with Fallout New Vegas, so it had both engine & game development under their hands and Bethesda robbed them out of their royalties.

>more does not mean better
> many of those listed in that image might as well be fetch quests
>on par with Skyrim's radiant quests.
Play New Vegas first, it had a minimum amount of fetch quests, and even those fetch quests had something about them, they gave you a choice that actually mattered.

Fallout New Vegas quest are better than everything both in Fallout 3 and 4.

Have you 100% completed New Vegas, user? Fetch quests in NV are numbered and fewer than any other Fallout game.

NV had plenty of fetch quests. Yes, a few had choice implemented, but so do radiant quests in Skyrim. Plenty of quests like the one with that poet with the Khans, gathering filtration components for the BoS, or gathering eggs for the underground arena basically boil down to:

>Talk to NPC
>Go to place on map
>Grab item/Talk to NPC

Yes, a majority of NV's quests were way better than FO3 or FO4. But the quality of some can't be ignored, they aren't all gold.

And I love how a disagreement automatically leads to questioning whether I played it first. Fuck off with that shit.

is it because todd always asks his employees to buy his game?

Is it 1.5 year, or 1.5 years?

Fewer, yes. I didn't state that there were more than other games. In fact, I said that as a whole they were better. But there were fetch quests, and some were just busy work.

An no, I haven't 100% it yet. Haven't done the DLC with different paths. I've never tried Honest Hearts by killing everyone to get the map or Lonesome Road where you kill Ulysses. Otherwise I've done it all.

only pensioners played that shit


Year, because you say it's "one and a half of a year".

>Oblivion will never make another Fallout game

>Oblivion will never make another Fallout game

Wanna try that again?

>Skyrim will never make another NBA Jam game

lel you got me user heres your you

Why do you fuckers talk like there is any other way to make a quest in an RPG. Its always
>talk someone
>do thing
>go back
Its in the context of the quest and its application that decides wheter it is just "another fetch quest" or a "wow so deep muh lore."

Name me one RPG in existence that didn't have fetch quests?

Of course every game has to have a few fetch quests, but do not go overboard like Bethesda did in Fallout 3, 4 and Skyrim, even their main-quests are fetch quests now, that's terrible.

Fallout 3 had a better main quest and more memorable moments.

New Vegas the city was pretty disappointing.

There's not quite as many "real" quests as that list might lead you to believe.

For example, when you become friendly with NCR and a ranger runs up to you to give you a radio that is a quest even though there is only one step in the quest and it's that event occurring. When you go to Nipton and the legion guys tells you to spread the word you get a quest and that quest has one step, tell the NCR guy the legion sacked Nipton. At Nipton you get a quest to free a couple of slaves and that's the only step there is, free the slaves. Fallout 3 is riddled with this stuff but it is never treated as a quest. Sometimes it's a single step in a much larger quest but more often than not it is not marked in any way, shape or form.

NV is full of this sort of "single step, no choices, no consequences" quests. It's the majority of them. Stuff like Beyond the Beef is really, really rare.

>Fallout 3
>more memorable moment (like the nuking of Megaton that didn't even make sense or have a reason behind it)
>better mainquest (that fucked up the lore and was linear as fuck)

New Vegas was still better than Diamond "wall needs a new coat of paint" City.

It's not always like that. Look at the entire Gommorah quest line for example.

>Go in building
>Talk to NPCs
>Search NPC rooms/convince them
>Destroy some items
>Meet with NPCs
>Rely on other NPC to kill enemies or kill them yourself

And that's just one route. What about a smaller quest then, the one where you fetch drugs for the Khans which literally requires fetching:

>Talk to NPC
>Go to area
>Talk to NPCs
>Search area for described vehicle
>Go into close settlement
>Search for NPC with information
>Go to another settlement, convince NPC using one of multiple choices based on stats/perks
>Decide whether to take drugs to NCR or Khans

Even a smaller quest can be a bit more intricate. Whereas something like the egg gathering quest is literally just getting the eggs and coming back for money. So no, it's not always like that. But NV does have some of those.

>For example, when you become friendly with NCR and a ranger runs up to you to give you a radio that is a quest
That's not a quest, that's an event desu, learn the difference, and you can use that radio to call in NCR support when you're fucked.

>fucked up the lore

What do you mean?

The main quest in Fallout 3 was trash tho

>NV is full of this sort of "single step, no choices, no consequences" quests.
These were never treated as quests, they're events that happen when you reach a certain milestone (become friendly with the Legion, fuck NCR, fuck up Freeside, etc.)

Everything I see a New Vegas thread I become sad, we'll never get another great Fallout isn't it?

>Name me one RPG in existence that didn't have fetch quests?

Dark Souls, Chrono Trigger technically, and Alpha Protocol.

But that's besides the point, I didn't say NV went overboard or anything. I'm simply pointing out that not all quests are gold and to say they had more quests which means it's better is somewhat misleading.

I don't know how you have gotten all of this from me just saying that NV does have some fetch quests, but here we are.

Obsidian said themselves that the mutants never reached Washington or the west coast, and yet Fallout 3 was filled to the brim with super mutants, radiated water and a redundant main-quest of killing the super mutants that should've never been there in the first place.

>Dark Souls
>Chrono Trigger

>changes and enhancement
Name 1 (ONE) thing that changed.

Also, wasn't it a lore fuck up when they added that Enclave vs BoS fighting shit in the mainquest? I thought the Enclave or BoS (can't remember exactly) was in shambles at the time and they didn't even reach the West Coast for them to have a base there.

The event is in that list under unmarked quests. There is also an unmarked quest for when they let you know you're pissing them off and to stop it. Even using the radio the NCR gives you starts a "quest" that is in that list. There's fucking quests for ever single event in the game. That's why comparing those lists is bullshit.

At least fallout 3 didn't have enemy scaling.

Some of my fondest memories was getting through that hospital being way under leveled.

Chrono Trigger has multiple side quests that are unrelated to the main plot, such as fixing the forest, getting that prismatic shell thing, dealing with the advisor in the castle, and dealing with Mother Brain. All of those are sidquests, they are not required and simply flesh out the story/characters if you choose to finish them.

Dark Souls has multiple side quests such as dealing with Lautrec and Siegmeyer's stuff.

You can call them character arcs, side missions, side stories, or whatever. But they're still essentially the same, which is to say they are tasks unrelated to the main story/goal which can be completed by the player.

>That's why comparing those lists is bullshit.
Even the Fallout 3 events are listed there, so....,

So you say, but why wasn't it so easy for Bethesda when they used the engine from Oblivion, and Morrowind before that?

>engine from the previous game makes it easier
And yet Bethesda failed despite using the same engine they used on Oblivion.

Fallout 3 did have enemy scaling, especially for quests.

Do you know what the only difference between level scaling in Fallout 3, Skyrim and Oblivion is? In Fallout 3 and Skyrim once an area is level scaled it is fixed to that level forever, in Oblivion it would rescale to your level every reset. I remember people complained very loudly about Skyrim's fixed scaling like that seemingly unaware it existed specifically because they all bitched and moaned about Oblivion's rescaling so much. Overworld spawns work the same for all games since Morrowind, the higher your level the tougher the enemy that is allowed to spawn but it does not lock out low level spawns too. There were no "legendary" mudcrabs in Oblivion, that is a myth, they are always level 1 and do the same damage and have the same health no matter what the player level.

Failed what?

Most of those 'quests' are that in name only, or unmarked crap. And the short dev time really, really, really shows. I had serious FO1 flashback with how slapdash and shaky everything is. I just finished investigating White Gloves; there was the obvious main lead, I tricked Mortimer into giving me basement access, there was some kerfuffle with the previous investigator, I had several other people to talk to, there was something about a banquet at 7PM, a recipe for fake human flesh and an oven I could interact with, but when I passed a single speech check and got the kid to his father that somehow ended the whole thing and tied up all loose ends. Then there was taking Fiend leader bounties locking you out of 90% of Great Khans content, siding with House locking you completely out of both Legion and NCR questlines, and all sorts of general bullshit that is not foreshadowed or hinted at in any way. Then there's the Vegas itself. When you have 20 square kilometers of literally fucking nothing it rather discourages exploration. And all four DLC missions take about five times longer to complete than they should, for all the wrong reasons.

to meet the high expectations of some dorks who peruse a malaysian finger painting board

That clearly is not their goal when making their games. They wanted more money, which clearlyt succeeded when you see a sales comparison between Morrowind and Fallout 4.

I feel like this is flying over my head, what am I missing here?

He said Oblivion, not Obsidian, the company that made Fallout NV, are you dyslexic?

No, it's not a fair comparison.

F3 quests are self encompassing and generally hold all possible paths in a single quest. In NV Obsidian separated all the paths into their own quests so, for example, doing one quest will often result in other quests being automatically failed or blocked out. They aren't really separate quests, they are separate paths in a single quest that have been broken out into multiple separate quests for some reason.

Also, F3 quests on average will take more than an hour, in NV the average quest takes a few minutes. F3 quests also generally have more completion options available to the player.

Check the flowcharts if you don't believe me.

The entire Dead money add-on is amazingly good, desu.

I think I'm just dumb.

You're a good person and that's all that matters.

Fallout 3 was almost a survival horror at times. I spent the first few hours drinking from toilets and irradiated puddles. And those fucking subway tunnels... Shheeeeet that was a good game.

NV was good but didn't have the same feeling of post-nuke desperation as 3 did.

Only reason it isn't the best dlc is those fucking radios.

>that vault full of garys that kept laughing

Had some pretty spoopy moments.

New Vegas had more locations that were just outside only and had nothing of value in them. NV was still the better game and the world they built was much better, but I wish they'd chose a location other than the fucking Mojave, could have been 10 time better if they'd gone for somewhere else and had more time to add extra in depth unique locations.

Failed to retain their audience.

Nobody I have seen who actually bought fallout 4 knows jack shit about fallout 3. They did a fantastic job of switching from fallout players to normies with 4

>In NV Obsidian separated all the paths into their own quests so, for example, doing one quest will often result in other quests being automatically failed or blocked out

That's only true for the main story quests. Side quests aren't being split.

Daily reminder that both PoE and Tyranny were at best mediocre and Obsidian has yet to prove that they can repeat something like New Vegas.

Which is exactly their goal. Are you retarded? Why do you think they dumb down their games?
They wanted more money by getting the normalfags to buy their games.

Kek I fucking ran from that vault the first time I heard.. "Gaaaaary". I returned later with big mutant dude and fucked their shit up.

I bought F4 and played a fair bit of F3 and a ton of FNV

Despite the frustrations of both games (and there are many of these) I still enjoyed both of them. I guess I just have low standards.

That's because in 3 you start as a weedy vault dweller with no combat experience who constantly spouts "WHERES MY DADDY".
In NV you start as a hardened courier who's been shot in the head who constantly spouts "WHERES THE ASSHOLE THAT SHOT ME".
Lets not talk of 4.

This is a blatant lie because F3 has significantly less skill/stat checks in dialogue. Especially when it comes to non-combat options, NV offers a lot more to the player since stealthy/non-combat builds are actually viable while in F3 you're railroaded into combat all the time. When it comes to solutions/outcomes NV also has a lot more to offer not to mention that the world is a whole lot more reactive to player decisions with many quests affecting your faction disposition in a meaningful permanent fashion.

>In NV Obsidian separated all the paths into their own quests so, for example, doing one quest will often result in other quests being automatically failed or blocked out.
And that's bad? Have you ever played Baldur's Gate?

That's what actually makes RPGs great, you can't do everything at once, their must be conflicts, that's what makes an RPG "RPG".

You gotta be baiting or something to think something like this is bad, anyway, opinion dropped.

I don't really know about that. It's been a bit since I've fucked with NV but it seems it's more like "I got shot by some asshole but uh... that ain't that important".


I don't think that was his point user.


He's not saying it's bad retard. He's saying that comparing the amount of quests between Fallout 3 and NV is retarded.

New Vegas fucked up the lore, they hardly even mention the tunnel snakes.

>rpg codex shitters who have no life sitting on Sup Forums spamming shitposts all weekend like the depressed sad faggots they are

>lose all your gear for fake drama
>evil fog that ignores all protections for fake drama
>immortal zombies for fake drama
>attempted resource scarcity for fake drama, failed hilariously
>Villa consists of a dozen bleak, dark mazes using the same 22 kilobytes of model and texture over and over and over and over and over again with zero shortcuts and planks over doors so you'd have to go the long way around as often as possible
>bad guy is obsessed with getting into the vault even though all the tech he desires can be found scattered all over the place
>lol let go, and to drive the point home we won't give you any tools to be smart with and also we've disabled the corpse container exploit. Nowhere else in the game, just here. LET IT GOOOOOO
>apparently I could have gotten more information and backstory out of my teammates, if I bothered to backtrack for 50 minutes through confusing maps in order to see if new options appeared somewhere in their dialog trees

Never has a video game made me feel more tired than wading through this pretentious, amateurish slog. At least I got all the gold out so I could build a little shrine to spite.

The proper title is "The Elder Scrolls", not "Oblivion".

>it's bad to compare a game with diverse, multiple branching quests to a game with linear, non branching quests

That's why Bethesda keeps getting away with shitty games, because of retards like you.

Not him, but for one they had better multicore support built in. FO3 required you to make ini edits just to have some dual core usage.

What the fuck? Are you really this retarded? His point is that the list above is bullshit because NV's Quests are of a deifferent kind where one quest lead to another. F3's Quests meanwhile is self encompassing and generally hold all possible paths in a single quest. OP said this >Reminder that Fallout New Vegas was developed in 1.5 year and it had more quests, characters, weapons, locations, lore and had a bigger game universe than Fallout 3, which took 4 years to develop.
And he's saying that comparing the amount of quests is retarded, not saying that it is bad.
Please learn to read next time.

They also added some lighting effects, like the New Vegas glow you see at night. It's small, but it adds to the atmosphere.
>tfw you see it for the first time from the Goodsprings cemetery hill

You should look at the quest flowcharts on the wiki. I think you'll be surprised by how often Fallout 3 offers the player a choice on not just how to complete a quest but how to progress through it too and how often NV doesn't.

>lying on the internet
Stop. Look on google before spouting bullshit next time.

Now this is likely true and i believe it since i have only played Fallout 3 once.

FONV's 'nonlinear, branching' quests usually boil down to a big heap of nothing, since you're generally railroaded into going down the branch your skills allow, or you unknowingly trigger critical flags and lock yourself out of other options. Parsing through some of the trees makes it look like they used first drafts for everything.

Except it is true. Fallout 3 fresh installs only use one core. You have to open up the ini to enable multithreading on the PC version.

Better than Oblivion though, that was locked to 1 CPU core no matter what you did.


I looked on the internet and you have to edit the ini to get multi threading.

Is that real life?

That's mainly for 3 or more core systems. NV uses 2 by default if i'm not mistaken. Makes sense given that dual core systems were the norm.

>immortal zombies for fake drama
Only decent point you made. I didn't like the holograms, but that's very minor.

>lose all your gear for fake drama
>evil fog that ignores all protections for fake drama
Necessary for the gameplay, and I didn't think any of it was objectionably implausible.

>attempted resource scarcity for fake drama, failed hilariously
This is not part of the story.

>villa consists of a dozen bleak, dark mazes
So you are complaining about the villa being a villa? And there is variety in there, and it isn't really ubiquitously dark.

>bad guy is obsessed with getting into the vault even though all the tech he desires can be found scattered all over the place
That's not what he's after. You don't know what you're talking about.

>lol let go, and to drive the point home we won't give you any tools to be smart with and also we've disabled the corpse container exploit.
>apparently I could have gotten more information and backstory out of my teammates, if I bothered to backtrack for 50 minutes through confusing maps in order to see if new options appeared somewhere in their dialog trees
Nonsense and irrelevant. Also, git gud.

> pretentious, amateurish slog

I looked and apparently both F3 and NV is optimized for dual cores. Here's the most credible source i can find


My face is melting from your mighty argumentation. Well done.

Actually, no, let's argue.
>Necessary for the gameplay
No. They give you the best rifle in the game and exceptionally good weapons and armor, so taking your gear away boils down to shitting down your throat for a bit then apologizing. And the fog only served to make the levels take longer to traverse, it was a non-threat and irrelevant beyond a shoddy plot device.
>This is not part of the story.
But it's part of the gameplay. And in this case, it was everything wrong with System Shock 2 compressed into fifteen minutes. I bought so much shit preemptively that I had to make stashes and I still had 3000+ tokens left by the end. 'Scraping for supplies' my ass.
>So you are complaining about the villa being a villa?
I'm complaining about four minutes of content being stretched to four hours of running through identical looking hamster mazes, with minimap and objective markers completely useless in navigation. If I didn't have experience in mapping out game dungeons by hand I would have killed myself from tedium.
>That's not what he's after.
That's all he is after. He didn't give a damn about the gold, he wanted the technology of Sierra Madre, the dispensers, the holograms and the cloud. None of which were in the vault, and all of which were omnipresent outside of it.
>Nonsense and irrelevant. Also, git gud.
lol k

>If I didn't have experience in mapping out game dungeons by hand
you know pipboy does that for you right
switch to "local map" on the map screen, or something like that
jesus man

That's what I was referring to when I said the minimap is useless. If there's a trick or a mod that makes interior local maps readable I haven't discovered it. Plus, paper maps lets me put notes or mark routes. Pipboy just lets me press tab in order to get a brief headache.

I didn't have problems navigating the Villa, I definitely didn't ever consider making a paper map. There are always some kind of unique things, like "I remember this room with this message" or "this roof with this chair and stash". The interiors are all pretty distinct, especially once you get to the casino. I don't get the problem.

All I wanted was playing fallout 3 and new Vegas on win10
Was that too much to ask?
If this continues and I know enough about coding, I am gonna have to take matters into my own hand.....

>That's all he is after. He didn't give a damn about the gold, he wanted the technology of Sierra Madre, the dispensers, the holograms and the cloud. None of which were in the vault, and all of which were omnipresent outside of it.

No, he didn't. He mentions in the final act that he's interest in some unspecified data, which probably isn't in the vault any longer.

Checked google and apparently it's a Nvidia driver issue with the anniversary update. Try rolling back to 368.

New Vegas Remastered

>My face is melting from your mighty argumentation. Well done.

Big talk from someone that wrote this.
>lol let go, and to drive the point home we won't give you any tools to be smart with and also we've disabled the corpse container exploit.
>apparently I could have gotten more information and backstory out of my teammates, if I bothered to backtrack for 50 minutes through confusing maps in order to see if new options appeared somewhere in their dialog trees

lol You didn't even understand some basic aspects of the plot. See

I had to jump through several hoops to get NV to run on 10.
But basically the main issue was it wont dl a file it needs, you can verify cache in steam all day and you wont have it, you need to replace the missing DLL file manually. sorry i cant be more specific i forget.