Holy fucking shit, best hidden gem ever released on steam.
Jim Sterling being a shithead.
Store page
If you don't know that it is the sequel to Boiling Point: Road to Hell you should educate yourself on games.
Holy fucking shit, best hidden gem ever released on steam.
Jim Sterling being a shithead.
Store page
If you don't know that it is the sequel to Boiling Point: Road to Hell you should educate yourself on games.
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It isn't very good, Johan. It's one of those games that actually manages to deliver on the promises it made but it still just isn't fun to play.
Its janky as fuck, ive owned it off gamersgate since back in the day, there is fun to be found. But it certainty could be made better.
I have finished the game myself you know. Don't need your opinion.
also on the Steam version you still have to find the audio patch yourself if you want the game to have most of the sound effects.
What the hell is Boiling Point?
>be slav
>play those on release
>both xenus games get trashed on release by slav press
>everyone agrees on this
>12 years later, it's a "hidden gem" on /v
a video game
This, slav game reviewers stomped those games back in the days.
I remember Boiling Point having like 3/10.
God his voice is so fucking high
Oh, thanks.
its called euro-jank. some people enjoy it
are they gonna put precursors on steam too?
A low budget eastern european open world shooter from somewhere in the early 00s. I vaguely remember playing it as a young teenager but I don't think it was anything to write home about. Looked good for it's time and blendet FPS and RPG in a way very few games other than Deus Ex did back at the time.
The most broken big release of 2005. Later got patched to a playable state.
Boiling Point is literally what if S.T.A.L.K.E.R was a Far Cry.
A fusion of Deus Ex and Far Cry, that's what
basically what Far Cry 2 should have been like
Ah. Sounds... kinda boring, but obviously they've captured some hearts.
>implying all kinds of Igromaniyas didn't give it out 7s and 8s, comparing it favorably to Morrowind
Boiling Point is still one of the best games to come out of post-soviet landscape
Why didn't they go back to the South-American jungle for this?
I hate muh tropical islands, still played it, but I'd have preferred the south american flair.
how dare you
youre forgetting You Are Empty
Sorry, but Stalker's/Far Cry's/Deus Ex's mechanics were like their least interesting parts.
Well not that last one. Deus Ex is a lot of fun to screw around with mechanically. But the other two.
If Boiling Point has some interesting subject matter - say, STALKER's monstrosities or Far Cry's amazing plot and mutants, then colour me interested.
Get some fucking taste in videogames you dumbass pidorashkas, both of these games are trash.
I said
>one of
which still leaves place for Pathologic and all those others dream projects from 00s
Including my guilty pleasure, the self-proclaimed Russian Deus Ex - Sabotain
Nigga, You Are Empty is a masterpiece
You are empty isn't even bad
no. no one comared it to morrowind, these games were bad, ran like shit, had tons of bugs and balance issues. people admired the amount of effort and ambition that kiev studio had, but no one actually said it is great. also, igromania is cesspool.
Woah you are pleb.
I never said it was. I enjoyed it
i got this. from finland.
I was excited about this and kept reading the box over and over all the way back.
When I finally got it running I hated it.
And I like games like 7.62, stalker, arma 3, rainbow six etc. I like games that at their heart are great but are buggy enough to drive away most people.
And I fucking hate bp rth although I shouldnt. I'm glad there's a cult following, there needs to be more games like that. Maybe i'll like the sequel tho
>Пo гeймплeю Xenus, кaк ни cтpaннo, oчeнь нaпoминaeт The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, тoлькo в coвpeмeнных дeкopaциях: бoльшoй игpoвoй миp, иллюзия cвoбoды, нeлинeйный cюжeт, кoтopый paзвивaeтcя oчeнь cпoкoйнo и paзмepeннo
slavs had only few actually good games. space rangers, silent storm and metro. everything else is a glorified tech demo.
God, why does he sound so fat.
Another game that should be on steam:
Only runs on Windows XP with the right combination of hardware and luck.
>>Пo гeймплeю Xenus, кaк ни cтpaннo, oчeнь нaпoминaeт The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, тoлькo в coвpeмeнных дeкopaциях: бoльшoй игpoвoй миp, иллюзия cвoбoды, нeлинeйный cюжeт, кoтopый paзвивaeтcя oчeнь cпoкoйнo и paзмepeннo
Czech games > Polish games > Ukraininan games > Slovak games > the rest >>> Russian games
the absolute madman
>Cracking open the game files on my hard drive, I found the subtitle text files—the actual subtitles flashing on screen during gameplay when characters spoke. Hmmmm. But it was all in Cyrillic characters. I do not know Russian. I know English fairly well though (I’m a tenured Associate Professor of English at Penn State after all). With a few online clicks, I found a “type Russian on your own keyboard” website, and with the help of the Google Translator Kit, I was starting to translate the subtitles….line by line
Really nice. Played boiling point and enjoyed it for what it was and was always annoyed that i never could get a hold of the second one.
gamersgate for years and on steam just the other day. hands considered on
>Slovak games
Do they exist?
his chins can't keep up with his mouth
>better than Space Rangers
Poland is the king of FPS trash.
CI Games is supposedly releasing higher budget games these days though.
Yeah, higher budget FPS trash. Enemy Front was fucking garbage.
I agree with this, but it might be a bit biased since I am Czech myself. Poland has some top tier devs aswell, Witcher and Dying Light come to mind.
I think the developer of Chaser is from Slovakia
no coop
no buy
Go away. No one likes you enough to play with you anyway, you child.
Not sure why they haven't dumped their back catalog on steam yet, not like there is a quality standard on steam.
With a few scrolls you find their old games and not just DLC packs for Lords of the Fallen.
go back to gears of war
also, Chameleon, a stealth action game that was never released in the west, is supposedly from Slovakia
>in the west
In America and Chameleon was made by what was left of Illusion Softworks by then.
I remember boiling point was a buggy piece of shit with insane difficulty and guns that would break apart after a magazine fired through them.
It was quickly forgotten. Are modern video games so bad now this becomes good somehow?
What next? Age of Pirates 2 on Steam?
It was Far Cry 3 before Far Cry 3.
Like many low-budget slav games, it has some nice ideas, some of which even executed well, sprinkled with bugs and balanced issues on top
Advertising is against the rules
>any Xenus
>hidden gem
Bitch please. Both games are horrible, buggy and unfinished.
>Slovak games
The only notable game is Chaser.
The rest is budget trash.
wanna talk hidden gems?
this shit here is a hidden gem
Well now Marek Rosa comes to my mind, the dude is CEO in Keen Software House who made Space Engineers but the team itself is based in Czech so I don't know if that counts as Slovak developer.
wew lad
I still remember the vendors talking about not having a stock, just a bag of sand or sth.
Chameleon was fucking great.
we already told you to go away
wew lad
Akella is on Steam. AoP2 might get a new release.
Anyway considering 38% of the Steam catalogue was released this year and is 90% made of indie mobile app tier shit. I'm surprised these half decent Russian games aren't all available on Steam already.
Are they going to put boiling point or precursors on steam?
>le hidden gem
you have to go back
This game isnt anything close to being a hidden gem
stop posting
eat shit and die
Russian publishers can't into business. Also if they'll bring half-decent games to Steam, you bet they will come with a long-ass list of Russian adventure gaming trash.
Stop trying to discredit based Jim.
kill yourself
>literally living with SJW landwhale and raising his wife's son
Here is another gem.
Only the first one is on steam.
Bought the sequel years ago on yuplay.ru.
Huh, i didnt even realize there was another sea dogs/age of pirates game out.
I liked the original Boiling Point. Never got around to trying the second one. How does it compare to the first one?
Slav developers actually finished making this game, but then the publisher decided to not publish it.
I can't find it at the moment, but someone released a long gameplay video from a leaked Xbox 360 press review version.
It's a bit more refined but that doesnt mean a lot
It's a lot of tiny islands in an ocean instead of the jungle.
Personally I found it meh/10
>Jim Sterling being a shithead.
THANK FUCKING GOD for bideo blocker
seriously. as I open a tarash link, its just drops me to youtube.com
Considering one of these players is apparently Jim Sterling, 3 people is kind of hilarious.
Guess I'll just wait for it to get discounted then. Thanks, user.