Assault Suits Leynos remake bombed

>Assault Suits Leynos remake bombed there any hope for 2D mecha games?

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I didn't even know it was on Steam.

Exactly. If niche games like this don't sell, they won't bother porting more of them.

>remake 25 year old game
>make it look worse than the original
Does it play any better or is it literally the same game?

How's Gunhound?

Worht the 3 dollars you get on sale. Otherwize too short.

k, guess I'll wait.

maybe because browsing the steam store for new and interesting games is a fucking wild goose chase with all the mobile ports and default unity/unreal asset games

>most of steam's library was added in 2016

think about that. A decade of selling games through their platform and the last year makes up more than half

You know why companies pour millions in marketing?


Greenlight has opened the floodgates to shit thrown together in a weekend they sell for a dollar. They KNOW it's shit, but it brings in money so they don't bother changing it.

Assault Suits Leynos (Target Earth) was a HIDEOUS MegaDrive game. The series didn't start getting good until Vulkan (Cybernator).

Should have played a real game instead.

Go ahead and compare directly if you really think the remake looks better that's your thing. I greatly prefer the look of the original.

I'm not crazy about the plasti looking modern animation style sprites. But Target Earth was a hideous low budget Genesis game. Looked more like a famicom game than a Mega Drive one.

38℅ = most

Lots of dropouts here today

Allow me to summarize the PC as a gaming platform in a single paragraph.

Nickel and dime developers and publishers as often as possible with the dignified tradition of steam sales, unironically support hardware manufacturers who contribute nothing to the gaming industry, kill the very platforms that sustain healthy creative development, studios and quality control within their own ecosystems. Actively participate in destroying, downplaying and ignoring the enormous wealth said platforms have given the industry spanning several decades through a proven model of hardware stability and standardization. Continuously over-saturate the market with absolute shovelware that effectively reduces the quality of good quality games across every platform by siphoning money inot the abyss of shovelware devs. Beg for--and simultaneously demonize--the practice of contracted games because manufacturers who are actually invested in the industry are able to get shit done by funding and developing them. Demonize publishers who cater to console platforms because without them, they literally don't exist. Embody the most disgusting gaming ideology possible and release its destructive behaviors on the video game industry as well as its consumers at large by brainwashing them--literally building a platform on the basis of being superior to other people through hardware superiority--wearing what is considered the petty behavior of console wars as a fucking badge of honor.

Tell me again why PC gaming isn't the most awful and destructive gaming platform. I'll wait.

Underrated, holy shit btfo

If i could draw i'd make lewds of the female characters to help get it noticed by nowadays anime fans. me to summarize the PC/
But why?

post PS4 numbers you retarded piece of shit

>tfw you want capcom to remaster Armored Warrior

Yes, but not for 19.99 with Unity graphics that make it blend in a background of similar looking shitty western indie games.

Considering they even lost Mega Man source code there is no chance. They give no fucks about their back catalog.

>Mega Man source code

Kind of needless. They have the engine for MM9/10. You could just use that to remake the original Famicom Mega Man games pretty easily.


omg I hate anime art style for girls so god damn much. Blank minimalistic faces THAT LOOK THE FUCKING SAME. Fuck these nerds who think that's "cute".

They knew what they were doing with Gunhound, but they sadly ditched its aesthetic in favor of a more mature look which fails to look as good as the original Leynos games and instead resembles more a faux anime aesthetic made in newgrounds.

Those don't look the same at all

Nigga you need big kawaii anime eyes, maybe you'll actually have your eyes open for once you fucking waste

>not playing the free and superior Gun Arms


The female cast of the Leynos remake look cute too though. It's mostly the male cast and the game's general look that falters compared to the originals.

Better anime style.

Look at those bitches. Typical Noseless "Cute anime girl" shit. The only thing different about their heads is the hair and eye color.


Here's my problem, coming from a fan of 2D and mecha. I saw it and thought the box was cool, and saw the video and thought it was cool, but then I read it was 20 bucks and was just a remake of a mega drive game. Why would I spend that much for a remake? Of course because of this thread I've now gone back and actually watched the gameplay for both, and the remake looks way better, but overwhelmingly I feel like they should have demonstrated how it improves over the original, and shown off more of the smooth animation and gameplay.

So overall I'd say:

1. don't advertise a game for a price like that and then only call it a remake, elaborate on what makes it worth more than the original

2. advertise at all. I never even knew the game existed until I went on /m/ and saw it

Were they going to remake Valkan, Leynos 2, and Valken 2?

Because Valken is a classic. I don't want to see them tamper with it. I'd prefer them to just remake it by using the same assets, port it to a new engine, make it 16:9, add the new content from the PS2 version, option of PS2 or SNES ost and call it a day.

There's going to be a sale during Christmas you dumb nigger.

>2. advertise at all. I never even knew the game existed until I went on /m/ and saw it

Mechs are niche in the West. Especially a remake of some game that was never popular to begin with. So they never bothered.

The girls look pretty good while the men look derp.


true, so if I were selling mecha games then I would find the specific mecha-centric fansites in the west and proceed to shill a bit



I hate the look of dynamic lighting in sprite based games.

Why is this so fucking common now?

how about this?
it's a follow-up


left: distressed stoner
right: qt3.14

Should have given it to Astro Port. They seem to get Mecha games way better. Plus they have better sprite work. Their problem was always that they made low budget games. With a real budget they could make something gorgeous.

The opening mission there is a homage to Valken's opening. The vehicle crashes into the base like the ship crashes into the colony.

Good thing I'm not the same guy who did all those. I just stole his copypasta. I've posted it about 3 times where appropriate

And where is he going to get those? VGChartz? kek

Yeah Astroport makes some good stuff, they just need to get a better musician and stop using stock sound effects and it will be perfect.

>they just need to get a better musician

Thought Gigantic Army and Satazius had good music.

You could tell that the artist draws girls all the time, drawing males is outside his comfort zone so he rushed it without much thought.

90% of games released on steam bomb nowadays, specially sequels. There's too many of them coming out and the store is getting filled with shovelware which blocks visibility.

I like the music in Satazius but it had such a dry, amateurish sound or just sounds like wet farts. I'd probably love it if they got someone more experienced to arrange it

Welcome to the fate of all uncurated platforms.

>I'm just another faggot that parrots others opinions without having my own
kill yourself.

Well I agree with it. Why write my own when someone else wrote it for me?


>I want Valve to choose what games I play

> literally $10 an hour

that's why.

Also mecha games are dead, that's the real reason.

As long as Valve doesn't leave out any games I would want to play that's fine. It'll make those games earn more and make it more likely I'd get a sequel

Fucking nes/snes/genesis games were often 2-4 hours long and were 65 dollars new. Fucking kids these days. Spoiled by games with filler who think they're getting more value.

that was an entirely different era though


It's a big problem. Good games get buried under dozens of shovelware crap. It's all in the numbers.

Was Metal Warriors part of this series? It always gave me that vibe, or maybe made by the same devs.

Konami just asked Lucas Arts to make a similar game. It's unrelated and done by Western devs despite feeling very Japanese.