So i got my copy early for some reason. Should i do a stream?

So i got my copy early for some reason. Should i do a stream?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless self bump

not on twitch tho, instant ban fama

Well fuck i only can stream via ps4 bc i dont have a capture card

OP can't tell pump it's own post you fucking retard
You have to go back

Putting in the disc right now

Day 1 Patch is already online

I was hoping Europe would get better cover art.

OP is probably in Canada.

At least the disc art looks ok

Do you guys know if I'd get banned for streaming the game?

yes please

>pokemon sonne

Looks like Germany to me.

PEGI is European.

Nope I am in Switzerland. That's an european version.

maybe, i'd stay offline desu

are you that weird weeaboo that has lots of anime figurines and makes videos in gimp suits? pre sure he is swiss

He's either Austrian or Swiss.



What is wrong with your foot? Lose weight.

Let us know if it's shit

>streaming a movie game

Isn't that piracy?

What is a nigger doing in Switzerland?

It's not March, you fraud.

Please stream OP. Dont listen to the underage nintoddlers and PCucks shitposting here.

I'm a fat bastard.

Well guys thw hope of streaming is dead. You can't stream games that aren't released it seems.

post a review now

the same as all the other niggers here
abusing our social security system

do a youtube livestream so i can watch it later because i have to go to bed

Youtube stream pls. Make it private and li nk it here

Can you please fuck off to your containment board already?

I can't broadcast I get some popup that says it's not possible. Probably bc the game isn't out yet

Can you record some videos using the PS4's record option and upload them?

I wouldnt mind a few seconds of camera video.

No, don't. Enjoy the game for yourself.

Well let me see



Honestly, I would be up for a cam rip at this point.

Do you have an external recording device?

Surely whatever you're using to take pictures can also record video.

In any case it's almost 6AM and I have to go to sleep so whatever you decide on, I simply ask that you put it in a format such that I can view it when I wake up.

Cheers and have fun with your early game.

motherfucker at least shakycam some of this shit with your phone so we know its real

Im using my 2 year old phone for photos

Op here can you livestream vids to yt with your phone?

Cam vid OP. Make it private to avoid Jewtube taking it down.

This game is one of 2 games Im excited for (other is Nier). God I really want to not be disappointed.


Guys should I play ico and SotC before playing this?

Have not played it thinking of a possibility to stream it. But cant find one.


The ps4 or YouTube saying that as FFXV wasn't blocked

Eh, up to you. Ico and SoTC loosely tie in with one another, but they are stand alone games with very different gameplay styles, similar to this game.

Just play it and come back with your personal review.

>pokemon sonne
when does that come out?
i only have sun

Anons here is a Jap stream - [PS4] 人喰いの大鷲トリコ (THE LAST GUARDIAN):

Ps4 blocking any broadcasting look at the pics ive posted.

Game runs.

this will be my goty

Wait for Pokemon Mein Herz Brennt

Sorry user I scroll passed it by mistake. Hmm never knew they had that setup to block streaming

Well guys OP here. I tried everything I can. But there seems to be some jap. Stream going on you should go watch there.
If someone has ideas how i still could stream it it d be open for it.

>buy a game
>can't do whatever you want with it

is this the power... of the ps4... woahhh

>not waiting for pokemon Stein um Stein

Op here. I can share play it though. If someone who has a capture card would be willing to get into a party with me he could broadcast, but not play it (dont have ps plus)

Any takers?

haha holy shit you cant stream what you own because your console dictates it

just think of this

OP, just record videos on your phone and put them up unlisted on YouTube.

I live alone can't really play and record at the same time. Already tried. And i don't want to make a second yt channel

are you enjoying it?

Yupp, but up unzil now it's way more ICO than sotc which is a positive for me.

yeah i think thats better too desu

does it feel like an indie game, or more like a big budget AAA game?

Haha epic!
*pcmasterrace fist bump*
We are truly superior!

Well do you remember the janky controlls when stepping over ledges and climbing on colossi? That jankyness returns which gives it a indie feel but the animation is top notch so it compensates bc the movemwnt itself doesn't look janky but really good. Better than in most aaa games.

It's probably for the best you don't do anything more that post images and short clips from your phone. Game devs can get pretty militant with leakers.

>he can't switch his OS and desktop environment because micromeme dictates it
you're no better

Op here. Update Time. The game is incredibly similair to ico. You use Trico (Doggo) to get theough obstacles while clearing the way for him and feeding him with barrels. So far I like it but I couldn't recommend it if you are looking for sotc 2.

>I couldn't recommend it if you are looking for sotc 2

Btw. The more wind and geass there is, the more the fps tank. If your planning to buy a ps4 for the game maybe you should go with the pro.
Has anyone questions?

>the more the fps tank
How badly is "tank"

Around 20 when the wind goes crazy. Still not as bad as sotc on ps2.

Btw somwthing really anoying are this controll po upd that you can't turn off i hope that after you leave the first area they dissapear. If not that's a huge flaw. Specially bc you can look at the controlls in the menu.

Should have been released on ps2

Thanks OP.

We're still lurking

Stream that game.If you're so great

Do you guys have any questions?

Btw lot of lizards on the walls but you cant slash them bc you don't have a weapon except Triccos tail which can emit bolts.

stream it you fuck

Look above streaming is not possible. I wOULD IF I COULD.

>Do you guys have any questions?
The question we are all asking right now.
Is it good?

This desu senpai

Yes if you liked Ico you will love this one. If you didn't like Ico and expect a sotc sequel skip it.

Btw Tricco seams to be scared of certain symbols. Probably some story behind it.

I liked Ico better than SotC so i guess I'm in luck.

Yes exactly like me you are.

Use the remote play to play from your PC and stream it using OBS.

Not worth the hassle for me sry.
I dont have obs nor the playstation stream app and when i used to have it games looked like shit and laged to the point were they where they were unplayable (0.5 sec input lag)

Story of the game just got fucking interesting. I'm not gonna spoil anything. But be assured that there seems to be more story than in ICO

>i have bad taste

How many hours are you in?

Well 2 more or less. I had to cook something while playing.

But remember im stopping to write in this thread and take pics. Probably 1 hour regular playtime.

Ganbare OP

Ok OP here this will be my last post seeing how the thread is pretty much dead by now. I'll recap. The game is pretty much ICO 2. There are no huge beasts except Trico from what I've seen. The annoying control pop ups seem to stay throughout the game and can't be turned off it seems. There seems to be a story to Trico wich probably will be as cryptid as the one in ICO. From what I've seen there is no fighting systems but there are some enemies which you can try to avoid. If you dont manage you can struggle free from them. If Trico is nearby he'll tear them apart and you will have to calm him.

I'm off guys have a nice one.

>My opinion is superior

Thank you OP

Shit just got here! I got a few questions.

Is there the same amount of minimal story like the other games?

Are the puzzles interesting so far?

How does the game play between Trico and the kid play? Well?

>buy a game on pcuckstation
>dont actually own your game and cant use it until the second it unlocks on the cuckservice

it is

Op here fuck it am gonna answer this one before leaving.

Yep story is minimalistic like in ICO and sotc.

The puzzles remind me very much of the ones in ICO. They usually go like. Hmm how can i get through this room and how can i make Trico follow me. Often times you will be climbimng Trico like a colossus to get zo higher points as an exemple. Another exemple: Trico can be scared to follow you in some instances. If you find a barrel (which is food) you can lure him to follow you. Or i found a plate wirh some symbols which scared Trico so i just had to throw it down a cliff and he would follow me again.