>he doesnt play warriors/gladiators/barbarins
go play your sissy wizards you fuckin faggots or run away as rogue
niga you dont doge once YOU FUCKIN DEAD NIGGER
He doesnt play warriors/gladiators/barbarins
Other urls found in this thread:
only mages
warriors are for pussies with no imagination
barbarians are quite good tho
>he only plays one class
enjoy missing more than half of the experience of the game
enjoy not even getting close to me while i blast you with elemental magicks
>not being a spellsword
lmao @ ur life
>anime: the class
>maximize cadence tree and get elemental mutator
>maximize Iskandra elemental's exchange
>get prismatic eviscerator
>crit for 10k at level 40
Primal strike a shit.
>Be Warrior
>Blow up
pudzian kurwa
Battlemage is the most versatile class. If you don't play as one then you're not getting the full potential of the game.
and jamal blasts ur wife with semen
you cuck wearing a dress
>implying the choice is between being exclusively a warrior or a mage
>he doesn't roll a battlemage whenever he gets the chance.
Paladin / Spellsword master race
>not being a Paladin
>not having fucking GOD backing him up
Spell Swords are so fun in Tales of Maj'Eyal
>choosing a class
fucking nomies
is this the dnd/rpg thread
got NWN1 for free with some m8s but we got wrecked in the prison area, thinking we didnt make our characters that great
any advice?
you win this time
What about being a paladin; ie the faith-based equivalent?
>that picture
>well crafted body
>shitty 440 stainless steel Sword-Like-Object
>Being a contrarian
Found the ledditfag.
>i.e. Shitty at magic and shitty at swordplay with no stealth
I tried to be an assassin character once... I snuck up, killed the first guy in a group... then yelled "I'm here mothafuckahs!!! continued to go beast mode. I suppose some of us are just born barbarians. can't fight my viking heritage.
please lads
>doesnt play a ninja/rogue
Enjoy that poison in your drink.
>worrying about what occult practicers think
>when everlasting glory awaits you in the kingdom of heaven
We aren't going to have a problem are we paladin?
>Not playing as an elf sorceress who use her feminine wiles and magic to make all men do her bidding
It's like you don't want to roleplay.
a war cleric would be the faith equivalent, paladin's spells are much weaker than a cleric or mage
Have fun trying to make it through my personal army faggot
I'll just make the water in your body evaporate and laugh as you suffer forced mummyffication while you flail that toy around..
>Primal strike a shit.
>can't fight against himself
Get the fuck out, poser
>literally having npc`s fighting for you
you dont have any friends do you? still not the same is it?
>playing as a woman
its all about the psyker class
fuck outta here shuttercock ass motherfucker
Maybe he is talking about skill based system instead of class systems.
Literally what?
Fajny filmik
This is no sissy ass japanese fantasy.
>being gay
>not being an evil shinobi with a sick katana
The only friends I need are a large enough magic supply my good savage
classes are stupid for me anyway there literally nothing stopping a mage from picking up a sword make no senso to meo guess just the jews with theyr tricks make many money dlc and character pack
Primal Strike is fun for aoe. Shove unlubricated lightning bolts up everybody's asses.
>No one going for the Merchant class
I'm lmao'ng at you while sitting back and letting my personal private mercenary army deal with whatever you're doing.
Making other people do your dirty work, while you're safely behind a good wall of money, meaning power and influence is pretty chill guys
I always go spell sword.
In games that allow it, I'll use something like necromancy or conjuration instead of DPS magic.
Nothing like being a summoner warlord.
doing a 3man NWN campaign with friends
What's a fun class combination for us?
wizards are better
>he doesnt play warriors/gladiators/barbarins
>go play your sissy wizards you fuckin faggots
>Not playing both
While you get cooked by wizards, I'll have magic resistance for days
>conjuration + sneak archery
>summon up a bunch of skeletons to fight the minions
>headshot all the strong enemies and bosses
NecroRanger class
>misread barbarians as barbers
>my dream of being a barbershop quartet member in a video game will never be fulfuilled
>trips wasted for this
>Playing original NWN campaign with friends
>we head to the prison first
>friends are getting one shot while my pets are hitting for 24 damage at level 3
the exp penalty for dying in the campaign is a huge drag though
Shut it fag, trips nigga knows what's up
i always play high offense tanks in every game that gives me the choice
>what is mirror image
>what is blur
>what is stoneskin
>what is a philactery
>being a monk
>he doesn't play skeletons
How's your character currently (class, stats, feats)?
I also got it for free recently, soloed the shit out of chapter 1, and now I'm kicking the shit out of undead in chapter 2
>not being a fighter
I require additional information on what your characters are to make any judgement.
Preferably your classes, races, attributes, starting feats, and starting skills, but I can make do with just the first three.
If you really want a noob friendly set up that requires no in-depth game knowledge or fucking about with too many mechanics, a vanilla fighter will do just fine.