Remember when Sup Forums claimed TLOU bought its good reviews and that everyone would forget it a month later like...

Remember when Sup Forums claimed TLOU bought its good reviews and that everyone would forget it a month later like Bioshock infinite?

Good times.

I honestly forgot that game even existed.

let me guess, the old one dies at the end after some dumbshit moral choice

Meddling with critics and genuine popularity are not mutually exclusive you know

I encouraged my girlfriend to play it last week and I've been enjoying watching her experience it for the first time. Gameplay is meh but the story is very good.

'member when Sup Forums claimed that Overwatch was a fad and it'll die within a week?

Good times.

Remember that one time Sup Forums was contrarian?

Your guess is wrong.

>if i forget about it it doesn't exists!
>this much in denial

lol. Also your guess is wrong.

finally played TLOU a couple months ago, honestly one of the greatest games I've ever played and the story rivaled those of my favourite movies

unlikely to replay it though within the next few years; the biggest drawback with these types of games

>Gameplay is meh

Actually it's quite good. You just don't play on a womens difficulty, or the cuck difficulty that YOU are playing it on.

No. Do you?

yes I do. so where do we go from here?

>one time


Sup Forums is pleb and mainstream as fuck. Do you not remember all the Fallout 4 and Overwatch threads? Of actual players?

its almost like they were right cause this thread is composed of 2 fags who think porn of ellie is the equivalent of a good game.

Maybe we could try and enjoy some video games

It's not shit like banner saga

Or the 2 fags who actually played the game, and no that doesn't mean on youtube, before forming an opinion.

Quite rare on Sup Forums.



Yeah I really liked it too but there's no reason to play it again.

>Sup Forums says this game is shit
>recommends life is strange


It was an okay movie, watched a 3 hours version of it on Youtube.

>TLOU is like 4 years old
>Sup Forums still salty about it to this fucking day

Truly one of the greatest games of the century.

Enjoyed the game the first time through on grounded. A great game desu, way better than Sup Forums gives it credit for.

I liked the gameplay and most of the story and setting, but it was very linear.

Also the main character making a decision at the end that 95% of the players were against.

The version worth playing is 2 years old. You either play the game on Grounded or nothing.

I think that TLOU is a 9/10 game but it has little replay value and there's not much to talk about several years later.

The multiplayer was surprisingly decent too - I thought it would just be some tacked on shit. Dunno if anyone plays it any more, probably not.

>Also the main character making a decision at the end that 95% of the players were against

Well 95% of players are faggots.

>but there's no reason to play it again.

if you like something, thats enough reason to play it again

there is nothing wrong with a game being linear if the game is designed to be linear.
not every game has to be open world or have multiple endings

Replay value is only valuable when you're a kid or a poorfag. What's the point in going through the exact same environments you already went through before when you've already cleared the game and thus shown that the game holds no more challenge?

>Also the main character making a decision at the end that 95% of the players were against.


Reminder that Joel did nothing wrong

Wait, are you sure you are talking about videogames?

well, i'm just stating that

i hardly ever replay games myself unless they game was designed for it

What game?

>t. Curefag believer

hell no. It was unpopular sure, but many people saw through the retardation of the fireflies. A fucking slim "chance" at a cure from a rag-tag group of bandits already dwindling? Fuck that.

TLoS is mostly a good game. Notice how there were hundreds of threads of Fallout 4, Watchdogs 2 and Battlefield 1 BEFORE the release date and there are none today? there are still daily threads about Dark Souls 1, Mario Maker and GTA V?
quality projects dont need artificial hype

I got the game a few months ago because it was hyped so much on Sup Forums. Could not even force myself to finish the ""game"".

So this is what modern console gamers are into then? Watching bad movies with shitty, over-the-top actors while taking breaks from watching cut scenes to crouch walk for 10 minutes strangling bad guys and stabbing retarded zombies? Ok, milliennials. You totally aren't cancer.

>t. never had a family poster
Nope. Joel made the exact decision I would have made. The only person worth saving was Ellie, and there were no guarantees that killing her was going to produce a cure.

what was everyone problem with Fallout 4? I honestly dont see anything wrong with it

> Save her.

> She goes on to date a niggress.

What a bitch.

>meme: the post

also this. Joel made the choice that any non-african american father would make for his children

It's fine if they're dykes.

>> She goes on to date a niggress.
you do know that was a flashback right?

Nobody claimed that. If Dota and LoL taught as anything is that shit festers for a long time when it comes to PC multiplayer.

Would you like the sequel that will be announced today to be about Ellie and Joel again or maybe solo Ellie?

>10,11,12 year old girl experiments because puberty automatically makes her a lesbian for the rest of her life

don't worry user, she'll love a good dickin' sure enough

He hasn't actually played the game.

You can't even make 3-word post without saying the word "meme"?
fucking hell, lad. You're full sock puppet. This generation is the worst thing to happen to humanity in the entirety of out existence. This will be an era no one will look back on fondly.

I want to date a nigress. Sadly there are none since I moved to the countryside
Fucking jungle fever

This your first week here? Every Overwatch thread at launch had people saying it would be dead in a month, then in another month, then another month etc.

Wait, it isn't dead?

I know it won GOTY but i dont rememeber some immense sale numbers popping up.

I want it set maybe 10-20 years after the first game, Ellie is grown up, Joel is an old man now.
Maybe Ellie is pregnant now? they are living at Tommy's settlement.

Can anyone tell me HOW this game is good?

How can you ridicule someone for overusing memes while nu-tron posting?

TLoU 2 at PSX?

Is this new GoW?

Are you simple, boy?

Cute :3

can you stop memeing everywhere

Very immersive third person guerrilla warfare simulator. With some shitty zombie areas as well.

But that's only if you play on Grounded.

Role reversal. Ellie is the one that has to save Joel because he's elderly/dying.
That would be some fucking feels.

people are playing it all over the world, everyday, all hours of the day.
there are tournaments held for this game. its not dead

>Sup Forums is one person meme

You didn't answer my question.

This is what I want too. A game like 10 years after the events of TLOU.

MC in TLOU2 is running from clickers or some shit, stumbles across a cabin in a village. runs in it to hide. stumbles into a pregnant Ellie and an old bearded af Joel

Weeboo black girls (male) are cute as fug

Story was ok if not predictable.
I don't know how anyone could defend the gameplay. I tried it on the max difficulty, it was still really easy and mindless thanks to the completely retarded AI. At first things were difficult in the ""stealth"" sections with the clickers that just instakill you if they grab you, but then I realized I could literally just run past everything and they couldn't keep up and stop chasing me after a while.

maybe Ellie is the new leader of the settlement since Tommy and his wife would also be old at this point.
maybe Ellie is in a relationship with a possible child of theirs? maybe (if its a guy) is the father of Ellie's child?

>I tried it on the max difficulty

On what console?

No Blizzard reported over 20 million players in october, obviously actual sales numbers are lower but it had over 7 million sales back in June. Don't think they have released current numbers.

Its also still consistently in the top 10 on twitch usually 5-6 or higher so people are obviously still playing.

I'd prefer Joel to be dead and 2 to be a solo game with ellie but more horror-esque.
A bit like Resident evil 4 but scarier.

>like Resident evil 4
please no...


everyone forgot tho, like they did with Bioshock.

Sup Forums was right again

The story is okay and the gameplay was shit. The game gets way too much credit.

It's shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

nigga I still play the multiplayer every day/

In terms of atmosphere. The gameplay of TLOU was fine, it can be the same.

GOAT multiplayer

You should, Changing difficulties basically turn it into a completely different game. On easy or normal you can just stock ammo and bombs/molotivs and plow through the game but when you play it in Grounded mode It turns into a pure stealth game. You are not going to find ammo anywhere, every drawer you open is empty, you have no HUD, no Listening Mode, and you die in a few bullets. You have to sneak and stealth kill your way through the whole game. Its worth replaying it like that.

Probably because you never played a classic RPG and now think that Fallout 4 is what an RPG is supposed to be.

It is servicable, but there is nothing interesting about it at all.

Fallout 4 has a much superior gameplay than your classic RPGs.

Its just that the story and dialogues were complete fucking garbage.

Because the story is pretty good

Also Joel is controversial, you can start a thread dedicated to arguing about whether or not he did the right thing

>classic RPG
man im glad turn-base combat is dying

How can Ellie be pregnant if she is infected? Any man who fucks her will die. And a baby is not guaranteed to inherit her immunity.

The game just doesn't give you any meaningful or interesting options. Sure, the gameplay is more intuitive, but it is still trying to be a shooter that is worse at being a shooter than an actual shooter. So if I wanted that, I'd just play a different game.

Fallout 4 is just really shallow. It panders to a market that has more money, and while doing so it doesn't do anything that the series was originally liked for.

I'm not even thinking about turn-based. For me, a classic RPG is stuff like Gothic aswell. And sure, that one has bad combat aswell, but it's not an action game, it is an RPG. The focus is not supposed to just be on combat.
If you don't like RPGs that is okay, but you should try to understand the frustration of the people who do.

Nah fuck that, old people are depressing, i hated MGS4 because of Old Snake

>basic shooting is better than classic rpg game mechanics

You don't even know what an RPG is user.

>Any man who fucks her will die.
can come up with an excuse like the infection is spread only through saliva

>And a baby is not guaranteed to inherit her immunity.
this is irrelevant to her getting pregnant

Linear is not a flaw.

its a role playing game
as in you play a role in a game

>RPGs cant be about combat
So I guess the Souls games, Bloodborn, and Kingdom Hearts are not RPGs then

v is like the opposite of pol this board is wrong about everything

No, they are action games more than they are RPGs, despite having RPG elements.
Mind you, this is not a statement about the games' quality. But it would be weird to call them RPGs, no matter how warped the definition of that term has become over the years.

That's a damn good guess user.