Yfw it's GOTY

>yfw it's GOTY



Not enough of a movie for you?

I don't care if it's shit, that owl is fucking cute.

I just got up to the like middle part with Lusamine and Gladion and everything and I've got to say it's really picked up. It was getting boring but then that happened and now it's exciting and Lillie got cute.

>I don't care if it's shit

It's the best starter tho; the fuck you talkin' 'bout?

the first form is great and I love it but I hate the two evolutions

But SM are movies. Plus, it's shit. Its only redeeming factor is that it's way fucking better than the shitastain that are XY and ORAS.

>outclassed by a boat anchor
>not as tanky as heel cat
>physical in a region where the bulk of the mons are also physical

Unless you are playing competitive it really doesn't fucking matter.

>muh stats

autismo detected

This will be the last pokemon game I play.

The game keeps handing me fucking items that i want to earn. I am being spoonfed everything.

The difficulty curve is either trainers with one shitty pokemon, or two pokemon ganging up on my one pokemon. I should be able to engage in a double battle if i am against two pokemon, its stupid.

Also I miss like gen 1-3 where I could just play the game without walking into some stupid handholding cutscene or explanation for something every two seconds. I'm 6 hours in and i honestly feel like I havent even started the game properly.

>posting used-up old hags
New hotness coming through

It actually may be mine either that, Furi or Attack on Titan.

I do wish that if a pokemon calls for help, you send out your second pokemon so it becomes a double battle. Like come the fuck on.

>get pokemon down to 1HP
>he calls for help
>help appears

>game: lol u can't aim now so you can't use pokeballs until the other one is KO'd

Tacking on arbitrary rules that make no fucking sense is stupid as all hell

Use a status effect. Also, SOS battles are very good ways to powerlevel.

>worst starters in the series
>removed some of Gen 6's better features (DexNav for example) or replaced them with shittier incarnations (Festival Plaza)
>made sure to keep Gen 6's fear of having any trainer hold more than one or two Pokemon until the endgame
>aforementioned removal of the DexNav from ORAS is exacerbated by most routes having 5% encounters and shit like Kangaskhan being a 1%
>the rampant cutscenes and handholding make replaying it a slog

Worst waifu.

the other pokemon deflects the pokeball you threw the pokemon at. simple

>zero postgame the game
>horrible music compared to the other entries
>making competitive teams still takes an eternity

it's shit.

That's why I like heart gold soul silver the best. Good level up moves. Trainers use evolved pokemon with decent movesets for an ingame playthrough. Round 2 elite four that's hard as balls. Getting to fight Red. Probably the best the sprites ever looked for the most part. Mainly due to that really good backlighting on that ds screen.

I never played Gen 5 but from the videos I see, when the pokemon move around you can see these jagged pixelated outlines on them like just look terrible. 3d Models didn't have nearly as much life and character in them as the sprites too.

Only downside I can think of was the TMs were only usable one time only.

You're definitely right that nintendo has gotten worse and worse about handholding over the years. Remember ocarina of time for the 3ds? They added some hand holding in there that never gave anybody trouble when it came out on the n64.

Or like how like all the mario games in the last 9 to 10 years give you way too many free oneups. Even on the last bowser level in galaxy you could get like 4 one ups on the level easily. It was so stupid.

>Nintendo games aren't hard
I meant harder when I was a kid. Kids could beat mario 64 without needing any of the 1 ups they have now.

But to be honest, if you really care about having legitimate pokemon only then the pokemon games have been really hard to play. With wonder trade or the GTS you can never know for sure if the pokemon you're trading for are hacked and just given legal stats so they go through. Many people use a hacked ditto and consider the baby pokemon legitimate even though it isn't because it inherited hacked dna from a hacked pokemon. Online is so unplayable for people who want legit pokemon because you have to usually find a legit ditto by yourself and raise the team legitimately in your own game because its hard to find other players that like using legitimate methods only.

For that reason I didn't get gen 7

>replaced them with shittier incarnations (Festival Plaza)

God, fuck the Festival Plaza. The only useful thing with it is that you can easily access Wonder Trade and GTS.

Trying to socialize with friends is a goddamn nightmare on the thing, requiring both you and your friend to be in the festival plaza at the same time in order to do anything at all with eachother.

>worst starters
That's not B/W or X/Y

And pokemon has always changed up the trainer equipment interface. I personally miss the Poketch and Pokegear most myself. Dexnav was too handholdy.


It's been like that since last gen

You're delusional if you think sprites convey more charm and personality than models. You just have to spend one minute in refresh with any Pokémon to realize models were a right step

Don't you mean overwatch?

Far from, not with the amount of intrusive exposition and cutscenes interrupting gameplay every ten minutes.

It's pokemon, I don't give a crap about the story, stop forcing it down my throat and let me throw balls at cute animals, holy shit.

I need a neb for shitposting purposes, remove them from your bags.

Its not GOTY
and its not GOTY for the 3ds.

It's the only game I played from this year and finished I think.

It's too much of a movie for me.

Even Emboar's a better than Incineroar and Delphox beats them both out by simply not being fire/fighting or a fire/fighting wannabe. Samurott just barely edges out Primarina because Oshawott and Dewott shit all over Popplio and Brionne

>DexNav was too handholdy

Its the game I am enjoying the most that came out this year, so for me it is.

>Kangaskhan being a 1%
You're joking, right? I saw one get summoned by a cubone on like my second encounter, and killed it thinking "surely this can't be that rare".

Fuck, at least GTS exists.