What kind of games do Christian's play? Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
What kind of games do Christian's play? Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
Not if it's from Hell
Gardening games. Minecraft without enemies.
Religious people pick and choose the rules they wan't to follow and how they apply those rules. Christain gamers probably play the same games atheists play.
i love gta 5
Warband I guess
Sim City is an excellent Christian game. By Sim City, I mean Sim City 3000.
I don't know if you've looked at the entirety of western history from the dark ages forward, but Christians don't really give a shit about whether or not something is a sin.
ITT: CCG visits Sup Forums
and i love shoes to i made a shoe store in minecraft
Do you consider yourself analogous to a deterministic computer driven AI?
>Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
Why? It's not real
Yeah, God is merciful and forgiving.
You fucking pagans.
They only really started with the peace and love campaign when that one pope called the second ever Vatican Council like 70 years ago.
Why would killing things in games be a sin?
also this Doom is the ultimate christian video game
>Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
What if God wills it?
They enjoy prime.
And didn't like other M.
Games are just games. I'm not going to Hell because I ran a death camp in Garry's mod.
> thou shall not MURDER
You do not murder a fly, you kill it
You do not murder the offender of your life, you defend yourself
And besides they are souless pixels moving on a screen
And also many games have christians symbolism, which in turn may get people closer to christianity
>Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
>implying this is where the average christian's hypocracy begins
She should be here in a bit.
Christ Centered Gamer is better than it has any right to be
>gives honest, detailed review of a game
>separates the review of its christian morals from the review of the game itself
Devout christians don't really exist anymore. Now we have a bunch of a-moral assholes who use god as an excuse to do what they do
>Hey that guy left his wallet on the counter
>Devout christians don't really exist anymore
Why would it be a sin?
Don't tell me you have never nuked japan in the name of god?
What a loser.
>Wouldn't killing things in a game be like a sin?
Why would you think that?
I'm Christian and play whatever I want
Thats not what the good book says. That fucker kills without remorse and without hesitation. And so help you if you cross him one time you too will become a pillar of salt.
>implying people haven't been killed in the name of our lord for centuries
smiting heretics is an honor
Grand Strategy Games
The bible never mentioned killing fictional pixels is a sin.
Fiction isn't real.
You know the bible wasn't originally written in English. You don't know if the original word had the same connotations as murder does.
Catholics play Total War: Medieval 2.
>You do not murder a fly, you kill it
>fly bothers you
>you hit it with the intent to kill it so you have reasons and you willingly do the thing
Doesn't this count as murder by definition?
t. not english or american
Orthodoxfag here, looking at all the catholifags and them being paranoid.
Play any game and don't give a damn. I even listen to metal music and nothing is wrong with me.
Is there a particular reason you fedoras keep making this thread?
Not him but this post confuses me, what are you referring to
Chuck the following into Google.
define: murder
No it does not.
>the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
So it's what I was saying but it only counts for humans?
>there are people ITT right now that believe in """god"""
You idiot.
A fly is not a person, dumbass
I don't understand what you're trying to say like I said I don't speak english perfectly
Being an atheist is playing to lose f.a.m I dumb in every way if you ask me
A fly is a carrier of diseases, i have every right to squash it
Hell, by following this logic se should all be vegan or some shit
So it's what I was saying but it only counts for humans
I mean there is no such thing as an animal person right?
I never implied it's wrong to squash carriers of diseases of any kind
I fight for righteousness, senpai.
That is the most accepted translation but i get what are you trying to say.
This is why the bible should never be used as a body of law, but only as a source of moral and ethical guidance
>gave SMT DS an 8/10 as an actual game and a 4/10 moral score for being blasphemous
I'm okay with that
Nobody who plays games can be considered Christian. To be Christian any time not taken up by eating, sleeping, cleanliness or working must be devoted to praising God in His glory and splendor. Games not only squander your time that belongs to God, but as you rightly pointed out, they propagate reprehensible behavior on top of that, doubly removing you from God's grace.
Same as anyone else, 'less you got one of those Fire and Brimstone over sneezing type moms running the place.
The act of murder is the act of unlawfully killing a person
If somebody is robbing you or attacking you and you kill him, you will NOT be charged with murder because you acted according to the law
I'm a Christian and i play everything, i literally have a room full of consoles and PC's just lying around.
I basically look at it as being the same as watching an R Rated film if that makes sense, For obvious reasons I play Diablo 2 & Doom religiously for nostalgia's sake, no pun intended.
Little brother of mine is training to become a pastor and he love SMT
>Tfw you play Dominions 4
I hope God doesn't find stuff like this offensive to him, otherwise Im fucked
Yes. Animals do not reflect the ultimate moral standard. Without getting into the details, according to Christianity, humans DO reflect that standard and are therefore innately valuable.
In this way, sharks do not rape. They forcefully copulate, for there is no moral quality to sharks that could be violated.
Humans being a reflection of that ultimate standard -and therefore being innately valuable/morally inclined- CAN transgress that standard and in this sense commit 'crimes'.
A crime is a moral judgement. You can be moral without believing in God, but you don't actually get objective morals without appealing to some sort of objective standards of rightness/wrongness. If not god, then killing a fly would be just as bad as killing countless other humans. That is to say, completely devoid of any moral quality at all. Best you could get is is moral relativism.
Wasn't one of the designers for the original Mormon?
What the fuck when did that image turn into a thumbnail
>I hope God doesn't find stuff like this offensive to him
Depends. What deity and species are you playing?
Mario Party, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Kirby, Link's Crossbow Training...
I have multiple games at any time going on (vs AI, only one MP) but I mostly play nordic stuff with of course nordic themed Pretenders. I guess the most God-approved nation is MA Marignon
Old Testament. Sodom & Gomorrah, everyone who didn't follow god's instructions to the mother-fucking letter, etc.
>Old Testament
Come on man, they retconned that shit almost two thousand years ago.
>murder is only for people
>murder my pet dog
>get sent to prison
My brother is a devout Catholic and plays Battlefield with his 6 kids. I'm sure protestant heretics are the only ones who has problem with video games.
Pro Evolution Soccer
Ok but what's the real one, the old one or the new one? Or did a new pantokrator rise to power in the time between those?
Protestant here, I have no problem with video games. Look elsewhere.
Pretty much this. Monotheistic's in particular do this
>Destroying Sodom & Gomorrah
Reread the story.
Yeah, Sandy Peterson
'an abstract kind of hell' also worked on Call of Cthulu
Prison for animal abuse, perhaps. Not murder.
Animals are still property of the most high. Sufficiently destroy another man's property and you may find yourself in a similar legal position.
But looking to secular governments for consistency or to otherwise reflect God's law is silly.
I can't be the only one who chooses Holy Crusader every opportunity.
>believing in religion in 2016
lmaoooo what kind of retard even thinks people can walk on water
I do too, I'm always some kind of Crusader, Paladin, or Battlemage depending on what the game allows.
I just fucking love the bucket helmet/ surcoat Crusader look so much. And killing niggas with Holy power brings me joy.
the Law route in any SMT game
>not believing in religion in 2016
Enjoy your dying society and your used up teenage mothers no one wants.
Delete this you heretic filth
Same here, it's righteous as fuck.
The great helm is GOAT.
your waifus a slut
Hasn't stopped Christians before.
Christchan's advocate speaks with greater authority than you or any other man. If He says she is clean, unblemished, the truth of the matter if not up for debate.
The OT is full of genocide mandated by God. Given that most Christians have no problem with killing in that form of media, why would they care about it in other media forms.
You can view a concordance that will give you the Hebrew (or Greek for new testament) word and meaning.
Its a good way to get more info and background
I'm not even a christian but that site is honestly one of the best there is for reviews.
Wish "gaming journalism" separated their shitty moral/agenda from the actual score of the game.
The You Testament?
Oh yeah, because enforcing puritan "values" on young teenagers isn't what's causing sex-crazed rebellion in the first place. Meanwhile, Mexican Catholics are breeding like rabbits because they think condoms are the devil's socks.
>What is Pascal's Wager
as long as you aren't hurting other people then no one cares
play whatever you want
the only thing the Pope has said about video games is that they prevent you from going outside and helping other people more, the content itself is fine
Pascal's wager is a hucksterish attempt to get you to sell out on your values on the hope of reward in the afterlife. Prove me wrong.
Do you water down the communion wine as much as you water down memes?
I hope you're not thinking breeding like rabbits is a bad thing. Because that mentality is going to kill off the white race.
My point is that you can't easily keep an eye on your daughter when you have 5 of them and their six brothers.