Best faction and why?
Mount & Blade
Bannerlord when
>Not starting your own faction.
Swadia until I can break off and make my own faction, nobody gets to devastate Harlaus but me.
when you get a gf
B-But I'm gay.
when you get a gf
Take one for the team.
Every single faction has strengths and is viable, except for those dirty stinking vaegirs. Vaegirs suck ass.
Rhodoks obviously. Mountain bois or bust
What about the Sand Monkey Sarranids?
Nids have great troop variety and are the true jack of all trades faction.
Tied for best cav
Great Infantry
Great archers
Every other faction has one tree that sucks, or two in the case of the nords, but every nid troop is good.
>Limiting yourself to one factions units
I always liked a balance of Swadian knights and Nord Huscarls personally with whatever archers I can get
>leave harlaus to me
I hate the vaegir too and take every opportunity to massacre them and swadians but they have the best archers in the game. I love the khanite they FUCKING SUCK in siege battles.
One of the best cav hands down, tied with swadia
Upper tier archers that are similar to Vaegir, but probably worse than rhodok/khanite
Passable infantry but they aren't as strong as other nations that specialize in them
Rhodoks are pretty fucking great actually, just make all except for your medic companion into heavy cavalry and watch 50+ sharpshooters pincusion everything from on top of a hill and behind a dozen or so sergeants.
I wish this game had a proper army versus army battle mode.
The sarranids have some unit flexibility in that not only are the mamelukes in contension for best calvary unit but they are the only unit thats also worth a shit dismounted as they also make for decent heavy calvary.
Your master archers double as both archers and decent light infantry. Against most units they will destroy unprotected units from afar, whittle them down as they approach and finish them off in close combat, or slow down their approach so you can have a opportunity to flank or charge their heavy infaltry. Most of tge time you dont have to give them any commands ss they'll handle themselves
Does anyone know where this webm is from? Also Sarranid best faction, mamlukes 4lyfe
Kingdom of Heaven
If you're going to watch it get the extended edition. It makes a shit movie awesome
>Thinking about starting another game
>Remember how terrible it is to be emperor
What are some good mods to fix this issue?
>Vaegirs suck ass
But their cheap and effective archers are amazing.
>archer cav
>address army
>follow me
>git gud at horse archery
>play multiplayer
>no one can fucking deal with me
>get bored consistently going 70:1
>wait for bannerlord.