Persona Girls Thread

Who is the best Persona girl and why is it Yukari?

Ayane and Marie are best

yukari is my gf

Which Persona girl from 3-5 has the biggest breasts except for Naoto or any adult.

mitsuru sempai



why it's Futaba-chan of course!


despite my being my favorite girl i don't have to many pics of her.

Her size varies in almost every scene.

How can she be your gf when she is my gf

Aigis is the cutest.

I like Yukiko

me too

But she's mine...

She reminds me of a girl in my Spanish class.

Pics or GTFO

Rise is my wife!

I'll be over here with my superior brown girl waifu.

I ended up bumrushing Mitsuru's SL in the last week although I really wish I hadn't progression locked myself out of Fuuka's SL. Definitely gonna go for it on my second playthrough

was about to say this. I've seen her be borderline DFC in some caps

Not sure which one I prefer tbqh

I want to be Chie and have anons pay tribute to my sweaty butt.

Chie is completely different in-game than from the impression I got from fanart I see of her. Took me awhile to get used to her voice as well


Is brotag a suave enough dude to get away with two or three-timing?

yeah as some one who has all of their impression of chie through fan art before I played the game I was expecting her to be more like how Rise is than how she actually is.

Chie is basically just that one girl you grew up with who is 100% always your bro and you'd never think about dating.

I love FemC!

man do I fucking hate his design
what were they thinking

Original Chie voice is good. Her Golden voice is shit though.

they're honestly both about the same to me.

Odd, I really liked her Golden voice. Course I never played regular, I just listened to some clips on yt.

I'd marry the fuck out of chie.

Which voice, her PS2 one or her everything else one?
Also, what were you expecting her to be like?

A lot better than P3 MC (male)

what? her original VA barely ever injected any personality into the character.

Elizabeth is probably the best girl, but that's only because shes such a reverse on the situation that you're kind of forced to like her.

Kind of like asuka whose a pretty shit character, but she brings with her the party so you like her by proxy.

I'm pretty sure the particular clip I heard was from the PS2 version
I also expected Chie to be super down to Earth and chill

I will debate the shit out of you on that

No way, Golden is way better unless you're blinded by nostalgia

I haven't played P4G so I still get kinda uncomfortable by her voice everytime I watch some of her extra stuff in it, still both of her english voices are kinda shitty.I still love her tho

Not that user, but I like the p4 protag design better as well.

It's just a matter of taste I suppose.

this, I hate how ironically boring she makes chie by making her spunky.
The original had a lot more down to earth version of her, which felt way better with the setting.

there is absolutely nothing about the original p4 chie voice actress that is better than the golden voice.

everything but the battle dialogue is better.

Best girl is The one you like the most
In my case, Fuuka

I just finished Persona 3 (Portable) for the first time ever and still mildly melancholic

Should I wait a bit before jumping into P4G? Otherwise I might give SJ another try

yeah probably or just wait until p5.

I jumped right into p4 and got burned out by the monotony and couldn't beat the game after I stopped the final boss.

NuChie is a qt, especially in the added content.

I agree, her new year event and valentine date made me love her even more.

Some people think that the sleepy 30 year old thing works better for the cheery tomboy.

>smoking evoker

It's actually shooting semen.


>not aiming for the forbidden teacher love.

I'd like to dump some Chie before going to sleep. Cutes or lewds?






Lewds, because she's always cute! CUTE!

She is, and having played p5, that doesn't change.

You're absolutely right.




Why are you retards all only posting p3/p4 girls?

5 has been out for like half a year now


That's too damn lewd.


P5 has nothing but shitty designs up and down, tbqh famicom.

I'm sorry user, please accept this as apology

That's just as bad.

how about this?

Even worse.

this should do, I'm completely sure.


user, the lewdness is the issue. You're getting more lewd, not less. I don't think you're very good at this.

Alright then, be cautious with this one.

Dammit, that's just as bad going the other way.

>Not evoking semen

don't listen to this user we must go deeper

There's something weirdly sexual about that hamburger


the bun looks like its giving the patties the good ol' mating press treatment

You mean going more around this way?

Still pissed about no EPP for absolutely no fucking given reason.

absolutely, we have to pride ourselves on pushing the boundaries

Do you faggots have any idea why i named this pic like this ?

Naoto is Chie made better.

I like how that sounds, let's do it.

I like Marie a lot
She has a cute hat

I don't have anything that's just chie, but I'll help as best I can



I appreciate the feeling, my good user.

alright, a few more before I go to sleep

>only P3 & P4 sluts

fucking plebs

Something something ISP not selling well enough.

>implying P1 and P2 are good


>waah there are so social links and I can't romance anyone!
