He is excited about MGSV: Hollywood edition after the massive fuck ups of MGS4, PW and MGS:V

>He is excited about MGSV: Hollywood edition after the massive fuck ups of MGS4, PW and MGS:V

When will Sup Forums ever learn?

Other urls found in this thread:


After the turd that was MGS:V
I just want his game to fail hard

>pretending to like kojima just to disagree with dsp

it will not
normalfags never learn

MGSV was one of the best games of the year. Only Bloodborne can possibly top it.

>MGS4, PW and MGS:V

Even his failures are master pieces.

mgsv wasnt kojimas fault
its all a ruse by konami, they ruined mgsv intentionally so people would be angry at kojima and avoid his games

Idiots are know for staying stupid throughout their lives. Otherwise they wouldn't be idiots, just slow learners.

That doesn't explain the turd that was Mgs4, you hackjima apologist.

Get some taste or burn yourself to death.

this game will decide if kojima is an hack or not.
dont preorder and wait for non paid reviews.
If it turn out a masterpiece (unlikely) you'll be pleasantly surprised

It can't.
It's a Sony exclusive, and Kojima game.

Who cares what you think the game is a Playstation 4 exclusive that's all that matters here.

Sup Forums is divided into two groups:
1- Those who want Hideo to fail
2- Those who want Hideo to be succesful
But no one in here just wants good games to be released fuck

I don't care about Kojima, but I enjoyed all of his games you listed. So I'm not really worried. Well, at least until we get gameplay and more info.

>stockholm syndroming this hard
Literaly battered housewive tier

>stockholm syndroming
The only thing getting battered is ur mums vagina.

I'm sorry that I actually enjoy playing video games.

>When will Sup Forums ever learn?
they won't. most of the loud supporters are normies that started gaming around at 15 year old and will stop at 19. They literally only propagate noise and many will never play any of his games. But he's a e-celeb spammed on Sup Forums, so they MUST be part of the "legend".
see also : zelda """""""""""""""""""""""""""""fans"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

What about the people who want good games to be released but are just sick and fucking tired of hearing about Kojima?

What's dsp?

Sorry for the silly question I normally only go on Gaia and Reddit.

Sup Forums idolizes Kojima for some weird reason

As far as I'm concerned his only good games were MGS, MGS3 and maybe Snatcher. He's not really that great of a developer but they still give him some award

>N-no officer, I swear I ran into the door, that's how I got this black eye
You right now

Never, this hipster garbage will always instinctively blame everything on the corporations, Konami is the evil evil devil, and Kojima is the pure and holy virgin second coming of jesus who's here to deliver us from evil.

you called it MGSV: Hollywood edition because like MGSV it too is being made by Kojima, but this time with actors

>being this new

Oh look it's another one of these thinly disguised threads about PCucks being mad they won't get to play an interesting game.

This stockholm syndrome analogy is poor, at least try to come up with better bantz.

Just call my taste shit, like a normal person.

Fuck you, I liked MGS4

Can you explain what it is though? There isn't really like a "guide to Sup Forums" or any of the board for that matter.

Kojima should just bite the bullet and become a movie director.

Fucking this trend of casting hollywood actors for videogames.

>mgs4 was bad
Even if the main campaign was slightly above mediocre to me, mgo2 is my favorite shooter of all time. Our opinions differ so yours is wrong.

He's right though, it is stockholm syndrome, its not an analogy.

You're revering a person that fucked you over repeatedly, and blame everyone but him, its the literal definition of stockholm syndrome.

>Sup Forums

I am enjoying it because it shows that the medium is trying to evolve. What we have atm is just shovelware bullshit which just rakes in million of dollars.

Those are just Phil Fish disguised as Sup Forums posters

>mgsv wasnt kojimas fault

My love for gaming in general died after I played that generic, westernized, casualized cluster fuck which is called Metal Gear Online 3.

Ok ill spoonfeed u my friend.
THIS is dsp

>You're revering a person that fucked you over repeatedly, and blame everyone but him, its the literal definition of stockholm syndrome.
Nah, for reference I am Not to mention that's not what stockholm syndrome is; having fondness of a kidnapper is.

I just like his games. I don't have a shrine of Kojima or anything. I just wanna have fun, and given the track record of me liking his game, I am optimistic about this one.

why are you still here then?


Just to suffer, user.

MGO3 was outsourced to a shitty American studio.

>Mmmm I wonder whats for DINNER...
What did he meme by this?

Well Konami DID lock Kojima in a room for the last six months of development and only allow him to communicate with his team through a third party.

I hate that Death Stranding is yet another open world effort. Why? I don't get why it has to be. Kojima works better within linear worlds.

peacewalker was excellent you can go get fucked

4 and 5 were pretty shit though

>he helped the redditor

because he waste millions of dollars and hadn't even finished half the game after 5 years

I thought this was a board about video games not an autistic circlejerk, I'm going back to Gaia because you guys are faggots :^)

>Sup Forums
>about videogames
good riddance desu

What's excellent about Peace Walker? It's ambitious and it is filled to the brim with shit to do and on paper a very good time waster that works great on a portable system.

For sure one of the biggest and most fully realized PSP games there are. But as a Metal Gear game why is it anything but bottom barrel shit?

Jesus you cunts can't even reply to bait properly anymore. Sup Forums is dead.

He would've done so if he wanted to.

>people are still supporting Kojima
>after MGS4
>after MGSPW
>after MGSV paid demo
>after MGSV half finished game and blaming Konami instead of taking responsibility
>after canceling ZOE3 because "there is no market"
>after being responsible for Konami outsourcing their games to the West
>after ruining castlevania by renaming the in-development lords of shadow game
>after MGSR and blaming the team instead of taking responsibility

What is wrong with Sup Forums and KDF?

MGSR was fantastic.

You said it not me :^)

MGSR was never released.

I thought i saw a turkey or chicken in the catalog thumbnail.

>I don't have a shrine of Kojima or anything
Why do you lie on the internet?

koji needs to lay off the drugs i have no fucking idea what is going on with his new game

Its like someones twisted nightmares with a touch of wierd nipponese shit

It's art bro

I loved all those games

Hey man, only time will tell.
If it flops it flops, I'll just shrug and go play a good game.
If its good I got a new good game.

MGS4 was still a good conclusion to the series and PW and V were great, so fu OP!

tfw after learning what Kojima has gone through O can never say anything bad about him again

he was a visionary robbed of his Future

>MGS4 was still a good conclusion to the series
>PW and V were great


He's a hack stealing credit and money from others to pay for his Joosten addiction.

>believe this
>avoid MGSV
>finally give in and give it a try
>it's fucking amazing
Why is Sup Forums always shit?

And he's like 62.
Bet joosten loves that Gilf dick.

You mean why is your taste so shit.

>muh cutscenes!

you're on the wrong side of history, bub

And that's coming from a weeb.

nice projection :^)

Oh so it isnt a game gg koji

Seriously though i think he has gone way too out there with this, like giger and his penis monsters koji needs a filter for his crazy

I just hope he nails the gameplay bit like mgs5

>Snak the Patriots have been dead for 100 years!
>Actually Snak I was fucking wrong and we will never speak of this again!
>ocelot in general
No user

PW and V are just objectively bad fuck off

it's called a retcon, friend. Everything Otacon said at the end of 2 was just disinfo from the patriot AI

>it's called a retcon, friend.
Yeah I'm saying it's retarded you retard

MGS4 ruined the ending of MGS2. It didn't even NEED a sequel

MGS4 and PW were his fault.
Without Tomozak properly directing the dialogue, research, story, codecs, etc, Kojima is a garbage-tier developer that can't make a good game.

sounds to me like you didn't really understand what MGS2 was getting at

No that would imply that "Everything Otacon said at the end of 2 was just disinfo from the patriot AI" was planned from the start and not a retcon

So which is it?

Not him, MGS2's ending (Otacon dialog included) was a clear cut not to leave loose ends.

Thinking Snake was going to find out the rest of the Patriots? Nah, all clues were phony, we're back to square one. Literally anything could happen now, game over, the ending is open to future developers, and/or yours truly.