There are people who claim Riot games is an awful company and playing LoL is giving them support, which makes you a fool

>there are people who claim Riot games is an awful company and playing LoL is giving them support, which makes you a fool
>these same people will play HotS, which supports a company way worse than Riot

Explain yourselves. Least dota fans have an excuse, valve seems like an alright company.

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I agree with op, how can anyone play this shit when league exists? If you're not gonna play dota, you play league. Not this shit knockoff. It's not even worthy of being an esport.

lmfao koreans will never take this shit seriously, so why play?

HotS has more fun characters IMO, I love the specialists, especially Abathur. Just a shame it's a crap shoot if he's useful or not based on how the devs feel like balancing at the moment

They don't take DotA seriously either as it has incredibly shallow macro.

zed and ekko are more fun than any hero in hots

>a company way worse than Riot

Are they really? I thought Riot was backed by tencent, who were known to be the scum of the industry?

>No new IP
Well done you fucking child. Stop seeking validation for playing a game and just fucking play it if you like it. Some people find HotS more fun, myself included, DotA is more competative,LoL is pure shit.

Why the fuck would you play hots instead of lol if you're not gonna learn dota 2? LoL has all the crazy teamfights and gameplay of hots but with actual skill involved. hots is made for fucking dumbasses. The game also runs like shit compared to league.

I adore Ekko but I'm gonna heavily disagree on Zed.
HotS just has more interaction, even if in the end it's meaningless. I love building creep as Zagara for instance or dunking people as Azmodan

yeah but blizzard isn't making good games anymore and they used to so theyre worse.

>Riot has a 100% rate of making shit games
>Blizzard has made two shit games in the past 17 years
>Riot bans players for not playing the game correctly
>Riot bans players for causing "triggers'
>Riot bans players for beating their moderators

>Somehow Blizzard is the worse company

but blizzard character designs suck, riot designs are more anime and cool, blizzstuff is too westaboo and shitty, like all their demons are overly buff or fat monsters with horns and spikes.

>>Riot bans players for not playing the game correctly
>>Riot bans players for causing "triggers'
>>Riot bans players for beating their moderators

Yeah as if blizzard wouldn't do the same.

>Riot has a 100% rate of making shit games

Yet that shit game is the biggest esport on earth, meanwhile hots has no tournies cuz no pros wanna play that trash and no one wants to watch 15 minutes of mindless teamfights with poorly animated attacks with no impact

This is shitposting, right? Like I thought we were having a conversation, but are you praising Riot Games, an American company, for being weeb losers while insulting Blizzard, another American company, for actually basing their designs off western fiction?

Lets just say Blizzard would do the same

>Riot's only game is shit
>All of Blizzard's games are good if you have the latest expansion

Not everyone plays games to measure their lifes worth user, just because it requires "skill" doesnt mean its enjoyable to sit and play, not everyone is into MLG shit, they want to jump on and goof around.

You might have actual real autism if you dont understand that people can like things you dont like and for their own reasons that dont apply to you. Again, stop seeking validation from people you dont know, you responded to your own thread agreeing with yourself for fuck sake.

Riot's designs are cooler looking, their females are way sexier and more badass, and their demons and undead stuff look creative. Hecarim and Thresh shit all over stuff like necromancer and the lich king, and vayne and lucian are way cooler looking and more fun to play than valla.

>Muh esports
I guess your favorite game is shit too because it doesn't have 12 year olds on Twitch watching it

Ok fine, lets say the game is fun. Why would you choose to play it when the company that made it is so shit and anti gamer? Look at WoW, the head guy in charge of pvp purposely makes it shit, fakes giving a fuck about feedback and even makes fun of the players on twitter and shit. Playing Hots is supporting people like that. I don't care how fun a game is, you gotta be pathetic to play a game made by people like that.

I want you to know that I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree heavily enough with yours that I just don't want to continue this conversation. Like I'm going to start doing ad hominem attacks at this rate.

Can I have some examples, genuinely curious now.

>Bronze level player makes retarded tweet @ Dev
>Dev calls him out for being a bronze dumb fuck
>Somehow Devs being based is bad
Spotted the Leaguebaby. The real world isn't a hugbox, faggot.

I literally do not give one fuck who makes the game and all the drama going on in forums that I dont go to, if its fun to play Ill play it.

This asshole ruins an entire class spec because "I don't want people to play it". Imagine if Riot nerfed all assassins because "I don't want people to play these champs".

>valve seems like an alright company.
Valve is the worst of the three.

Bethesda I can respect because they don't give a fuck if you like their product. They make what they want despite the bitching of their fans, because they know at the end of the day what will sell. Scream and piss your pants in a rage all you like, but they were right with the "you think you do, but you don't" line.

Valve though? If they're not ripping off Bethesda assets, they're refusing to publish games, or trying to steal and monetize mods, or swamping everything with DRM or locking people from their Steam accounts or suing their customers for giving bad reviews. And let's not forget the whole Valve killing Troika too.

>I don't give a fuck that I'm giving hours of my life to a game made by a company that supports vile trash

>Out of context quote which is just a cheeky joke
>Mouth breather
>Low quality
>Doesn't have most of his shit keybound
Huh really makes me think

That is what Riot does. Riot nerfed all stealth characters for an entire season until they got around to reworking them back in season one

Hots is on a shit engine that melts graphics cards

Yes, but did you mean to quote me? Because that has nothing to do with my post.

>valve seems like an alright company
>nobody saw through the bait
Nice one op, you are still a faggot though

Thats right user, I dont, I play it, have fun and leave, I dont look into the company that made its backstory and financial history, and cruise the forums and their twitter 24/7 looking for drek. If a game is fun its fun. Stop looking at the companies actions and look at the game itself.

>the assfaggot subhuman tries to feel superior to other assfaggot subhumans


I know, play at your own peril

Yeah well now you know the truth about the company, so stop playing the fucking game. Ignorance is not an excuse you can use now.

user, you dont understand. I dont care.
>Ill stop playing a game I enjoy because the company said X
>the gameplay is suddenly null and void and is no longer a factor in my enjoyment
Look at the game and only the game, that is what actually matters.

How about having some principles? Would you still eat steak from a restaurant that was known for torturing children? Even if the steak tasted amazing?

>Food metaphors
So you're one of those idiots who stopped eating at Chik Fil A because they were against gay marriage, aren't you?

>playing a bootleg dota 2

that's just sad, you can play the real skeleton king in dota, not in hots

Sup Forums is an 18+ website user

>valve seems like an alright company

>Skeleton King
>In Dota
What year do you think this is?

>valve seems like an alright company
Maybe like, 10 years ago.

>be cumguzzler AKA OP
>bitch about how people support blizzard because Im a dumb fuck who payed to play retail WoW and got mad about them not giving a shit about a game that should have died 8 years ago
>but its ok to support tencet who made a phone application that encourages people to snitch friends for having different opinions to their current goverment in exchange of good boy points
Unironically kill yourself you fucking cancerous esport loving jew niggerfaggot

>valve seems like an alright company

since when did Sup Forums hate valve wtf

blizzard is our enemy guys

>people will play HotS

Yeah fucking right. That thing is beyond dead.

>food metaphor
They dont apply to everything user. Did you know that Hugo Boss designed the clothing of the Nazis? Does that make Hugo Boss clothing look any less good looking now that you know this?

I would

I know this is way off topic, but Nazi uniforms really did look fantastic, especially the SS officers.

>valve seems like an alright company

Wouldn't be caught dead wearing their clothing. I have principles. Now go play hots, and support blizzard pissing and shitting down your throat.

Hugo didn't design anything. His company was just tasked with making them

>Skeleton King

Well the only time you'd be caught wearing any clothing is dead anyway since you never leave your apartment.

well you could play a real esport instead of dota

Valve haven't made any game in fuck many years, everything they done in past four years was using players as slaves to make cosmetics that generate most money for Valve

>these same people will play HotS
Nobody plays HotS

but that doesnt stop dota 2 from being the superior game

superior in what sense?

>moving goalpost
retard, talk was about Valve being worse than Rito and Blizzard

>Every single wow expansion after WotLK
>Diablo 3 and its expansion
>Starcraft 2 and both expansions

Bethesda is shit

Valve made the best game, that makes them the better company since they are game companies

no, they actually designed it
There is a reason why the nazi uniforms were that good looking

What's wrong with MoP, Diablo 3 RoS, SC2 vanilla and Overwatch?

He was a member of the Nazi party and funded the SS, its actually how he got the job in the first place, he was an activist. Thought user was right, he didnt FULLY design the uniforms, there was military advisement to add pockets, which dont normally go on a suit.

>Though he claimed in a 1934–35 advertisement that he had been a "supplier for National Socialist uniforms since 1924", it is probable that he did not begin to supply them until 1928 at the earliest
Just the supplier. And not even the original one. When he was hired, it was a family business that made cop uniforms

nothing, he is just a shitposter

>these same people will play HotS
Except there are a lot fewer people playing hots, and they dont behave like cancer on average.

> which supports a company way worse than Riot
There is no company worse than Riot, and by extension Tencent, you goon.

>community for a blizzard game
>games where the fanbase are mostly alt right white supremacists
>not toxic

>20 minutes queuing time
>unironically has less players than a FUCKING SMITES
Lmao defend this blizzdrone

Nice bait.

The games is literally dull gameplay and badly designed, nothing to see here besides getting your Genji's skin.

Lol's only good looking female is Tristana and Ahri

>im going to make data up since theres literally no way these guys can prove me wro...

>Infinite Crisis
I thought that closed last year, was it this year?

>10k people playing right now

>990k people playing right now

Really makes me think

>blizzard isn't making good games anymore and they used to so theyre worse
>Someone who made good games but stopped is worse than someone who did not make good games but ruins the industry day by day, month by month and is also a terrible and abusive workplace.

Dota 2s marketshare is way bigger than hots, this chart is fake as fuck

Riot only needed to make one good game, and they did. And it's the best game in the genre and the best competitive game of any genre.

You are trying to make a rational point with having "I like x more" as your sole argument, you realize this?

I know nothing about wow, I've never played it and never will. The head guy of hots is dustin browder, he seems like a cool guy and is very passionate about his work
The devs listen to the community and the game has only improved since release, why wouldn't i support them?

LoL's character designs being better is a factual statement, not opinion. A lot of work went into making those designs something people would want to play and it worked. I'd rather play as this than lame ass designs like illidan

>purple elf on steroids with animal body parts slapped on

wow so badass

Riot made cancer, not game

Because supporting them also supports ion hazzikostas and enables him to get paid to ruin wow pvp

if hots must suffer, then so be it, it's a casualty of war

I don't think I've hated a character anymore than I do Sgt. Hammer.

All dota heroes are free.
>but muh hats
It's beyond any comparison.

Because of AAA publisher making absolutely garbage like 2K made a Overwatch knock-off Battleborn. Doesn't it mean, it's a better game.

As someone who played LoL, moved to Dota 2 and played some Hots, I'd rather play Dota because at least I don't have any obligation to do hoops for currency that lets me buy heroes. And runes for LoL. But the matter of LoL vs Hots is a tricky one. I guess Hots wins for me, because instead of LoL I can play Dota, but Hots is rather unique with focus on team objectives/team fights and lack of farming of any kind.

but lol has waifus, hots doesn;t

Also, LoL is played year after year as bruiser/tank top, ability based mid, AD carry and support bot, and jungler.

Thing is I don't know who ion hazzikostas is and I don't give a shit about wow pvp
Guilt by association is probably not the best criteria to choose which games to play
What the hell are you even talking about?

But you do know who he is after I showed you that video. Yet you still wish to play hots, that makes you a cuck.

She's the best though

Isn't clear, Of course if it wasn't made by Blizzard, i actually doubt people are willing to play this game. Like water-down of League, even more water-down of Smite. Literally game likes Smite is remotely challenging than this hot garbage

Did that guy just imply the stronk women of Hots is ugly? I go necrophilia for Sylvanas 10 days a week.

IDK, Hots is pretty different and fun. Blizz is also pretty generous with free heroes