This game actually looks kind of promising

This game actually looks kind of promising.

I think it might be the game we wanted No Man's Sky to be.

Other urls found in this thread:

How many times do you have to eat shit before you learn?

Fuck off Bioware.

Crafting is shit and games need to stop including it

I'm hyped as weel. op.

Why does the woman look like John Travolta?

>neo-bioware animations and writing

Nah, it will be shit, trust me.

it's literally just going to be sci-fi Inquisition.

come on man, how much does EA pay you guys, you have to at least make the shill thread kind of believable.

Ill admit that it looks pretty comfy, but the writing and animations are gonna be so off-putting that it will ruin everything else.

Also: Fuck off shill

yeah this, crafting was cool a few years ago, but about 2 years ago it stopped being cool

i know senpai its gonna be lit

The research aspect of mgs5 is pretty good, do you count that as crafting?

If there is a cute girl I can be space lesbians with then I'll play it

Default femryder derp face doesn't bother me since I'll be doing a custom one


Doesn't look bad there, needs the animation

It's going to end up being the game No Man's Sky was.

Hey, let's not be unfair. ME:A might end up shit but at least there will be more to do than mining resources so you can mine resources so you can mine resources.

The combat looks, bad. The guns have no feeling on impact on even small humanoids. This was a big problem in ME2 and 3 too, shooting just felt awful.

Is Space Dandy good/worth watching?

ITT: buttblasted BioWare haters jelly of these sick animations

>only the mouth is moving the rest of the face is still

damn, even hl2 had better facial animations

it looks exactly like SFM porn

That's insulting to SFM porn.

So will there be no white human males, or will they be the antagonists?

Thinking about this, there's SFM porn with better animations

That scene would have been A+++ if he shot her when she tried that, shield takes the blow but she's knocked on her ass, and the bossgirl just laughs at you.

Kinetic shields don't work at close range, she would be as dead as nihlus.

Void that for dramatic effect, the entire scene is dramatic effect anyway


It looks like Dragon Age Inquisition with guns.

The further away from white men we get, the more socially progressive we are.

White men are so~ last century.

Space Dandy was fucking glorious

>This game actually looks kind of promising.
I agree...well as far as Combat and Exploran goes

>I think it might be the game we wanted No Man's Sky to be.
Well thats just a stupid thing to say

Oh wow I didn't even notice the leg and head.

Toonami should bring that shit back again.

>mom said it's my turn to have the gun

>i will keep reposting same cherrypicked scene over and over so that every brainless retard will believe that the whole game will be bad xddd


Has a nice ring to it dontcha think?

Part of me wants to believe, but then I realize that the Bioware I once loved ceased to exist a long, long time ago.

Part of me wants to call Sup Forums out for the cherrypicking and being desperate to have another Tortanic or ME3 to (deservedly) shit on. Some of you want this to be a shit game.

Another part actually likes some parts of the trailer: Krogan Dad, Turian Waifu, Neat lookin worlds, Customization, Combat, Ammo Types are mods again

And then there's the awkward femryder facial model + 1 silly Interrupt situation and that's pretty jank. Oh and Peebee in general sounds awful.

Don't get me wrong, I actually want the game to be good. And there were parts of the trailer that legitimately got me excited. But I'm also acutely aware that every Bioware game I've played since ME2 has been underwhelming at best, and I remember that basically everyone who was responsible for the games I loved no longer works there.

I'm just not sure I'm ready to love again, user.

>cherrypicked scene
It's the only dialogue scene they included and its absolutely horrendous. This is the best they had to offer.

>resources are scarce
>its an entire fucking galaxy
>looking for a place to bring humanity
>humans already exist and are established here
why couldn't they just come up with new creatures?


They can't even be arsed to animate existing human models properly, what makes you think they'd be willing to create an entirely new species?




Mass effect is my shit.

This. The gameplay trailer made it look like dogshit, and none of us can expect anything better due to what Bioware has become.

I don't even have a reaction image for this level of shit bait.

Shut up shill.

Daily reminder that Bioware hired sam mags as a writer for Mass Effect Andromeda.

Check out her experience in the video below.

Get wrecked Gamer Bros.

How much do they pay you to shill against Bioware?

I understand completely.

>despite her not being a fiction writer
She looks like a veteran fiction writer to me

I... don't think you can shill against something.

>scripted waifu romance novel

>"what we wanted no mans sky to be"

I think you might be fucking retarded

Sure you can, you just spam negative things against it.
Call it a subversive if you want.

>Every video game team has had outcast justice warrior types on them since Quake 2.
>Video game creators views matter at all.
Go fight in your culture war somewhere else.

>female objectification
Not anymore! Mass Effect Andromeda is under the control of feminists and SJW.

Are you all looking forward to Anita Sarkesian being in your game??

there is literally more depth to no mans sky than there are to these games at this point, the choices are so fucking fake, you might as well play COD: IW since its in space too


it doesn't even look like her. Lips, hair, eyebrows, nose, no laugh lines, chin, everything is different.


The ugly asari doesn't look like her either. Shitposting 100%. 2/10 bait.

>Video game creators views matter at all.
This is what should be happening but some of them just fucking can't contain themselves from making it affect everything they create.

Take Five Nights at Freddy's. Guy is a hardcore full crazy-level christian. But FNaF isn't exactly full of scenes where praying saves you from being murdered

Bioware however, is filling every story they can get their hands on with agenda. And badly.

>Bioware however, is filling every story they can get their hands on with agenda. And badly.
We'll see. We have nothing but speculation. If Andromeda is full of SJW crap then we can complain. But the game isn't out yet so it's getting annoying to see the same thread of people trying to convince everyone it's going to happen.

>they're all going bald, a clear sign of low testosterone.

This explains so much. We truly are a declining society.

>people complaining about ugly asari and humans
>literally the 2 plebbiest races
>not fucking the turian instead
shit tastes

Wow Bioware is full of cucks, who knew?


>negative things
>all these things are true

If you think these things are negative why did you hire them bioshill?

>The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hole.

>Literally xbox indie game quality
Bioware needs to fucking die. Also some real great originality using aliens from the previous Galaxy instead of creating new civilisations.

Hiring people who write shit like this to write for the game does not make me hopeful.

Come back, Hambuger Hepler. All is forgiven.

>Pre ordering games

Jesus Christ why?

>do or do not belong shakarian I accept ships as equally important in our even if your otp will still like
She should be hanged just for that text wrap

I love how Bioware are putting this in as an obvious fuck you to gamers, did they really think people wouldn't notice?

Are they not seeing how many games are flopping lately?

I can only imagine the horrors Star Wars will undergo once EA sucks the last droplets of soul out of Biowares husk and kills them along with ME off.

fuck bioware. Fucking blackops 2 had more choice than ME3 fuck them forever.


The most important thing is to not bring this up, but go after the real flaws to convince normies to not buy it.
If you attack the developers, don't bring up their racial slurs, instead tell everyone Bioware lost all real talent and these pricks are are incompetent at game design itself.
Be strategic and keep your redpill knowledge to yourself, just point out how Bioware is fucking bad at making games, that is the message the normie AAA game buyer gets and drops this shit.
Don't fuck this up.

Okay, let's stop the shitposting.
Can someone explain to me why BioWare seems so incapable of doing anything but garbage animations?
It's clearly not the engine, both the Unreal Engine 3 and Frosbite have games with some really good animations.

So what's up, they just hired some random SFM porn maker to do the animated shit?
Why don't they hire some decent animators?

>buying singleplayer games

>unironically playing videogames

ME:A will have a multiplayer mode though.
In fact, that is the only part of the game that I expect they won't fuck up.

It's as if hiring due to demographics rather than ability lowers the quality of your product.

This has happened in every single one of their videogames, they didn't go SJW until recently.
Every single game they ever made has shit animations.

And we need to expose the low quality, because corrupt game journos won't.

>unironically shilling for Bioshit
>with Mac Walters and CurryThunder at the helm
fuck off

Because they don't have the talent to do it right and no one else really seems to care, look at most of the reviews and they may just gloss over it if they mention it at all. They know they can get away with mocapping in the bathroom because the only people that care know better than to buy this shit.

A third of the episodes were fucking fantastic
a third of the episodes were ok
a third were absolute dogshit.

I don't think I've ever watched a show with such inconsistency in its quality before.


If we hand picked a bunch of people to send off to a whole other galaxy to look for new habitable planets why are there already mercs and fucking crime bosses with their own stations set up? Did we pack up some fucking criminals to take with us or are we joining the game at a point where we've gone through enough generations for scum to start surfacing, at which point why are resources and exploration still such a big deal, you'd think we'd have explored plenty of systems in that time to find stuff.

people who liked dragon age inquisition will also like andromeda i.e. retards. the game will sell like crazy because there are too many bioware fanboys out there and because it's a mass effect game.

no, but it'll be better than nms for sure, which isn't hard.

>Did we pack up some fucking criminals to take with us
That's what the British did with Australia and it worked alright.

Nexus got a headstart before the 4 arcs came in.

And since it's a grab bag of various races it's safe to say there's some criminals in there