On-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030

>on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030
>still hasn't made any worthwhile contributions to the videogame industry

Explain this, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"dominant superpower"/type/op/

too busy making kino

So many white servants!

>>on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030
Haven't they been "on track to becoming relevant" since the 90's ?
how about they advance on the track

The only shit BRICS country that has any chance of becoming a superpower by 2030 is China.

they are busy defecating on the track

Well then, what is China's contribution to the videogame industry?

More like a pooper power, amirite?

They would, but the other advanced countries are holding them back by not giving them money to improve their infrastructure

this time it's for real

What, they are the second most populated country on earth, they do not need subsidies from other countries just like China didn't. If India is a shithole is because they have a toxic administration policies.

>on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030
>still shitting in the streets and worshipping toilets built by the WHO

i got the karkland, that was the only vidya contribution i needed from india

They gonna become number one by going negative so much that overflow happens and minus sign disappers

I'd rather have Russia or even fucking Brazil as a superpower than those fucking chinks

Indians aren't skilled enough programmers for that.

Virtuous. They've helped codevelopment a lot of big name titles.

>XCOM: Enemy Unknown
>Injustice: Gods Among Us
>Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
>Batman: Return to Arkham
>Sid Meier's Pirates!
>Might & Magic Heroes VI
>Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
et cetera.

And then Ubisoft Shaghai shoulders a lot of what Ubisoft puts out. The Tom Clancy games (Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, etc.), the Far Cry games, Assassin's Creed Unity, et cetera.

I found out today the Indian version of Fanta is called Madapaan and is basically carbonated cow urine.


>on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030

This is what poo-in-loos actually believe.

>Indian Hackers
>phone the whitehouse
>assure donald trump his windows 10 has a virus and must download a java application to deal with it

Why is there an anus on your flag?

t. indian

>posting the same thread repeatedly

They made the addon Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods and it was incredibly shitty.

certified retards country


The flag's India and why are you using a chart from 2002?


still retarded today

>average IQ
>not 100


>Holding them back
>Giving them money

If they were really a great power, they wouldn't need it. Hell, Russia, for all its terrible decisions doesn't need anybody handing it free stuff to keep running.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"dominant superpower"/type/op/

Eww, some of it got on Stralia'!


This. And they have to deal with Russians AND mudslimes

>lowest in Europe


> Ireland.

> All starving, sell their food anyway.

Confirmed retards.

Here, now go back to your shitting street pajeet


westerners will literally become the arcane wizards of the future. out of shape, pasty, bad beards- they spend all their time making up and sharing new dreams in their magical boxes. Us real Indians, who brought real sanitation to the savages in the glorious Indian-Yuro Colonial wars, live with our practices of hearty good health while they cast their spells in their imaginary mindscape

>so many white servants!
lol, the inferiority complex is real


>above 70

>balkanites are all almost nigger tier

B-but why?


Sleeping Dogs?

>Over 150
The only thing chinks are good at is lying.


What are some games where I cannot poo in the loo?

They're good people living in squalor. I'm way more hopeful about their than legit assholes like, say, the Chinese or Brazil.


kek argentina is drowning in poo



was looking for this


So India's a superpower like blacks on welfare are millionaires?

Roach infestation for a few centuries will do that to anyone.

Fuck you limey cunt, it's your fault we're retarded.

It's like the mother that tries and fails to abort her child and it comes out borked.

How are finns that high up?
I find my fellow countrymen quite cancerous in most online interactions.

>le turk rape meme

The thing is, and let's ignore the fact that the turks themselves are literally just islamised greeks/anatolians genetically , the genetics of the balkans weren't influenced by ottoman conquests in any significant capacity.

Finns truly are aussie tier shitposters

Say it with me guys


India already has Youtube cornered, they don't need to worry about vidya


So you're saying they're going to become the worlds superpower, but only if they receive unlimited subsidies from everyone else?
We could make ocean land the greatest country on the planet if everyone gave it unlimited funding.

What you're saying is delusional.

>Knows English
oh I'm laffin m8

>Skilled at anything but rally
This is pure fantasy.

>world dominant superpower


United Front Games were Candian, though

>world's dominant superpower by 2030
>can't properly use toilets
HAHAHAHAAHA maybe your country will be able to advance when its not literally filled with shit everywhere,but who am i kidding the loo is too scary for pajeet.

why do they look like brown whites?

>on-track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030
>Has nukes and aircraft carriers
>Received $2,983,560,000 in foreign aid

And here I thought eastern europe was bad

All that methane build up in their shit covered cities has convinced them they're a potential superpower. In reality they are just jenkem huffers.

Forget video games, they don't even contribute anything to culture at all. The only things close are from the UK

The brits should have gone full Belgian Congo in India. Thanks again, anglos

I haven't seen this in quite some time.
Still baffled as to what the guy who made it was.

My guess is English, the use of language suggests English, Australian, or New Zealand. Most English hate other English people, plus a smart person would put their own nationality low so people don't complain that it's too OP but in fact try to argue that it needs a buff.

>superpower by 2030
>can't even poo in loo

>knowing english is counted as a valid indicator for online gaming skills.
>countrys where the motherlanguage is english gets this especially mentioned


But some of the negatives imply that he dislikes certain nations regardless of game presence.
My best guess is a Serb honestly, a weird one at that.

I'm thinking the eternal swede. 2013 was before all the memes


Indians are unironically tanned white, see indo-europeans.

china already is a superpower senpai.

>reason why: perfect English+knowledgeable
Yea that map is bullshit.

t. indian

>India has a space program
>It has a charter
>Seek out new worlds and shit in them

Post yfw India starts an interstellar war

>on-track to becoming the """world's dominant superpower"""" by """2030"""
>still haven't learned how to use the potty


>History books of 2030
>Pajeet Baliwan: First man to poo on the moon
>September 27th national poo day
>All chocolate outlawed, only poo is allowed

What a time to be alive!


>BTFO Alexander the Great
>BTFO Genghis Khan
>Survived the arab onslaught for a millennium and still forced the invaders to adopt THEIR culture
>Currently has nukes

They do not poo in the loo, soon they will poo on you

They're already the world's leading pooperpower, though.

should have listed it as N/A if even literal peasants know how to cheat exams

Why are Indians always rude? I walk down the road, catch the bus, go shopping and each and everyone of them give me filthy looks. Why? I didn't do anything.

God just imagine how high it'd be without all the niggers

Because most nations consider it an insult to fight street shitters and don't want to conquer a land covered in shit.

>BTFO Alexander the Great
Yeah right, they got lucky being far enough away and Alex dying to disease mid campaign.

they are just too busy exploring the mysteries of shit.