What's the Sup Forumserdict?

What's the Sup Forumserdict?

It's good

This legit made me kek

It's an easy 4/5 for the world exploring, chocobo riding, mini-games and combat alone.

Side-quest are MMO tier. Hunts are fun. Camaraderie between the 4 is good. Snapshot is the best tech. Music isn't that good but has 4-5 outstanding tracks. The lighting and weather in this game is easily the best you will find on the PS4.

>You will never play an FF game where the cast is actually these 4

why even go on

it's decent with alot of annoying problems.

it's okay but I wish it was a lot better for how long I spent waiting for it

The open world was a meme that actually paid off in the end

Ironically not for itself, but for how it made the ending (basically Altissia onwards) mean a whole lot more

Oh also Ignis is fucking amazing, and the English voice acting overall was actually really good which I didn't expect at all

Made me know the real meaning of bro-ship.
Doing side quests and just having a comfy good time is better than the main quest.
>tfw no /fit/ and /fa/ bros to cruise with

I havent played it yet but are there any female teamates that fight with you in battle

Yes, one, and she is CUTE

Wait no TWO

And both are CUTE

Good to play. Crap to watch.

I'm watching my brother play it right now and if I wasn't a gamer myself I'd think it was the most boring shit ever.

I would say it's on the same level as FFX [spolier]that ending[/spolier]

I would seriously play a game with these four as the MCs.

Not enough Carbuncle

>caring about females when you have 4 manly eye candy

you'll never make it

Ill fucking fight you

we need more word filters
'verdict', 'dust has settled', 'name one game'

and waifu should be filtered to a different random noun each day.

why is Sasuke there?, where is Naruto?

>What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Storm 4 was pretty good.

The other three are perfect matches, the Punished Snake isn't really Gladiolus.

I genuinely think I would have enjoyed FFXV's story more if Noctis was an edgy, revenge obsessed idiot like Sasuke against the Empire.

Well, it would have been very cliche, but it would have given him more character.

Nobody cares about Naruto.

>TFW that conversation with prompto at the hotel

Is there dialogue like that for the others? They don't seem to talk much

The weather is good, but I preferred the rain in MGSV. It was max comfy.

No, and it's a missable cutscene too.

>that bit towards the end where he says he's a genetic experiment/clone from the MT program
>the entire party doesn't hesitate for a fucking millisecond to basically say yeah and?

I absolutely loved that. Not even the tiniest, most miniscule bit of doubt. It was a total non-issue. I wish I had friends.

It's okay if you play for the open world and combat, it's garbage if you play for the characters and story. Seems like SE really isn't capable of making a FF with coherent and enganging story after XII

He said he's from Nifflheim not that he's a test tube shitter.

The food makes me hungry/10

It's great.

It's worth pirating.

oh wait not on pc yet.

The key word is "yet".

Someone shoop a gun into Clouds hand, and replace Venom with a shirtless Venom

wish i could shit on you guys saying NEVER EVER but its pretty obvious that it is coming isn't it

didn't they build the game on pc?

developers must really be out of touch

i wouldnt even mind the anime characters if they still had a good story and traditional JRPG gameplay

do they feel like they HAVE to make ridiculous leveling apparatuses and real time action with flashy battle sequence for every game now?


It would be a thousand times better on PC.
Not just performance and graphic wise but modding would bring it to a whole new level.

Jesus christ.

Those fish niggers straight up copied an anime character into their game. How the fuck is this okay?

Even prompto looks like cloud a bit. Can they be original at all?

can the qt be a team member?

It's actually the other way around.

The game was in development before Naruto became a thing.

She dies ;-;

That was pretty much what Versus was going for, but Noctis still had much more to his character as the story would have him grow over time.

FFXV is a frankenstein operation with Tabata trying to turn a revenge story into a slice of life anime

It was in development since the late 90s?

I'm pretty sure the game wasn't in development in 1997.


Wow, this game really goes to shit as soon as you get to Not Venice, huh.

That Leviathan fight was the worst boss fight I've done in recent memory.

yes it was, shut up nerd.

It was pretty bad yeah.

>10 years to chisel these abs

it's worth it

The game was in development well before any of those things happened in Naruto. Sasuke didn't even get bangs or team up with his butt buddies until like 2009.

>this is the point of no return
>suddenly chapter 5
>no car for you fucker

>liking the lying thieving materia slut who looks like a prepubesence boy

Just start sucking dick already you faggot

8/10 basically what reviews said


short hair is justice. Vagina not optional.

>was gonna buy this yesterday
>chose not to
Should I buy it Sup Forums, I'm mentally handicapped so I need you to decide for me.

save your money for something better anonie-kun.
i would advice you to find a comfy let's play and watch it as a movie.

it's all about the comfy.

or wait for a PC release and pirate it


>sonygger defense force ITT trying to defend a $60, 10 year in the making 30 hour game

Don't even own a PS4 but i like the game.

It's fun if you're just an observer who stumbled upon it at release, and not if you're enough of a cuck to wait for 10 years for a single game.

Please explain the small flag.

8/10 this probably one of the first times I actually agree with most of the reviews.

>Trying to be nice
>Prompto just about starts crying about his insecurities
>Okay what if I pick the tease option
>Noctis: "....you need to try harder"
That was fucking devastating

The red eyes were cut, also Noctis flying around & cutting people up like an edgelord doesn't happen anymore

>The red eyes were cut
What? No. He still has the red eyes on. His red eyes evoke when he summons

Heres my personal look at FF XV
>World design and graphics are solid
>Controls are ok
>Combat is ok but shit for a FF game
>Story is half missing and everything happens behind the scenes
>Cannot summon at will only under certain circumstances and its always Ramuh
>Bahamut kicks fuckin ass as always
>Bad guy wears a fedora and is a Robert Downey Jr. Rip Off
>Main character is the only asian looking person in the clearly "American style" game world
>Cindy's tits 10/10
>Cindy's ass 10/10
>Cindy voice 2/10
>Ascension grid system is shitty
>Music is too quiet in game and whilst driving in the Regalia
>Survival Horror built into a part of story line 0/10
>team mates dont know how to avoid damage


>Cloud Venom and Wesker being Sasuke's underlings

Bitch please

This is the dragons dogma sequel i didnt know i want


"Better than the last several games."
Not saying much, because Christ did X and XIII set the bar low.


LR is unironically my favorite FF game.

FFX was a solid game overall. Pretty much the last good FF game of the series so far. The buck stopped on the PS2

But it's Sasuke, he's really cool.

>Rock Paper Scissors combat
>Terrible writing

Fuck no. XV is a half step above X, but the core games haven't been decent since the Playstation.

This game has some really 10/10 moments despite all of it's problems
>Driving at night to do some boring fetch quest
>Two iron giants show up and start wrecking my shit
>Suddenly Aranea out of nowhere
>She starts fighting with us like the true bro she is
>Still not enough and getting my shit pushed in
>Notice that it is raining and the road is all wet
>cast thundaga
>Everyone gets electrified but the IGs receive triple DoT damage
That was awesome, shame about the main quest tho.

I'm gonna start working out, I swear!

>XV is a half step above X
it's actually a V after X

For me it is the best singleplayer main FF since IX, but as you said Toryama did everything to set that bar low

I honestly love it, its addicting and hard to put down. So far I'm on chapter 3 and have put in around 20 hours or so.

i´ll give wesker, but both sakuke and cloud sucks

>yfw Conan lied

I'm glad Noct didn't turn into a shitty sasuke clone like what Nomura had in store for him.

>lighting and weather
It's like you didn't even play witch3r, user-kun.

Fuck you that would have been terrible. Fucking glad you shitters don't write anything.


This, Tabata should have been more hands on in restructuring the game. His roadtrip and divine integrity story was really interesting, but it felt hamstrung by its ties to VSXIII.

knowing the game's ending really turned me off from getting the game.

what is even the point of playing with an ending like that?

It's about the journey, asshole. Have yoy never seen a roadtrip movie?

>Implying there wouldn't be a power struggle between Sasuke and Wesker with Venom being indifferent and Cloud being the bitchboy of the group.
>Implying you wouldn't play that.