I'm trying to play through this, but it's really boring desu

I'm trying to play through this, but it's really boring desu.
Constantinople feels very samey with the same copy pasted buildings and minarets everywhere and that horrible piss filter on top of it.
Story feels very dry and uninteresting and I can't give two shits about it. They somehow even manage to make Ezio boring as a protagonist. None of the new additions make anything worthwhile and the den minigame is such shit, that it's just boils down to bribing heralds just to avoid it.
Should I just skip it? Or it's worth getting to the finale?

It's a lazy cashgrab. Why the hell are you wasting your time on that.

Revelations was the game that the series started going downhill on. Every game after it was boring as fuck

Skip it. You should just check how Ezio bangs the redhead, the moment he meets Altair and how Desmond wakes up from the coma. I'll agree that everything else sucks ass.

I'm a completionist and wanted to play through all AC games, but this one feels very meh. I heard that 3 is even more shit. Maybe I should just stop at brotherhood?

Unity is pretty gud by now. Bugs have been fixed and it's a smooth ride. Story is interesting as well.

that e3 trailer though

That was Brotherhood. 100% Sync requirements killed it.

Are they even worth doing past Brotherhood?
I understood that doing missions 100% sync wise only unlocked Christina missions in brotherhood


The only good thing about Revelations is bomb crafting, which never made a comeback.

>get excited to see a Revelations thread
>"it's boring/cashgrab/shit/repetitive"
>It's actually my favorite one in the series

3 killed my love for this series

The Altair side missions are semi-interesting, and the last scene with Ezio is worth seeing once, but the game is ultimately just filler that they shoved out while III was taking an extra year to develop.

3 crushed my love, but I enjoyed the sailing.

The fact that 4 was all about the sailing and still sucked killed the series for me and I never bought another one.

Not even Brotherhood is worth finishing. Fucking borefest with shitty everything.
2 and 4 are only ones worth playing.

Can you imagine how much better things would have been if Brotherhood and Revelations would have been actual expansions for AC2 instead of standalone?

I liked it too. It was a good finale to Ezio's story.

3 adds a lot of nice detail to world and gameplay. Something the whole franchise benefits from. But its also buggy as fuck on PC, and Connor the "lets do good guys" boi, clashes for many people, after playing Ezio. Who was pretty much James Bond.
In some parts, 3 is actually my favorite, but in most, its the worst.

Play 4. Thats an AC worth playing. Be a fucking pirate. Sing shanties and board the brits.

Don't forget jumping off your ship every 30 seconds to collect a message in a bottle from the top of a tree.

Yup. Sailing was great. I also liked Captain Kidd's missions. They reminded me of Tombs from Ezio's games. Haven't played any AC game after 3. Recently I started replaying 2 and thinking about trying Syndicate.
Hope Empires will turn out well.

I literally only played 1, 2, 3 and 4. At the time the Ezio games not being numbered made me think of them as pointless spinoffs like the handheld games. So naturally I was a little lost on Desmond's story in 3.

That said, I actually liked 3 for the setting and multiple activities you could do, aside from the world being small as fuck it felt like an inferior RDR. Plus I love tomahawks. I actually didn't care for the first two too much just based on how easy the combat was, 3 ripped off Arkham but at least it made it more interesting.

4 was decent but after 100%ing the first four I'm done with the series. Story was an interesting concept but went nowhere and the "hey meet all these historical characters surprise they're all in the same illuminati" got old so I kinda never paid attention to it. 3 I think had the best collectibles because there weren't so many of them, making it feel like a Banjo game as opposed to a sandbox with five hundred orbs to pick up, but both 3 and 4 required quite a bit of grinding to 100% and I'm kinda out of that stage of my life. Wolfpack was fun too.

That being said I do kinda want to pick up Rogue just for the America setting. Even outside glitches Unity doesn't interest me because it looks like a reboot of 2 which I thought was just okay anyway, and Syndicate I just completely ignored.

>I'm a completionist and wanted to play through all AC games
funny I bough the AC games on PS3 to do the same thing but got to 2 and realized how shit and dated they are.
3 is my fav of the series unironically.

3's cities were beautifully done, they felt so unique where the ezio games cities felt all the same.
3 revolutionized the combat and brutality of it and it was the first game of the series where the open world part was actually worth exploring.

Guess what?İstanbul is samey with the same copy pasted buildings outside touristic areas old houses look exactly the same even restorated ones.

There's a few moments in the story dealing with Ezio and Desmond that are good and a few gameplay sections that are alright, other than that it's a bad game considering how good 2 and BroHood are.