Post your favorite games of all time

Post your favorite games of all time

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One of the very anons that understand this gem, with its uncut content it would have been the best Crash game ever.

I love this game, Even with all the missed potential I still think it's got a great saturday morning cartoon feel that really fits with the characters.

amazing game
i wish they remastered this instead and added all the cut content.

You could apply that to any game, really

>Crash Bandicoot - Collection
>Crash 1, 2, 3, Team Racing
>Wrath of Cortex, Twinsanity
>PS4 and PS Vita

Would you buy it?

Name one game that perceived the amount of effort and potential this game had. Look at the concept art and soundtrack (amazing and only done with voices), everything fitted the Crash universe.

Besides the PS vita yeah sure, wrath of cortex for me was the lowest of them but not that bad.


Herc's Adventures was better

Someone post the Tony Hawk storyline image please.




That section where you go to Nina's school was fantastic

It's okay but it's buggy as fuck and unfinished. Cortex banter saved the game though.

>Bam dies from injuries.
>Shitty DS games

The darkest timeline is no joke.

That boxart is absolutely fucking awful

It's tied with Wario Ware Inc. both really good!

I'll never forget the soundtrack for this game

>Every branch ends in tragedy

Also who the fuck is Bam?


Ghoul patrol is better.


Posted from mobile

bam margera

skateboarder guy who was also on jackass

It amazes me how many people are posting from under a rock

I'm to hear about your trash childhood OP, hope things got better

You've obviously gone CRYSTAL CRAZY