Bad games you love

Only thing bad is the frame rate

I would argue that Drakengard 3 is actually a pretty good (but deeply flawed) game. Regardless, I agree - it was great. Drakengard 1 too, although I actually preferred 3.

Really looking forward to Nier 2. I'm a bit worried that fact that its being developed by Platinum will ruin Drakengard and Nier threads with platinum/anti-platinum shitposting.

Only thing bad is that Zero isn't my wife.

I liked Drakengard 1 more

Tbh the threads are already borderline trash with all the waifu/futa posting

At least the LPfags finally fucked off

Is it really bad though? The crafting, hunting, and gathering made the most sense in the world of Primal. In 3 and 4 it felt so out of place.

At least the demo will give us a lot of new things to talk about,especially if it releases on Steam.

And he enemies being recycled over and over again. And the level design (aka long corridors with ps1 textures).

I love it more than Nier though.

Fuck the haters, this game is great.

Mostly because of the amount of friends i made.

When is the demo meant to be coming?

How was that a bad game?

>Five will never be you're waifu

DmC: Devil may Cry
Skyrim with mods
Call of Duty up to MW2

I honestly couldn't tell you, but everyone I know hates this game for some reason.

>Tbh the threads are already borderline trash with all the waifu/futa posting
I mean, there really isn't much to talk about that hasn't been already. It's a miracle it still gets frequent threads for how little the game is being marketed in the West.

I don't know,but I heard new information will be released on the 17th

Two Worlds xbox 360

I actually enjoyed it, even if it was a slideshow.

You must have a very selective/touchy group of friends. DC's loved here for obvious reasons and most other places can stomach the fanservice. It's no Odin Sphere, but it's still a decent game.

Saints Row: The Third
Killer is Dead
Deadly Premonition
No More Heroes Paradise


isnt that the game in which that dragon takes a piss?

this game was a flick,
first game was a kino


Fuck, was NMH considered bad? I really liked it. 2 even more so

I wouldn't call OW bad.
DmC had some pretty good controls for a DMC game. Otherwise it was shit.
Skyrim is still shit with mods but I suppose I just don't give enough of a shit to mod it enough for me to like it.
>Not liking Black Ops 1

its also the game where the director keeps trolling the player.

How so? Never played it

No, I think they mean the PS3 remake specifically.


>deadly premonition
>jak 2
>dark souls 2

I should play drakengard 3 soon, I have it and loved nier

I wouldn't really call Drakengard 1 a bad game, the ground combat can get pretty boring, but that sky combat. Though I haven't played Drakengard 3 yet, I'm barely 10h into Nier, and so far it's shit compared to D1.

Just wondering,are you doing the sidequests?

Zero is actually my wife. Fuck off

look up the final boss

Some of them, I do them if they're along the way, I also try to do everything Yonah asks for.

You made friends on Halo 4?

The final boss is a little cheap but as long as you don't have to try 10 times the song is worth it.
Skellington Masketta man is a lord

Shitty hitbox aside I'm surprised how gud the final boss of the third Ending route was. Damn thing was throwing the kitchen sink at me with those fucking homing balls and lock-on. Really felt like a fight to the death.

Caim I already know who you fucking are

>b-but that circus case

fuck you, the other turnabouts were great

I wanna put my dick in her flower.

Despite all it's faults I can't help but love this game

>Killer is Dead
>Deadly Premonition
God tier-taste detected. I have DP for both 360 and PS3, and haven't regretted either purchase. The PS3-version is the Director's cut and I have no idea what it added, like few suits more?
I'm thinking if I should buy the cat suit DLC for Emily, or whatever it was.

Adding EDF-games to the list

That could really go for the whole franchise. Their awful games. The stories are alright, but you could really just watch them and get the most out of them. 3's gameplay was a little better than the first two games though.