>all this wasted dialogue on npcs in the city
>a painfully slow story, filler trying to be development
You told me this game was good Sup Forums
All this wasted dialogue on npcs in the city
So you'd prefer every npc to say the same things and get right into the cliche save the world plot from the getgo?
Cliche > Filler shit.
>play an jrpg after playing trails in the sky
>the npcs don't change their dialogue ever
I'm fucking dying here, changing the dialogue regularly should be the standard.
It's called world building
Sorry you're incapable of getting lost in a rich world full of living, breathing people with their own lives you can be a part of.
>NPCs have their own goody scenarios, friendships, romances and adventure
>When an NPC dies, it makes you feel like garbage
Fucking Trails, man.
Well memed, Falcomdrones.
Still the only JRPG I've been able to stick with until the end, so they did something right with their characters
I'll buy the second chapter at some point
Why are you torturing yourself with the cliffhanger, user?
You're meant to feel immersed into the game's world more than to follow a story. The story is more like a backdrop to give an excuse for the characters to go on an adventure and do their job.
>there are NPCs with plots that persist throughout the entire series
>tfw no gf
t. Anton
game when
Because even though I clearly have more than enough time that I pour into Smite, I tell myself that I don't have enough time for a big RPG right now
Gotta give CS a conclusion before they even think about going to calvard.
or CS3 takes place in calvard
That could be neat too, now that you mention. The lloyd+Rixia sidequest in CS2 make it feel like the game is gunna leak into crossbell if anything, though.
I'd place more faith in North Ambria than Calvard at this point.
muh wind
Somewhat likely, and a full 3D Crossbell would be pretty neat considering it's one of the comfiest JRPG cities ever made.
I have trouble believing that Falcom would just reuse a setting like that though, so there might be more continental travel involved this time (thanks to Akatsuki showing that they're willing, at least)
I'd be pretty salty if that happened
Fuck off Anton
but muh love
It is pretty good, but god fucking damn is the story slowly paced, and I will personally rape whoever thought it was a good idea to put 100% completion behind those FUCKING BOOKS.
>yfw anton was alpha as fuck
>trails in the sky
>you spend the entire game on foot walking around the country
>nothing 'sky' related at all
explain this
sc actually does have an explanation
Cant blame the man for having refined taste.
Ignore OP, everyone. For some reason he regularly posts attempting to trash this game, and then gets btfo because most of us love it.
We're pretty sure he hasn't even played it.
More or less how I feel about the game.
Why is it that "worldbuilding" has to be boring? Are diehard JRPG fans okay with lots of boring filler in their games?
My worst problem with it was the battle system. Really slow as fuck.
When is Falcom's investors meeting? That's this month, right?
It's not like there's a lot of boring filler in our world either, right user?
Do Estelle and Joshua ever stop being so annoying? Olivier and Schera just left my party and now I'm stuck with just those two.
Which makes me wonder why you would want to go play a video game that has boring filler.
Regardless, that's no excuse nor does it explain it.
>>a painfully slow story, filler trying to be development
Try saying that again after you actually finish both FC and SC and find out how much of that "filler" ended up being relevant.
I stopped playing after about 13 hours or so. I'm not too huge on the combat. I'll probably pick it back up here in a little bit though.
One complaint is that the game doesn't really allow grinding, and I fucking love grinding for some reason.
>it gets good after 60+ hours
>played SC when it came out
>there were like 3 mis/unflagged chests that didn't count towards the achievement, so you couldn't actually unlock it even if you painstakingly went to each and every one
Honestly, I'm of the opinion that it's relatively well written filler, and that it adds a pretty damn good deal of worldbuilding. Plus I have a soft spot for seeing NPCs develop.
I don't know why anyone would say that the game doesn't allow grinding, because there's nothing stopping you.
In any case the combat in FC and SC is an absolute chore and the worst part of the games. Just use CheatEngine to speed it up and be done with it as soon as possible. I can't imagine playing SC without speedup.
>I fucking love grinding for some reason.
You're a weird one
True, there is nothing stopping you. But after a level or two gain the enemies only give you like one xp each, so its not as easy as it is in, say, Chrono Trigger or FF 6.
You should keep in mind that autism simulators like Disgaea have some popularity behind them.
who is going to mend his broken heart?
>good games
Pick one. You guys told me The Oath in Felghana was a masterpiece but I wiped my ass with that game in like 4 hours. I'm never buying a game from these devs again.
Look up Shining Pom. They are basically the equivalent of metal slimes in the DQ series, except they are always in the same spot and you can re-fight them as many times as you want.
It is good user.
It's gamers that are shit.
Sadly that's something that can't be fixed. Unless we "resettle" all of the gamers with bad taste to the East.
I like good character development when don't care much for noname NPCs that you eventually never see again.
I know, I find people that willingly grind in Disgaea weird too.
I mean, to each their own but shit dude I couldn't do it. I don't see how that's fun.
Literally just seeing numbers go up and the sense of accomplishment thereof.
Trails FC is basically a tour guide through Liberl. You visit a new town, you talk to the people, you solve their problem and you move on. The "goal" takes a backseat and takes 2 games to complete the goal. The goal is also part of a larger goal that spans several more games. That's how Falcom does storytelling. You have to commit to the ride.
>noname NPCs that you eventually never see again.
Except that in SC you visit all the towns again several times and the NPCs continue to get more dialogue and development. TitS has the most amazing world-building I've ever seen from a JRPG.
Based user! Thank you for pointing these out.
I don't really know why I enjoy it so much to be honest, I just always have.
Mrs. Invincible
Now you know why the translator of trails SC went crazy.
Xseed are the only ones who have the guts/are insane enough to publish a game like this in the West. Their efforts went to waste ofcourse, sales are abominable.
Is that the same Anton who was going to jump from Grancel's walls?
What games should I play and in what order from this series?
>He played it on normal
I swear people calling games like trails in the sky be "slow as fuck" dont like games at all
I mean, you know that something will happen eventually, your dad is missing and in the end everything is connected, so chill the fuck out and enjoy the damn ride
If you want to just know what happens then go to youtube and watch a letsplayer or just ask a wikipedia
This games are made for the one who likes the journey, not for the impacient
TitS has airships user.
And a bracer is supposed to walk as part of their training. Why don't people just fly to Santiago?
And you don't ride in them outside of 1 or 2 cutscenes. My point was why name the series "trails in the sky" when you make all your trails along the ground?
>he played it on the difficulty it was meant to be played
Wow. What a sin.
Play FC & SC, wait for the 3rd, play CS & CS II, wait for Zero & Ao, wait for CSIII. Or just skip those "wait" parts and play the current ones in order. Learning moon can skip waiting alot :^)
Because you didn't play SC.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Calvard game's plot twist is the MC being a Zemurian
>Waiting for all the interim games before starting CS
Because Estelle is on a bracer walkabout. As part of her training she has to journey on foot across Liberl instead of just taking an airship.
There's even a Steam achievement for running into each chapter's Shining Pom
I did and the only thing I can think of is the last dungeon which was up in the sky, but where do the "trails" come from? The word implies journeying and you didn't do any of that in the sky. The title just screams "you get an airship" but you don't.
> My point was why name the series "trails in the sky"
It's coming out spring 2017
I waited 2 years for SC
>but where do the "trails" come from? The word implies journeying and you didn't do any of that in the sky.
Are you stupid?
Trailer confirmed crossbell
Guild sign in Japanese is for crossbell branch.
where are da trails of cold steel then hmm??
Again, an incredibly tiny part of the game, and again, you only ride the airship in minority cutscenes. You didn't even journey with the airship, it just takes you to the next place once or twice.
Now this is the question I was waiting for
The camera literally pans to show trails in the sky during the ending sequence
The original name was also intended to have multiple meanings regarding the readings of the kanji, but obviously that couldn't be localized very well so they settled with the acronym 'TitS' in hopes that it'd get attention that way instead
it didn't really work
Trailer? sauce now.
That's a question for XSEED who changed the name.
Since Ys Origin is getting ported to PS4/Vita, how likely do you think the duology will get ported to PS4/Vita/PC?
Pssh... It's the trails of blood that's left after I'm through with you punk. Nothin' personnel.
The dialogue is only wasted if you ignore it. Hardly the fault of anyone else that you have ADD.
*teleports behind you*
*unsheates katana*
You might wanna regret saying that now, kiddo
I'm apart of Ouroboros. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Heed my call...
>Adol gets all those cute girls
>all I have is my left hand
Feels bad, man
>game title is a reference to one insignificant end game scene
It could mean a number of relevant things.
The importance of the train and rail system to the country's military and economic strength.
The high wealth from metal production in Erebonia.
The spirit and future of swordsmanship.
The mechs
Probably a lot more if you really want to read into it.
get on her level
alright wise guy, what about the trails to zero and azure? think you can explain that eh?
What makes Anelace so attractive?
Now im looking up different translation of the moon rune titles of these games, Trails in the Sky can also be interpreted as Miracle in the Sky
You're just asking for spoilers, arent you?