Now i like the idea of link using multiple weapons instead of just the classic straight sword but what about when you actually get your hands on the master sword? won't it make most weapons irrelevant? im assuming they will have enemy that can only be beaten by specific weapons, Like a rock monster that can only be killed by a hammer, but even at that all other swords are pointless when you get the master sword. what do you think they will do? will the whole system of having multiple weapon types be pointless when you get the master sword?
BoTW weapons
You found the biggest flaw user.
i honestly don't understand how this tread is barren. and how people aren't talking about this more
Can't Nintendo just hand in the money to the Dragon's Dogma dev team and put them in charge of the new Zelda?
Maybe the master sword will transform into whatever other weapons you need.
i dont have a (wiiu)
why would i be interested in (wiiu) games?
zelda will wield the master sword
Now HERE's a idea i can get behind. it could morph into any of the other weapons types when you want
I'm pretty sure it's a flavor thing like WW. It's cool that you can do it, but objectively speaking your best option is just to slash em with your own sword, or just QTE em if they were an enemy that those worked on.
Arrows will still be useful, the Fire Rod will still burn shit down, Hookshot will still have a function, etc.
And maybe you'll be able to pick up Biggoron-tier swords from enemies later down the line. There was still fun to be had from picking up some weapons in TWW after getting the Master Sword (who didn't want to pick up Phantom Ganon's sword?)
I do see what you mean, but I don't think the Master Sword will ruin the game
link was already shown with it user.
Well, many theories point that the link and master sword we see in the trailer are from the past.
Since the master sword not is all rusty and beaten down.
Maybe one of the endgame points is to restore it to it'f formee glory, which shouldn't be an easy task. So there's that.
Also different weapons work in different ways. Sure, regular longswords could be easily replaced by the MS since it'll surely be unbreakable, but we still don't know the damage it can do.
And the MS is only rendering that one kind of weapon useless.
Maybe the MS is not good for armor plated enemies, or since it's made of metal can't be used against electric enemies.
There are a lot of possibilities here
u will have the mastersword in the past world, u only have multiple weapons after the 100 years world
the "parry"
That's not a Quick Time event.
It's just exactly what will happen and everyone knows it. It's the nature of these open world games, one weapon just blows the fuck out of every other weapon in the game, making looting pointless, tedious, and boring.
The only other thing that will happen is that the Master Sword is not at its true potential so you have to upgrade it with stupid shit you find while other weapons continue to be useless.
I hope I get BTFO and I'm completely wrong. They were daring enough to make the Big Goron's Sword a sidegrade in Ocarina of Time, so maybe we'll see some two handed weapons that actually beat the Master Sword while sacrificing a shield.
Look at the logo. Even the mastersword looks like it can get worn off
It literally is a QTE. You just don't have to do it.
Because there's some faggot making bait Zelda threads every day You literally can't discuss this shit here. Let's try though.
>weapons have the same moves across classes
>every weapons do 3 hits
>the game expects you to pick everything the enemies drops
>master sword out of nowhere
>overworld dead
Maybe the Master Sword will be shit and you'll need to reforge it? Otherwise the whole system colapses.
Maybe it'll be like in WW where you will have to reawaken the power inside the Master Sword. And maybe there will be a Biggoron Sword that'll be more powerful.
Every class has the same moveset though. Watch every footage and you'll see how Link uses every spear the same. That's the most disappointing thing for me regarding combat.
In the Game Awards they used a two handed sword with incredibly high damage against the Moblin.
But those weapons break. That's the point of OP. Master Sword has to be end game gear.
Yes, but it doesn't necessarily have to be at full power.
Maybe it's unbreakable, but it's not that strong (because it has no power or something like that). It would be a fine compromise, durability or damage, and it wouldn't render all the other swords useless.
Master Sword can come very late in the game yes, and it will make all the disposable items useless as they are. But the new trailer shows there are enemy weaknesses because the lightning rod was effective against electric lizalfos. So my most optimistic guess is you can upgrade mid-tier weapons and specialize them with effects to make them more useful than the master sword for certain dungeons or boss fights. Like if you could make a fire claymore it could be better against an ice dungeon than the master sword. They might break soon afterwards but could still be worth foraging for weapons and supplies.
A buff system for weapons would be amazing for replayability. You could do builds with that shit. I really hope there's more to the gameplay. It looks ok at best now.
just give each weapon class a 'sacred' final tier comparable to the master sword but with their own gimmicks
Maybe that will be the dungeon rewards? We have spears, swords, great swords and axes; and 4 temples according to the rumors.
Wouldn't that just make weapon drops even more useless? Then every time an enemy drops an axe, spear, etc not only would you have a better weapon you'd have a better weapon of that class.
Yes,other weapons will be irrelevant because it's the FUCKING MASTER SWORD.
It's THE bane of evil. What the fuck kind of argument is "Once you get the best sword in the game (which will be close to end game at that) why would you use anything else?"
This is The goddamn Legend of Zelda.
You start from scratch
>work your way through dungeons for the "main story"
>A "greater evil" shows up you can't defeat by normal means
>Spoilertagbutno It's the Master Sword
See,all of you faggots bitching about this have either never played a 3D Zelda game in there lives or are newfags who don't know the fucking ropes.
Then you end up with stupid fucking ideas like
You get the Master Sword midgame in other Zelda games you dumb fuck.
This is why I'm assuming there will be multiple "legendary weapons", like the bigorons sword, some weird Sheikah spear, and hopefully some Majoras Mask weapons.