Final Cutcontent XV

>the entire game promos are based around Insomania, the aesthetics of the fantasy/modern city mixture and the "Fantasy based on reality" slogan

>the released game has literally none of these shit

Why aren't people shitting on them like they did with No Men's Sky?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just give up, game is a major success, stop looking for another tortanic

Seriously what the fuck.


There's a difference between falsely advertising a game's story and falsely advertising a game. Kojima falsely advertises his game's story all the time. I still would have liked to play a better version of Insomnia though.

But the story is a major part of a Final Fantasy game

And the story is a major part of a Kojima game.


Versus XIII
Versus XIII
Versus XIII

Next question.


>Why aren't people shitting on them like they did with No Men's Sky?
did you miss like every FFXV thread

probably because this game is packed to the brim with content and variety, whereas even the basic gameloop in numals' sky was boring and lacking af

So every game that changed concept is a false marketing? Are you retarded?
This 2013 trailer was not even the game, only cgi made to look like a gameplay.

And you can't say that they hide "true" game, we had like 3 fucking demos to try out the gameplay. Half-life 2 should be boycotted too because they cut and changed a lot of stuff during late development?

If you think that game is shit than it is ok, but stop looking for sensation.

Don't you people get tired of looking for every major video game project to fail? That has to be an ugly way to look at things.

As someone who only did modeling for buildings and objects. That fucking building is beautiful.

Your screens are of Versus 13, a different game.

Both those concepts were shown off to the public after it was renamed to XV.
That gameplay shot is from the 2013 trailer in which it was renamed XV.

Did a mighty shit job at answering that question there friend.

You guys ever consider that perhaps not everyone who has anything negative to say about games like this are looking for another Tortanic, or that they want to watch it fail?

Ever think for a second that maybe, just maybe, there were people that were looking forward to playing and exploring that city that was shown off in trailers, and various concept art? a
And are more than a little angry that stuff like that, and a lot more, was cut and couldn't be played in the end?
Especially when they ended up scrapping all this work done already with all those assets and various set pieces and animations, to only replace it with some mundane and filler crap.
They spent so much time scrapping and remaking things a million times that despite the game being in full development for 4 years, it still ended up being rushed and unfinished for the entirety of the games second half.
Is being disappointed about so much lost potential mean we wanted another Tortanic?
Are you dumb in the head?

I wish there were more skyscrapers that had a neo-gothic design, i.e., instead of being bland and dull or utterly hideous. Perhaps some of the designers for Square should consider jobs in architecture.

Consoles a shit and wouldn't handle it, you can see in the shit """city""" in the platinum demo.

Deflecting to "you just want tortantic 2.0" or "Never Ever" posting is a common defense tactic here when fanboys feel threatened. I wouldn't get too worked up about it

To think that I was hyped about this game once. How did they fuck up this bad? At some point it had the potential to be among the best games ever made.

Square enix is run by idiots, Nomura was too ambitious for his own good, and tabata had no idea what he was doing

That's the PC version.

yeah I guess, XIII looked interesting once too, I don't really expect better from squeenix at this point

Terebrae & Solheim are not in the game either

The cities being cut isn't as bad as Stella though, i can't believe they changed her from being a rapier wielding bad ass to a moeblob damsel in distress with 10 minutes of screen time

>the potential to be among the best games ever made.
Based on what? We knew very little about the story, game play, or design until it was too late and it looked like this.


>ITT nintendoGaf is salty

Your post doesn't make any sense

How so? Before the 2013 trailer, we had just tidbits, knowing there was a kingdom, a vague connection to XIII, invasion by an empire, a crystal, etc. As for gameplay, it looked a combination of hack-in-slash and context-sensitive attacks and rpg elements. Nomura spoke early about an open world, but not how open it would be, or the size.

I was really looking forward to some cool melee shit in the gameplay. I'm so sad.

The people who blindly defend games ARE the tortanic shitposters. It's the new gig. Being reasonable and speculative as well as disappointed is normal, it's abnormal to be a hype mongerer or defense drone.

Thanks for proving my point. We knew the core premise with some extra details, and saw more than enough of how the game was supposed to play.

I didn't say it was shaping up to be, but the visuals and atmosphere looked pretty interesting, the combat looked like it had some actual depth to it, I mean it looked buttonmashy but still interactive like KH combat. It had promise.

>core premise
Which could have made it awful and thus, it didn't a have a greater potential than any other generic RPG.

I think you developed this idea of a potential based on how good the trailers looked, forgetting that it's SE's practice to first focus on making those and then develop a game around them, explaining why there were several iterations of the game based on various trailers.

> the combat looked like it had some actual depth to it
I imagine people thought the same thing about the reveal trailer of XIII, when there was nothing to it. I always thought the combat looked awful, which was acceptable because they were, of course, very early trailers.

>it looked buttonmashy
What I meant by "awful." If they couldn't get to work, it would be scrapped, which may or may not have been what happened.

I'm not seeing this potential that this game supposedly had. It had great trailers from the beginning, that's all.


Meant to also quote

Not him but the entire game was drastically different because the themes of revenge and the dynamic of the party would have prevailed throughout the story. For obvious reasons, the game actually had a vision after all.

It was going to be good. Only an idiot could look at all of the Versus footage and say otherwise.

>What I meant by "awful." If they couldn't get to work, it would be scrapped, which may or may not have been what happened.
The combat was established and Tabata scrapped it for the "old man hands" combat we know all about.

>saw more than enough of how the game was supposed to play.
But it didn't look "good," or I fail to see how there was a potential for it "to be among the best games ever made." I thought it looked so bad, it would be drastically changed for the final release, which is what happened, if perhaps the system was completely changed so it didn't resemble its first appearance at all.

I dont think you understand what I'm telling you.

Versus trailers very clearly set a certain tone for the game that was very consistent up to 2013, and all the story bits we saw were quite filled with characterization like Noctis eating with his dad and the convo with Stella, also that post-invasion talk with Ignis. That wasnt just marketing, that was an actual story that was butchered.

Say whatever you want about the gameplay, it couldve gone in any direction, but dont fucking lie and say the story was just vague concepts when its characterization and premise was stronger than anything Tabata's XV ever dreamed of in just a few scenes.

One of Nomura's old interviews said the combat was going to be hard, high skill level he said

Then Tabata literally designed it so you could beat it with one button, great

Wasted potential: the game.
>could've had a good intro sequence with the invasion
>cut and made into a shitty movie
>no real intro, just go driving straight into the barren open world with offline MMO gameplay
>could've had a good heroine/rival with stella who shares the same power
>cut and replaced by luna who is barely even in the game
>could've had KH gameplay in an FF game, an interesting experiment
>cut and replaced by gameplay with no depth whatsoever, just hold circle and sometimes square, because Tabata's getting too old
>could've had an interesting scenario
>basically everything interesting happens offscreen
Overall a disappointing 10 year development.

Instead we got these four clowns. XV's characters are by far the worst in the entire series, it's fucked up.

>the themes of revenge and the dynamic of the party would have prevailed throughout the story.
And this is based on what we were told, correct? That's not something concrete and doesn't give much potential. There are plenty of awful stories that could be described in such abstract terms.

>It was going to be good.
user, come now. Are you saying I couldn't find a series of trailers that would also indicate the final product would be good, but wasn't the case? How could you say with any confidence that the final game would be good if you never played it, or the fact that it never really existed? When Versus switched to XV, only 25% was finished, which doesn't guarantee much quality at all.

Are you wise enough to know that you always have to wait for the final product to determine whether or not a game would be good? That no promotional information could guarantee that? How do you come across as any less delusional than so many fans of upcoming games who are certain the game they're incessantly awaiting is going to be the best ever and couldn't possibly disappoint? Because you saw something in that trailer or trailers that guaranteed quality, perhaps something no trailer has ever done?

Why are you actively trying to seem more stupid ?

There are actually a great many games you can tell will be shit/mediocre from just the base trailer

Versus was not one of them

There's a lot of people doing the Tortanic thing, blunder of the century, no sales, etc. It's hard to tell people with legitimate complaints from that crowd.

I'll allow there was a tone and an indication of some sort of relationship between the characters, but nothing so substantial that we know there was inherent quality that was ruined in the transition to XV.

These aren't the trailers to Metal Gear Solid 4.

>but dont fucking lie and say the story was just vague concepts when its characterization and premise was stronger than anything Tabata's XV ever dreamed of in just a few scenes.
I don't see that. it could have gone either way and I see no guarantee whatsoever of quality. I enjoyed the 2013 trailer of XV more than any of the previous trailers for the game, and almost everything in it was scrapped, yet even that wasn't an indication of inherent quality.

>There's a lot of people doing the Tortanic thing
No there aren't. There are just people like you shitposting against any negativity.

>but nothing so substantial that we know there was inherent quality that was ruined in the transition to XV.
False again

The story was ruined and a great many things were lost in transition, look no further than Stella and Noctis. This is really obvious stuff.

How is an unpolished cutscene between these two characters more engaging and intriguing that anything from XV? How is it this game had such a solid start with the invasion and clamouring for revenge, to the lukewarm brotrip with next to no sense of urgency or even relevance to the world?

How do you chop out one of the best inciting scenes you could possibly, have and make it into a droll, 2 hour movie with no bearing on the rest of the game?

And you'really telling me nothing was lost? And theres no change in quality?

>Versus was not one of them

It looked pretty shit to me. Tabata is an absolute hack when it comes to writing, but Nomura isn't really all that better. Nothing in the trailers convinced me it was going to be a good game story wise. Just more edgy melodrama nonsense. I did like the gameplay shown in those demos back then though.

Not an argument. Versus never looked like a good game to me and I'm not seeing how people could have come to that conclusion that it had to have been just based on the trailers.

Imagine if Final Fantasy XIII changed in every respect by the time of the final release, in that is was a stark visual contrast from the original trailer. People could moan about how the first trailer had awesome combat which was ruined by whoever, but the fact is that that original trailer of XIII was done before anything playable was mad, i.e., was a proof of concept trailer. I would think that Versus was probably farther along in development, but probably not to the extent one might think.

All Games Delta posted the press release containing Square Enix’s defense of the pre-release news detailing the DLC for the season pass of Final Fantasy XV. They adamantly state…

“The FFXV DLC is not content that has been cut from the main game just to sell to you later. This is really important because we want everyone who buys and plays the FFXV base game to know they are getting the full FFXV experience. The FFXV DLC will add new and unique experiences to the FFXV Universe with each piece of DLC designed to offer something brand new. So I’ll say it again because it’s important – the FFXV DLC is not content that has been cut from the main game!”

Nojima wrote versus script

Noctis & Luna doesn't even meet face to face outside of flashbacks, it's so shit

>The FFXV DLC is not content that has been cut from the main game just to sell to you later.
They are so bad at lying

I didn't say that. It looked interesting, and the gameplay looked very rough, (which I assumed which be significantly changed by the time it was released), but I'm just saying thee was no guarantee it would have been great. It had as much potential to be one of the greatest of all as plenty of other games. I'm not going to come to the conclusion that, "Versus had to have been a great game in its original concept. XV is not great. Therefore, Tabata fucked something up and ruined what could have been a great game."

When we talk about the writing, that very much is the case.

Same thing applies. Nojima was the one that gave us that fanfiction tier audio drama for FFX. SE doesn't have any writing talent anymore.

Because it's literally okay if square enix does it, and it's final fantasy anyway, people will blindly eating it even if it's steaming pile of dog shit.
FFanboy are one of the worst fanbase out there.

It's a 'failure' not interm of sales but in term of getting the series on track. Hell, the game is not even complete despite the game play being fun.

"We're not jewing you for shekels, honest!" - Sholomo Goldstein

I hate that SE get away with the shadiest of DLC packages these days

sign the versus xv petition
>sign the versus xv petition

>The FFXV DLC is not content that has been cut from the main game just to sell to you later

Explain Kingsglaive lol

>This is really important because we want everyone who buys and plays the FFXV base game to know they are getting the full FFXV experience

The game feels like a butchered mess though, especially in the story department. It feels like they took whatever scraps they could from Versus and threw it together. Any leftovers were turned into that Kingsglaive movie.

I would say it's likely the story would have been much more developed than what we got, and probably even more developed when Versus was scrapped and used to create XV, but I saw nothing in the trailers indicating this was some masterpiece from which XV's story was an utter degeneration.

That cutscene wouldn't make a game. I'm not going to assume there was some complete, fleshed-out, and great story that was ruined at some point in making XV. I'm disappointed that the escape from Insomnia was cut from the final game, but I wouldn't go and assume the rest of the game looked that good which was ruined when Tabata took the reigns. They probably first made that level before they settled the story, (which seems to me to be a development practice), along with the CGI that would be used, discovered later the escape wouldn't be possible with the direction the story was taking, and had to remove it. Perhaps something similar existed for that scene with Noctis and Stella.

> How is it this game had such a solid start with the invasion and clamouring for revenge, to the lukewarm brotrip with next to no sense of urgency or even relevance to the world?
I might ask the same thing about the escape from Insominia, and the reason is they were thinking first about scenes that looked cool, then trying a plot around them, which is I'm sure how many blockbuster movies are mad.

>How do you chop out one of the best inciting scenes you could possibly, have and make it into a droll, 2 hour movie with no bearing on the rest of the game?
Well at that point, we're getting into, again, why was almost everything form the 2013 trailer cut.

>And you'really telling me nothing was lost?

>And theres no change in quality?
Actually, what's in FFXV is so subpar and underwhelming that probably anything would have been better, but I'm not convinced that Nomura had to have been creating some masterpiece that was ruined because of unpropitious circumstances.

The script was confirmed finished by Nomura hinself before the switchover

As much as I'd love this to happen, Square doesn't give a fuck, dude. They made their money.

No, I'm not seeing how it had to be great. It could have been your usual, heavy, Japanese schlock that attempts to be deep by being convoluted. It's not like Nomura has penned nothing short of literary masterpieces up until now.

>I saw nothing in the trailers indicating this was some masterpiece from which XV's story was an utter degeneration.

Luna vs Stella is a very good start

In that one cutscene Noctis and Stella had an actual dynamic and you could tell it was going to be a developing relationship across the stories. In XV Luna is just the pure waifu who dies before her time with no presence or buildup whatsoever.

And Tabata had the fucking nerve to say he was making a """""strong female character"""""

>Any leftovers were turned into that Kingsglaive movie.

I think that much is pretty obvious. I'm still questioning why they made the guy who was directly responsible for the deaths of Regis and Luna's mother a movie villain. It would have made sense if he was an obstacle for Noctis and Luna to overcome together, also giving them development together so we could buy into their romance.

you can play around in Insomina while the game is installing.

Okay. Well I would say it's like that it was better than what we got, if it was much better than Nomura's usual fare which I don't consider to be masterpieces, (i.e., Kingdom Hearts games), I would be surprised.

did gladiolus hate is dad or something? because he never mentions him at all

And I'll allow as likely that Nomura's original script was better than what we got. Consider this backpeddaling or changing the goal posts, but it's a concession. I'm not going to allow, however, that Nomura made all literature past, present, and future wholly obsolete by creating the greatest video game script in history, and Tabata fucked it up along the way, giving us what was left.

In the early announcements Nomura went out his way to say that he wanted Versus to be a more mature take on FF, thats why people were looking forward to it so much. It was different from the usual.

KH is a kids game and everyone knows it, including Nomura. Versus was supposed to be that game that takes the Ff series to the next level.

>want to play Titanfall 2 because trial
>origin starts and downloads the game
>nothing happens on launch

what do?

No because I'm playing the game and its no where near as people are acting.

You are blind then, theres no argument to be had with you. There simply are people making that big of a deal here.

All I've been arguing is that Nomura's vision is better than what we got, significantly better. And Tabata had everything to do with its defilement among other parties.

Naturally Nomura probably made some missteps that resulted in this happenig, but goddamn I would sacrifice FF7R if it meant Versus could be real again.

How is Luna even supposed to be the main heroine? She has no personality to speak of and no existence outside of what she can do for Noctis. Even her death is all about how she serves Noctis, it's like they forgot to give her a role in the game until the last 3 weeks of development. They were obviously going for Yuna and Aerith mashed together, but they missed what made them good characters in the first place. The Stella we got in two trailers was a more memorable FF girl.

Are you telling me thatthe game doesn't have an open world city like in the Versus XIII trailers?
Are there even multiple cities based on real cities like they said there would be some years ago?

>Kojima falsely advertises his game's story all the time.
What? No. V's trailer told you everything you needed to know about the game. People just weren't aware of what it was trying to tell them until later.

Some "hidden" content that is in the guide:

>Verstael is Prompto's dad
>Ifrit is the cause of the Scourge of the Stars and rebelled against the other Gods.
>Ardyn is Ifrit's servant.

A lot of people are saying that Nomura's Versus would've also been shit, or that we didn't know about about it to really say that XV wasn't what we wanted in the end. But please, allow me to explain what I think a lot of us were wanting from Versus 13.

First of all, this was being directed by Nomura. This is the same guy that had Sora storm the final bosses castle, cut through buildings during the climax of KH2, continue to JUMP on those buildings while cutting them in half, then fight a massive robotic dragon in a two-stage fight, then fight Xehanort himself, and then deflect tons of lasers and shit while you fight him.

And this is from a game that has you going on whacky adventures with fucking Donald and Goofy.

Imagine this crazy ass, so retarded it's awesome shit in a fucking Final Fantasy game with a "grounded" story. It would've been the apex of video games because it would've crossed the bounds of retardation into the promised land. This is what fans of Nomura like his video games for. He makes stuff that's so stupid that you end up cheering for it by the end of the experience.

Tabata clearly doesn't understand this. FFXV tried to be super serial and it ended up falling on its face with the usual japanese animoo tropes. On top of that, the combat blew and you didn't get anything close to what KH2 was doing in fucking 2004.

That's all.

Maybe Nomura will get his chance to make FF: KH Edition another time.

Or, it was just an edgier Kingdom Hearts. I was excited when I heard that as well, but it could have been pure puffery. I don't have such confidence in Nomura's abilities as a writer that he merely had to describe the story in general terms which I could interpret as being an assurance of quality.

Watch the story related footage then, the proof is in the pudding. I'm not talking out of my ass when I say what little we saw of Versus story utterly outclasses XV.


Nomura wasn't the writer

i just felt like the ending of XV was so fucking rushed and hamfisted
like yeah i get we're supposed to have our badass 1v1 with king powers in a DBZ fight over the sky, but the ending was awesome until you realize how stupid it fucking is

>oh no ardyn is an immortal demon god
>gee how do i kill that
>i know ill fucking kill myself and punch the shit out of him in hell with my fucking stand powers
>also my friends stayed behind to get killed by fucking trash mobs
>so nobody is in charge of both kingdoms but hey at least the fucking demons are dead

>no fucking final boss fight against super demon ardyn just a shitty duel where you hold X to demolish his health bar

the entire game up until the ending was fine but they dropped the fucking ball hard. they really just wanted to release the goddamn game at that point, shit was clearly in development hell by that time

Pretty much sums up my feelings. I don't think Versus would have been perfect and I don't think XV is a total disaster, but damn I was excited to see Nomura's vision, not Final Fantasy's half-baked MGSV. Everything I was looking forward to got changed or cut, it may as well be a completely different concept with only the four main characters who stayed the same.

sign this

Does someone have scans of the guide ?

user, Square doesn't give a single shit about us or your retarded petition with 50 signers, and I say that from the bottom of my disappointed heart. The ride's finally over.

Is this the FFXV thread I can ask general combat questions in?

Didn't want to make yet another FF thread.

Versus didn't exist you stupid fags. Because your hack savior Nomura doesn't know how to push a game out unless someone is breathing down his faggy fashion designing neck. They gave the project to someone who knows how to get work done and if what Nomura had on the plate already wasn't just a hot mess of half finished ideas it probably would have been closer to the original vision.

>tfw signed it anyway because i want to send the message
>tfw at least Nier is still alive