ITT : Sup Forums describes its dream game

inb4 "it exists"

Personally the game theyre making at 8ch dot net /loli/ is everything I wanted in a game except it has, well, lolis. Its not only going to be a murder mystery game but it takes place in both the 50s and a retrofuture setting. Like if Unteralterbach had time travelling detectives. Not that bad. Heres some of its refs for clothes. Game still needs a game dev since it has an illustrator and concept artist already. Or it can be a visual novel?





Here's a design sheet by the illustrator.

We have alot of concept artists helping out. Heres one for example.

sly cooper but you're actual animals and yous teal from real people

its called Overwatch



Does every movie need a fucking game.

I just want Little Big Adventure 3

Pacific Rim was SUPPOSED to be it but fuck it

2016 Election Tycoon

surprisingly good

and very comfy suburbs level the whole game

>movie games

What?? I thought they released that years ago.

My bad sorry I thought you said Little Big Planet

dragons vs jets

King Kong the game

Platform Masters

>shit graphics

Guess your dreams look like PS2 games

My dream game?
Capcom, Konami and Platinum come together to make a game that mixes sneaking levels with hack and slash levels, with dating sim on the side, featuring most handsome men and most beautiful women from their collection.


When will this meme end

They did MGR and I want to be absolutely sure I get Sam in the mix.

But that game was edgy borderlining weeb trash

That game takes its campiness and makes it fun. Makes me think of Hollywood action movies, at least the ones from 80s and 90s. Story is far from best, but you just love the overall experience.

My dream game is pretty much Witcher 3 set in Victoria Era hunting monsters with a plot involving Dracula.

An augmented reality game that makes you laugh as hard as you want for as long as you want. Just need to design it with some neuroscience principles...

A Kamen Rider game where you make your own OC and eventually fight alongside all the riders in some ridiculous epic fight.

Basically Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Tokusatsu edition.

My nigga

Now i want it too

SOMA but the abyss level for the whole game

Basically RotMG but actually designed well and as a proper game instead of a microtransaction-ridden disappointing web MMO