Can we get an obscure steam ports thread?

Can we get an obscure steam ports thread?

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Not so fast.

>they made two of these fucking games

That game was like a fever dream. It was so damn fast-paced and stupid.

The first one was alright once you ditched the co-op partner.

Second one features a twist where a pregnant teenager explodes to kill the main antagonist of the game who only appears moments before the fake credits sequence.

So, I mean yeah, it exists.

>game ported to pc
>It's Steam only
Is there anything worse? Makes me much rather pirate them. Not that I enjoy playing on of these days.


My favorite TCG vidya. Somehow only these guys figured out that when you're doing it on a gaming system you can actually draw units battling instead of cards flopping on the table.

Yeah, the only thing I hate more than buying games is playing them too.

Psi ops


but are these games any good

>all those Vita games that get ported to PC

There is literally no reason to own a Vita

Yes, they are.

japanese people shouldn't be allowed to use english characters in titles unless they have a license for it.

>Very Positive
>Very Positive
>Very Positive

So what's your favorite Steam kusoge?


Sakura Dungeon

time tenshi 2 has my fetish

is it any good? It looks like meh cheesecake

>steam ports
it's just the PC versions there is nothing special about them

There's a fan mod that re-balances the game and makes it a lot better. Otherwise it's kind of too straightforward.

I remember furiously jacking off to a picture of that game in a magazine that i used to get before it got canceled. Then my uncle rented that game and I got to play it a little bit. When he left the room I would look at all the hot girls and fight the urge to cum in my pants so that I wouldn't have to waddle out of the room frantically

The Boiling Point sequel finally got a steam release. You still need the unofficial patch to fix sound problems though

How the fuck is this even pronounced?

>tfw no Boiling Point on Steam
I would love to play it.

I only knew it was on steam when I saw it on the GDQ stream

This originally had a retarded amount of bugs if I remember correctly, I think they patched it years later though

Well it works fine on my machine so far.

Uh, i had no idea these were on PC, I'll definitely grab them sooner or later, i never had the chance to finish them on console

Lot of weird old games sitting around on Steam.

>Lot of weird old games sitting around on Steam.

Nigga pls, Shadow Man is one of the best 3d metroidvanias out there.

Maybe if the map and final boss didn't suck so hard.

So htol NIQ has a meaning or is it just a jap who thought using random letters was cool? Haven't had the chance to pirate the game even though /hbg/ jerks his cock to it.

It's stylized "Hotaru no Nikki"
Which means "The Firefly Diary"

>captcha: CALLE Calle

Would be nice to see Boiling Point and Precursors up too.

>tfw Getting Up was banned in Australia for promoting graffiti
>was always mildly interested in it
>it's still actually banned to this day
>go check the store
>mfw it's fucking available

Holy shit, thanks OP. It's such a low profile game I don't think valve even noticed it's banned and Aussie government's probably forgotten about it. I could always import a copy from the UK since they work on our PS2's but could never be fucked.

I played the first one only on my PS2. It was good for a budget horror title. I remember it having all this lore about early explorers going to Africa in the 1800's and bringing back weird shit that caused the school to be haunted or some shit. Some of the mechanics were neat too, I think it meant meant to have that teen slasher atmosphere and put it into a survival horror game. It was kinda like Resident Evil Outbreak in that you had companions with you at all times and could craft items together.

I really should give it a replay and try out 2 someday.

>calle calle

Like 80% of my captcha's are the word Calle. I love it, so easy and fast to type. I've gotten Calle Calle multiple times too. I have a screenshot of my double calle captcha's but it's on my laptop and I'm using my desktop right now so have one of my current calle captcha instead.

What the fuck does it even mean?


In what language?


Be glad you're not getting any more of those "choose all the street signs even though it's a picture or a beach/forest" captcha