Which faction, Sup Forums?
Which faction, Sup Forums?
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Templar obviously.
Illumemes have the best deck outfits.
Dragon, since there is no Frog
>choose between corpo-whore, white knight virgin or complete edgelord
Seriously though, Templars are objectively the best and most fleshed out faction. Also London is max comfy
there is only one right choice
Templars because they are bonganese and no other reason
I've never played this game, why is everybody calling them the best?
Templars. Make based Jacques de Molay proud.
Because Illuminati are treacherous faggots and the Dragon is one of the edgiest factions I've ever seen. Templars are the closest to good guys this game has and they're cool without being too edgy. Also I think they have the most content.
Because they're the least worst faction.
Dragon all the way. By far the best initiation.
Illuminati represent everything almost wrong with the world right now, fuck them.
Dragons could have been cool if they were more SMT Chaos, promoting freedom and a meritocracy, instead it's some weird secret Butterfly Effect bullshit.
Templars are too rigid but they're still the best choice by far.
>everything almost wrong
God damn I need some sleep.
>almost everything wrong
The Sup Forums in me demands I take Templars, but my natural affinity is for Dragon.
Illuminati get some really cool deck outfits. Slayer come to mind, and blades/assault rifles is a really good weapon set to play the game with. Your builders build points for both blades and AR finishers, and it builds them on the enemies hit, not yourself, so you can use builders on one enemy to build points, then tab between enemies and launch AR AoE attacks and decimate the group with ease.
Then these Templars will probably severely disappoint you, since their leader is literally a nigger.
It's not about race in the great DEUS VULTing of Islam, we can have the race war later.
There's a fucking cross in the title of the game.
Pick Templars so I could wear a tight leather jacket on my waifu.
They seem to be the only faction with anything close to leather/latex outfits.
yellow turbans.
Illuminati for cool dudes with cool outfits.
Templars for meatheads with a stick up their ass.
Dragon for weeaboos and literal retards.
>tfw Templar supervisor is an old lady
>very first thing she calls you about is to complain about those new fangled smart phones
Best Faction
the one that makes the gameplay not a pile of shit that makes the whole experience awful
oh wait
the Dragons could possibly become awesome with Japanese Joker as their representative, but that would require "Season 2" to actually be made/released at some point.
Maybe 2017 is the year of the expansion instead of focusing on that OH GEE YET ANOTHER survival/sandbox/crafting open world Conan spinoff game which is going to bomb hard considering how much everyone is sick to fucking death of that fad, but I dunno funcom may just be implementing some new free2play model for TSW (which is still buy2play, even though the buy-in cost is incredibly low)
>tfw Sentinels' backstory
From the start, you should know that I am not an accomplished writer. But I am a writer, and we are, all of us, liars.
None of this has happened. All of this is true. I promise.
I despise the trope of the unreliable narrator, so you can imagine my self-loathing, tonight, as I bleed black upon the blank page. I was full of self-loathing that night too. I was a writer, barely at the start of my career, and I’d run out of stories.
Desperate. Very desperate.
Never mind whether I found him, or he found me. Never mind the ritualistic particulars - whether I waited at a cross roads under a harvest moon or drew a chalk circle or invoked his name nine times before a dark mirror - whether I sacrificed a cat, swallowed a leech ballooning on virgin blood, or answered an odd ad in the Personals. Pick your cliche and suckle on it.
We met.
“So your pen has run dry, eh Jack?” the doctor asked. I wrote under the name Jack Fatuus.
I nodded. We both sipped strong coffee the colour of bog bodies. He wore lambskin gloves. It was a cafe, the same one these things always happen in.
“Am I to believe you’re the doctor?” I asked. "You’re the one traipsing about Dunwich, doing battle with horrors?“
"Yes,” he said, “or rather… that was a story written about me. You see, I once met a boy who was made entirely of fear. He was afraid in the night and afraid in the day. He was afraid of the world outside, but terrified he would never get to see it. He was afraid of foreigners, but fascinated by them. He was afraid of his psychotic father. Afraid of disappointing his mother. He spent a lifetime of people watching from the windows of his skull, which he kept shuttered fast. This prodigy child of Providence loved stories, but was afraid he would never trap them on the page, never to be read. So I made a deal with this anxious son of fear.”
“A deal?”
“He would be forever full of stories, the cup never empty. And the people would read his stories. On one condition: he had to write a story about me.”
“Why?” I sipped my coffee. My head throbbed.
He spoke in a rushing whisper. Tectonic plates in my brainpan shifted. He told me he was indeed a doctor of the occult. Long ago, he stumbled upon hideous combinations of dissociated knowledge. His hands dipped into the murmuring ink, and he did not clean them off. It stained like blackworm jism. It erased his name from the book of life, and rewrote it along countless dimensions. The sentient ink. The virulent ink. Story as contagion. Language as pathogen. He existed as a legion of fractals dancing on impossible curves.
“I’m dying somewhere, always dying.” he said. "I’m dying right now. But I can buy more life if someone inks me onto the page. That frightened child of Providence did. So I showed him an echo of the truth, opened up such terrifying vistas of story. I am offering the same deal to you, Jack.“
My hand shook, rattling the coffee cup on the saucer.
"It’s important I survive, Jack. I am burdened with terrible knowing. That knowledge must get to certain people. Stories ever-flowing, Jack, a whispering tide, yes or no?”
“Yes,” I said without meaning to speak.
Off came his lambskin gloves. Each fingernail was a platinum fountain pen nib bleeding black ink. All I could see was the gleam of those claws and the grin. He grabbed my forearm, and the needle points pierced my flesh. Viscous ink. With the index finger of his free hand, he wrote my name, my true name, on the napkin sitting in front of me. Something gaped open in my head, a nocturnal flower aching for the pollinator bat.
The doctor rose, tipped his hat, and left the cafe just like that. Outside, a soft drink truck promptly smashed into him as he crossed the street. There were screams, of course. There was crimson and ebony, like black cherries smashed on summer pavement. I fled.
The stories were there, wriggling like worms. All I had to do was pen a tale about Dr. A first. But I hesitated. The doctor was not, by profession, a writer. But he could still be a liar. Maybe such a creature shouldn’t be allowed to continue. Maybe his knowledge is dangerous. Maybe he doesn’t mean any of us any good.
I was afraid, so I waited. I’ve waited like a good boy. My career has gone nowhere. I’ve watched all of my peers surpass me in every possible way. Now I can’t wait anymore. I still have that napkin. Maybe… maybe if I lock this story in a desk drawer, if I wait years before publishing it, it won’t happen. I suspect that frightened child of Providence did the same thing. But it’s a pretty lie. I know that right this second, as I type, the doctor is birthing from a gory puddle of ink, fully formed - hat and grin and gleaming nails.
If you’re a writer, he might contact you someday. It might be a rumor or a cryptic phrase written on a bathroom stall wall or a raggedy flyer that blows into your leg as if by it’s own agency. If you’re a writer, you know. We are, all of us, liars. If you’re not a writer, then beware. We hide behind pseudonyms and ciphers. Even as you confide in us, we steal pieces of your life to feed the entities we sustain on the page.
None of this happened. All of this is true. I promise.
I am Jack Fatuus. I am not Jack Fatuus. I am not an accomplished writer. But I will be. God have mercy on my soul. I will be.
What game?
The Secret World
Illuminati. templars are the leftist plebe's faction, dragon is the teenage anarchist faction.
delet delet DELET this pic
>not making the bear face on the hat angry as well
had one job. failed hard.
I picked this up like, 4 years ago during a steam sale. Think I went Tempar. Was in a small town with monsters or something?
I don't remember why I quit, should I reinstall to play again?
What are some games where I can be a holy crusader and smite those who break God's law?
Lel funny memes are so funny. Like, whatever.
Oi you! Tuck your shirt in! I'll knock'er block off i swear on me mum! Hoity toity cunt m8.
Ching chang chong. We are all just blades of grass falling in the wind of chaos. Click for more fortune cookie proverb bullshit.
Did anyone else slog there way through this horrendous goat fuck of an mmo?
is just game
y u heff b mad
damn faggot calm down
They nerfed the HP on mobs, at least in the first area. It no longer takes an entire minute to kill a simple zombie.
Join Dragons to literally get your dick sucked.
You sure didn't. Otherwise you'd know that the faction choices don't fucking matter outside of 1 quest line halfway through the game, and a small paragraph of irrelevant text after each mission
I really regret going dragon desu, the deck outfits are terrible. Don't want to put in the mind numbing grind for another character though, I burnt out just getting to 10.0.5 shit on dps queues.
Actually I did. Ending choice is irrelevant. Never played the Tokyo expansion though.
>my god
>it's full of stars
game has god tier art direction tbqh
And puzzles. I want a puzzle game with these kinds of puzzles, but they don't fucking exist.
I couldn't give 2 shits about it being an MMO or an RPG, the setting and puzzles were why I played it.
Should I buy this at Humble or R6: Siege? I'm looking for a timesink until Star Citizen 2.6 hits the live servers at 8th Dec.
If you can put up with repetitive gameplay then it's absolutely worth a playthrough. However, since it's not currently on sale, and the complete edition (which includes all released expansions) is currently 70 dollarydoos, I'd say go with Siege.