This was a really heartfelt speech. It made me want to read up about the game...

This was a really heartfelt speech. It made me want to read up about the game, and read that because so many people have watched Let's Plays of the game with minimal commentary instead of buying the game, they still haven't made their money back. I feel bad for this poor guy. I'm going to but it. What am I in for?

>dude cancer lmao


If you feel bad for families affected by cancer I think you should donate to a cancer research or prevention charity. Maybe I'm being cynical but I have misgivings about selling a game through a tragedy like this.

ayo hol up my son is crying in pain at 4 in the morning let me record it to put it in my game

I think its actually a good way to bring attention to something like this. You wouldn't harp on a movie for featuring a similar story would you?

>I'm going to but it.

>muh dead kid

Just make another one?

Yeah I don't know, I'm apprehensive. On the one hand, sure, make a drama about human suffering, on the other hand... I guess I feel like adding nothing to the discussion makes it feel exploitative to me. What is there to raise awareness about exactly? Cancer is awful? My heart goes out to anyone who's suffered through loss like this but as a piece of art, or as a entertainment product, I'm apprehensive.


You can win over the critics with feels bait but good luck winning over the people that are expected to hand over money

I wonder if it was a conscious effort to make a game with such a bulletproof narative

The faggot couldn't even use a screenshot that didn't feature his smug smiling face, what a narcissist

>profiting of your son's death

wow so brave I cri every tiem

it was also kickstarted and then the dude whined about piracy. because you know, if you pirate it you get the "awareness" but he doesn't get any money so that means it's bad

I would if the director invested time and money into the production while his fucking kid was dying. Which this guy did.
Also, this isn't anything spectacularly innovative behind this. It's an intimate and personal story about a kid with cancer, as told by their father...through a video game. And then marketed to feels-vs-reals types for their approval. Sure, it's a tragedy that he lost his kid, but there's something pretty fucking cynical about profiting from your son's death eloquence via an entertainment medium.

>Cancer Simulator 2016

I don't know OP. I'm sure he mostly made the game because it's a way for him to express those feelings. I imagine that getting rich off a tragedy like that will make you feel guilty in some way.

The purpose was to share a story. In this case, it was a true story that actually occurred, and he hopes to bring awareness about childhood cancer to those who may not be aware of how prevalent it actually is. Leave it to fucking Sup Forums to be cynical and edgy about something like this and show a complete ignorance to how much work goes into making a game.

what does raising awareness even mean anymore?
I'm sure most people are pretty fucking aware of cancer.
This isn't like the ALS ice bucket challenge where they had charities to donate to, this is just some 2hr game about a kid dying.

does it even have any gameplay?

What's the gameplay like?

>still havent made their money back