Anybody else got teamspseak/skype anxiety?
Anybody else got teamspseak/skype anxiety?
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I do because I have a really shitty and highpitched voice at the age of 26. It's taken me many years to get over it, but I still hate talking on VOIP or telephones.
No vocaroo.
I guess I'm the only weirdo on Sup Forums today
I don't like to talk in general, so i don't talk to much on skype and discord.
>Horrible stutter
>Trip over my words all the time
>Can't form my thoughts into words fast enough so my phrasing/grammar goes to shit
Yeah because forcing myself to sound feminine is difficult.
buhuuuu im anxious what some strangers will think ohf me buuhuuuuuuu
Anxiety is a real problem.
how do you autists function in real life conversations if you can't even talk to someone on the mic over the internet
i know that and that why you shouldnt confuse it with a faggot being shy
I would imagine a lot of people on Sup Forums wouldn't really like to speak to strangers in a game. A bunch of people that like to have conversations with each other anonymously don't strike me as the social type.
i fucking love being a meme-spouting dickhead in the team voice chat. it's so hilarious watching the reactions.
sometimes it's more fun than the actual game!
Everyone knows I'm this way at my job so they leave me alone, plus fixing and installing street lights and other electrical systems doesn't require that much talking anyways.
No and i dont give a fuck about your shitty life story just play the fucking game sperg
how fucking pathetic do you have to be lmao
no it's not it's the opposite of a real problem it's literally all in your head. Having no legs is a real problem, having autism is a real problem, anxiety and depression is bullshit and can literally be solved through proper exercise and diet and by stop being a total fucking shut in.
I have a weird phobia with phones and mics. It's much easier for me to talk to someone face to face than it is over the phone. I'm not sure why. Maybe it has to do with missing out on all the non-verbal communication cues.
No and neither should you
No one cares that you're a stuttering fag with a gay voice, in fact most """people""" playing online vidya are the same
what about a french accent though? that's gotta be too fucking much
How many years does it take? Cause I've been forcing it for a good while now and it's not going away.
you're probably a tween going through hormonal changes.
>no one can understand me, my accent and slang
>no one can hear me over the police sirens, gunshots and stolen cars
>dude where are you from????
>talk too fast
i never use voice chat anymore
I'm not a faggot who likes taking it up the ass, so no.
BRs are third world trash and im not one
>Has mic
>talks for 2 mins straight
>go completely silent
Now this is how ya do it boys
If 23 counts as a tween where you live then sure.
>Native language is French
>Don't want to use audio because my very thick French accent make my English very hard to understand
>"Don't worry user, I'm sure you're fine"
>Try anyway and talk to them
>"Can you repeat user?" "What was that?" "I didn't get what you said"
I KNOW this feel
I mute everyone. Is that anxiety?
why do you mute everyone
It's not that I don't like talking I'm just working class Scottish so no one can understand what the fuck I'm saying.
>problems are just in your head bro
>just be confident and get over it
Typical retard who thinks that dude bro-tier advices are solutions to psychological issues. I don't even have anxiety or depression, but this kind of thinking that all problems are just on your head and you just need to get over it is cancerous.
I just ordered a microphone, so I can talk to others online for the first time in years. I'm freaking out. I don't even know who I'm going to talk to. I have online friends, but they never heard my voice before. That gives me anxiety. I want to make new friends. That gives me anxiety. I want to perhaps meet girls online and talk to them. That gives me anxiety. I really don't know what to do, or if I'll ever use the mic. Why did I just waste money on the thing?
>I have a weird phobia with phones and mics.
Same. I don't have any problem talking with people irl but I get nervous on discord or TS, must be because I can't see the person's face and can't hear how I'm sounding to other people while talking.
>buy a mic for better team co-op
>speak in the mic
>get no response
Not anxiety, but I really dislike being expected to be on teamspeak/skype all the time when I'm playing. I'll hop on when we're doing a dungeon or something, but piss off otherwise, I want to listen to music while questing and zone out.
Don't have any anxiety, just a shitty mic. Wish I had the cash to buy some shit like the Blue Yeti or something.
the original of that has a dick dosen't it.
I use a tethered phone for internet so I don't want to use any extra bandwidth
I download my music, too
I know that feel op, I think for me it stemmed from playing online games as a squeaker and never using a mic out of fear of being "that kid." Now that my voice is normal I still have an aversion to mic use.
I do, because english isn't my first language and I'm afraid of fucking up and looking like an idiot.
Also I use both britbong and americlap words and dialects so my speech is a complete and utter mess
I do at first, almost always, with any group of people I haven't met before.
Is that not pretty normal though?
>having autism is a real problem
Nice try autist.
>can literally be solved through proper exercise and diet and by stop being a total fucking shut in.
This is not completely correct, there's forms of these mental illnesses that are literally not controllable by the patient without prescription - the problem can actually be biological; i.e. their brain is imbalanced or otherwise damaged.
>If you're having bad thoughts, then just change your thinking.
GENIUS! Why haven't I thought of that?
I dont
I bet you sound really cute, user :3
Define normal
Typical underrage teenager (rule 2) with no life experience, that never went through real existential difficulties (loss of a loved one, losing your job and being close to live in the streets, etc etc) and never had any real trauma spouting his nonsense.
Shut the fuck up kid. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Plus you're lacking foresight because you too will end up depressed and anxious when you get older.
Is TeamSpeak still relevant? I used to use it way back in COD4 and BF2.
Used to a few years back but I got over it when I worked on improving my confidence.
I still use teamspeak, only because the IT nerd of the group lords over communications
Genetics also plays in a role in sensitivity to anxiety and tendency to depression. Needless to say the history of the patient too.
All in all mental illnesses are a total fucking bitch, and i don't understand why so many people are afraid of cancer when living in a anxious or depressive state is worse.
good thing you didn't bet anything then
>i worked on improving my confidence
How so, "j-just lift bro" stupid shit or something else ?
not depressed and pathetic enough ill struggle to talk to strangers over video games on the internet
I used to with strangers, but I got over it after realizing that I can get over it by just joking around on mic. I have a pretty good voice so I'm not sure why I was nervous to begin with.
>tfw sound like a crooner but can't speak english for shit
Why even bother replying seriously faggots probably just gonna start backpedaling with "i was merely bretending Xd did i do good redit?" any second now anyway.
That has nothing to do with depression or anxiety though. You just lack confidence. It's fucking nothing.
Na, it was during the time when I was going to interviews for a job. After a couple I stopped being retarded and became confident in talking to people.
>Use a mic
>No one else does
>Don't use a mic
>everyone else does
>say something into mic
>someone immediately says my voice is annoying
Feels bad man. Probably because of that speech therapy as a kid
That has nothing to do with your lack of confidence. You just lack confidence.
Thanks for the tip Galileo
I'm the complete opposite. I get nervous talking face to face, specially with kids and teenagers. Even spilling spaghettos on text makes me shit myself.
Now, on the phone it's faster and I don't worry that much. It doesn't feel like I'm talking with someone.
My ex really liked my voice for some reason
I've always been ashamed of it, tho. It's really deep, and I actually have a hard time whispering because of it. It also contrasts a lot with my personality. I'm a "good guy" but my voice would tell you otherwise
I'm sorry man. I have a friend who talks weird, and it's tough for him.
I tried to ask him what his impediment was, but even he couldn't explain it. I find it perplexing. Like, why can't people simply move their mouths in the right way? But I guess everyone has their own physical limitations.
>you lack confidence? just go out and be confident bro lol
Same here.
Also apparently sometime I use a brit/aussie accent and other time I do a complete 180 and use a murrican accent.
Fuck me.
It's not gonna make you confident by itself but there are other reasons for it.
>deep voices
one of the best type of voices desu along with a thick accent its bretty good
>social anxiety isn't a real problem
You ever pass out in school because the teacher forced you to present in front of the class, kid?
>Teach ask you to go in front of the class
>Ask you a question
>You don't know the answer
>Teacher is making fun of you
>Everyone is laughing at you
>Faint out of anxiety
I've studied English for more than ten years and it was always britbong stuff
but everything I play/read/watch is in murrican so fuck I feel you bro
Like ?
Health benefits ? There's million of other and better ways than lifting weights for that.
Literally the only reason to lift weights is "to get big xD gotta get dem sloots bro ye brooo gotta get big bro confidence broooo yeeee".
>be german
>studied anglistics
>for the LIFE of me, no matter how much practice, couldn't make myself sound like a proper native speaker
>failed oral exam three times because of my accent
>had to drop out
good to know you are having fun with my thick accent
>I'm not afflicted by it, therefore it probably doesn't exist
You're literally the guy that posts "works for me" in a troubleshoot thread
I'm French and sound funny when I speak English. I'm already a sperglord IRL so whenever a mic is involved and everybody is English-speaking I nope the fuck outta here.
>studying english
for what purpose?
people with thick accents speaking english is cute, use your accent to get some pussy or get out of trouble.
thicc accents are a gift but i dont get why people like my accent when they cant understand me
Just have porn on in the background so they can hear.
Eh just a little. I have a lisp thats not really noticeable in person but over a speaker is way more noticeable for some reason. I try to avoid using words with s and c.
>have to do a presentation for class
>my turns comes up
>literally shaking and tumbling over my own words
>can feel everyone's eyes burning into me
>teacher gives me a slightly patronizing "good job"
>think about that moment for the rest of my life
I also flunked a class because I outright refused to do a speech assignment based on our personal lives.
On Teamspeak or Mumble? No.
But I absolutely refuse to use in game voice chat for some reason.
Yeah in the 21st century.
The definition of 'real problem' to fit your crybaby generation.
Have fun with your osteoporosis you weak fuck, you don't even have to lift big, squatting an empty fucking bar is better than nothing but I guess you can't be bothered.
I'm the opposite. I feel like i can be much more outgoing, talkative and funny when on a VOIP because of the "Not face to face" aspect.
I don't use a mic when playing games.
People annoy the fuck out of me, I don't want to make small talk with strangers.
I want to relax and play a game.
You're like 25 at most. put a sock in it.
Same. Way less stress over the internet.
I have no problem talking face to face, but I go numb if I have to talk through mic.
>tfw awful at vocal english, so nobody would understand me nor I would understand everybody else
Other than that, I don't have skype/teamspeak and I don't to bother installing one just to talk to that one guy who wants to hear me.
here, have the sauce
It's easier because people online or a lot more honest and the thought of that freaks me out.
Not really I just hate when people talk over me
Why WOULDN'T you lift? there's only benefits to it.
I used to people watch all the time to see if I really was the only shy and awkward person. Turns out everyone is shy and awkward to some degree, and most were worse than me. Its that sort of realization that helped my deal with my shyness.
I still can't do presentations though.
merely LOOKING at this link makes my heart race