Hi there! Am I too late to the open world, exp. and woman with a bow trend?

I also climb with a boring platform control, so who is waiting for my game?

I wish they'd stop making open world games.

Is this out yet? Interesting concept but the trailer about a year ago didn't really look like actual gameplay.

Can't wait. This, Gravity Rush 2, Automata and Ace Combat 7 will be the last good games ever made.

You will spend decades doing nothing but holding up on the analogue stick to get to actual gameplay and like it.

>far cry primal with robots

last of us, tomb raider 1 and 2, far cry 3, 4 and primal and crysis 3

anything else?

>Zelda fags trying to take attention away from that terrible game awards showing

kek, pathetic

I mean when you consider how well Witcher 3 was received and it being a 17 hour cinematic cutscene moviethon with a pretty derrivative gameplay, level design, bad combat mechanics

And then you realize Horizon has better gameplay, better looking environments, less cinematics, more variation within the environments, better looking monsters, better combat mechanics and the list goes on

But because this is exclusive, everybody has to shit on it. Everybody but PS4 owners. People will compare this to far cry and not Witcher 3, that's when you know the jealousy is real and they are trying to bring down a sick open world game


no (you) for you

I gave up on caring what Sup Forums thinks, the harder the shitpost exclusives the better they always turn out to be. Horizon > Witcher. Bloodborne > DS3. Uncharted > Tomb Raider. Ratchet and Clank > Grow Home. The Last Guardian > Kickstarter SOTC game. Gravity Rush 2 > everything. Nioh > DS3. Spiderman > everything.

I actually really like the woman with a bow trend

dont talk to me pls

I'll give you the (You) because you're absolutely correct


You literally use the bow for like 5 minutes in TLOU.

You can use it throughout most of the game if you want to.

>Make character whose schtick is agility
>Give it a bow
Why bows are so tied to agility? It doesn't make sense.

Hunger Games started this shit

Well I guess you can but it sucks so I don't know why you would

Sure, just like the platformer fad never ended.

You forgot one that was even more shoehorned

Or the fighting game fad, or the WW2 FPS fad, or the modern war FPS fad.


There was a fighting game fad? I mean, sure, there was a time span where a lot of fighting games were made, but I wouldn't call it a fad. Just a genre. Just like RTS.

What's wrong with her elbow?

You mean DnD.

its the best weapon in the game you mong

>There was a fighting game fad?
Absolutely. Just look at the Neo Geo library for proof. There were even two types, SF2 clones and MK clones (or should I say, Klones).

Resident Evil 5 also had a woman with a bow, though it was an endgame weapon.

Is this a result of stealth archer being the most fun playstyle in Skyrim?

Hey guys, I'm gonna put on my lunatic Sup Forums cap for a second.

What if MSM is pushing bow and arrows as an ultimate badass weapon to discourage people who fire guns recreationally from voting against syricte gun laws? Because fuck guns, bow and arrows are fun enough. And then they only have to worry about hunters and people who keep guns just becausr of the amendment.

Obviously it's not some grand articulated effort and the decision to put this shit in the media comes from the producers/artists, but I see it in a more grand scheme way. TPTB have had the power to veto bow and arrow action heroes and have done so until recently. There has always been peons asking permission to use the bow weapon, now nothing is stopping them.

Sorry lad I was one of those cheeky cunts who used molotovs in MP

Seeing how most game devs are massive libcucks, sounds likely.