What game has the best m1911?
What game has the best m1911?
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The new RE7 demo lets you have the "M19", which is really a 1911
Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Handgrenades
Receiver, if you're poor.
There was one in MGS3 but it was so tacticooled the whole thing was fucking laughable. I can just imagine Koji writing all that shit out.
Bad Company 2
The one in MGS4 was fucking sexy
Killing Floor 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Fallout New Vegas
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Is Insurgency still alive and good?
cawadooty world at war/black ops
Are you joking? The WaW colt sounded like dropping a quarter on the floor
Day of infamy which is the WWII version of it has taken a portion of users but they are both alive and great.
Max Payne series for me and if we wanna talk reloading animations Resident Evil can't be beat.
Battlefield 3 is a mediocre game but it has one of the best 1911s in video games.
Alive as fuck. On prime time there are 10+ full servers. Part of it is the autumn sale noob hordes, but even before that it had a good plenty of players too.
arguably the "A light shining in darkness" is one of the best handguns in fallout nv.
But Joshua uses a Colt New Agent, not a 1911
Bad Company 2
It's a beautiful side-arm to pull out at close range that kills them dead
What's the difference exactly?
his entire tribe of New Canaans use .45 auto pistols.
the Necrovision incarnation is kick ass
>knocked zombies and Germans on their asses with one shot
>dual wield it with melee weapons or another M1911
>MC starts to hold it sideways if you fire it fast enough
Don't mind me, just showing off the best 1911 clones in vidya.
Day of Infamy is mostly empty.
those silencers are too small
1911 and m1 garand literally god tier combo prove me wrong
AFAIK, shorter barrel length.
Could be worse.
Only good answer. Is there any other game with guns as satisfying as Insurgency's to use? RO2 maybe?
They sold three million copies of that thing. Yeah it's alive and good as it ever was.
Receiver, how is that even a question?
Either this...
m2 carbine and m1917 ftw
Or this when possible
yessss this
i always finished them off with the 1911
They had to fit the poster
>Max Payne series
1 and 2 don't have any .45 firearms or any Browning design handguns.
My nigger.
>1 and 2 don't have any .45 firearms
Wrong, MAC-10
Mafia II
standard issue WW2 M1911A1, also features a nickel plated version with an extended clip. feels great to shoot, sounds great, and it makes sense that you'd be using the gun in the game since you're a mafioso and it's your gun of choice and also deals considerable damage, so you don't feel like you're forcing yourself to use it in-game "just because it's the 1911 and i like it"
same with Mafia 1 desu, though this one is nickel plated
>RO2 maybe?
Handguns there mostly shit.
TT and 1911 is good tho
My bad! I'm stupid!
You are all my niggers
Mafia 1 had that quirk where any pistol but Magnum was only two-hit kill with headshots. First kill would always put them in recovery animation, though, and M1911 was a sniper rifle in disguise.
nigga, on a well optimized crit build it has the highest damage output in the game for any ballistic weapon.
huh, don't remember that. just remember that the 1911 was pretty viable to use (whenever you had ammo for it).
one of the coolest things about the game was the police wanted system- if you could kill all of the cops nearby, your wanted level would pretty much be cleared if you could bail quickly or just hide for a bit. i don't think i've ever seen that in any other game, they usually just keep sending tons and tons of cops to your location who magically know where and who you are.
Although the firing sound is kind of obnoxious, the Verdun 1911 is very effective. From what I've seen it may be the automatic pistol with the greatest one-hit-kill potential.
Also, Rising Storm.
I loved that you could actually get arrested or get a speeding ticket. Compared to something like GTA where cops will murder you if you bump into their car, that felt crazy realistic.
nope I cant
only reason I go allied in Rising Storm
Did they ever explain who those bitches are? I assumed one was his mother. Maybe both are?
moh airborne
you could get arrested in IV, but in V they just fucked up and made all peds and cops a lot more aggressive (though it's still possible to be arrested)
back to Mafia II, that game had a lot of cool interactions which were cut from the game, and the ones we got are just a minor fraction of the total they planned. for a taste, you can check the Mafia II 2009 Gamescom Demo video.
Rising Storm