Can a video game with a concept like The Truman Show be done interestingly and subtly?

Can a video game with a concept like The Truman Show be done interestingly and subtly?
How would the player experience a world where their suppose to slowly learn has been a complete facade? Not just a simulation or dream, but something created for everyone else's entertainment and everyone around you was in on it.

it would probably end up being like smash TV except you don't know you're on TV till you kill the last boss. twist of the centurya

Metal Gear Solid 2

What do you mean by a Truman Show like concept? The world around the MC being revealed as nothing like what it seemed? Or exactly like the Truman Show? Or just a huge fucking twist that throws the entire game for a crazy loop? The first Bioshock qualifies for the first and second of those

I think it would be kind of funny if the person you were playing as knew he (and by extension you, the player) were on it, and he'd drop hints about it up until it was actually revealed. so it was like the player was really the one on the show the whole time
someone get m. night shamalamadingdong on the phone

Sure, but due to reviews and the internet, the game would be spoiled right as it came out.

There is also the question of Replayability, if you already know the main twist in the game, why bother to play it again?

Truman show is such a great movie btw, it really makes me nostalgic.

Star ocean 3 did it horribly when the protaganists discover their univerae was just another's MMORPG. There are some 4th wall breaking games that rebels againest the player's control if that is what you mean.

Open world Sims.

Done. Send me the check.

It's a souls game, where you've been plonked into a world with little explanation as to anything, you play the game with the expectation of what it is the entire time

Then at some point organic you can break out of the game and you realize it was all a kid playing a videogame system, and then you now control that kid and go on the REAL adventure

You can break out into the "real world" at any point, even at the beginning of the game if you know how, and how soon you do it, and how late changes what happens in the real world game as the kid will likely miss alot of dangerous shitoutside by staying inside playing the game, but if he plays too long...

You can play the game without ever knowing of the real world outside game of the kid playing the game. You could get right to Lord Gwyn essentially and beat him and as the credits are about to roll, static digital fuckery starts happening to subtley allude that it's all a farse

Basically, the real world game involving the kid would control the same, but have a totally different menu, hud, everything. You would still play it like a souls game, except the kid can crawl and climb stuff as well, he can attack with whatever he finds

It's two games in one. You have one studio make one game, and the other studio making other in mind of the other studios game and what happens in and timing stuff


Only one person gets to play the game at a time, and it streams to Twitch without you ever knowing about it.

The Sims 2 for GBA already did it

The Truman Show doesn't hide the truth from the audience. It's not a twist, it's the whole concept for the film. MGS2 is not an equivalent.

wait.. I swear I've seen you somewhere on here before. Weren't you making a game about this?

>Souls game


Something along the lines of .hack where you play a as a normal kid who plays a mmo. when you start up the mmo it becomes a normal rpg.

the end twist is after he kills the final boss, he has to face a boss in real life and he wins. after he does you see that this entire concept was just a game being played by another kid.

>he has to face a boss in real life and he wins
That boss should be his dad, who wields the power of disappointment

You can't do that stuff anymore due to datamining and leaked copies

assassins creed and to an extent assassins creed 2. Now while the stinger is in the first level the game is a fraud you still learn everything around you is fake. And with ass ass 2 you learn you are not even the real hero but Desmond is.


But real life isn't as exciting as a souls game. Let's make the real lif section fucking boring and full of tedious shit, and we'll make the video game section FUN as possible. You must balance the soul crushing reality with the fun of video games.
We'll call it Sup Forumsirgin simulator

Custom Robo had a truman show sorta deal.

>Someone gets game early
>beats final boss
>Boss rises
>A screamer screen appears
>You die
>game tells you to download day 1 patch to get the true ending.

People should be forced to play MGS2 before posting here. It was a loot more common back in 2006 than it is in 2016