I just finished dark souls one for the first time and i have to say it lived up to the Paris it was an amazing game...

I just finished dark souls one for the first time and i have to say it lived up to the Paris it was an amazing game. Should i get the second one next or just skip to the third

Praise not paris

I'd say skip 2, but I know damn well you're going to play it anyways, don't fight it. As for 3, can't say since I dropped it early from Bloodborne burnout. I'd rather wait for the second DLC to come out to try again

Go for the second. You'll see it's different in some ways, but hopefully you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Opinions on DS2 tend to be very polarizing, but I think you should experience the game yourself.

Dumb phoneposter.

Can the game be played in offline mode and is it worth playing only in offline mode? I'm just so incredibly not interested in the feature which would allow other players to interrupt my fun.

yes it did live up to the very tip top of the paris didnt it

It sure did ya fucking queer

you dont have to be a queer to look this good nigga

Yes. In DS1 there's an in-game item you can use to enable online play. Alternatively, if you play on Steam, you can just start the client in offline mode.

Whether offline mode is 'worth it', that's up for you to decide.


get demons souls and bloodbourne and forget the others exist, both are better games


Thats fucking great

Quit being a little bitch

Yeah what a lil pussy

If you're skipping one of the direct sequels for undetermined reasons then you might as well skip the rest because they all fail to live up to the expectations of what a sequel to DaS1 should be in different ways.
2 with the DLCs is decent enough if the gameplay doesn't turn you off of the experience first (It is a bit to get used to but it isn't that bad) and once 3 gets its second DLC it will probably be worth the one playthrough before you get sick of its linear structure and lack of options.

If you have the consoles (PS3 & PS4) and don't care about the limitations of consoles then the games that aren't direct sequels are generally agreed to be good in their own right, though how you rank them is up to personal taste.

This. If you can, play all the soulsborne games in order of release. (Demons souls should be played before the rest of them if possible) I love them and hate them all for different reasons. Form your own opinion, OP.

Dark Souls 3 is the true DaS sequel. DaS2 is a fan game made on the cheap by a different studio and devs.

I guess you don't have a PS4 but also get Bloodborne if you do.

Yes i have a ps4 and have played through bloodborne but thats not a souls game and does not belong in this thread

Just skip to the third

was this whole thread an elaborate setup for u to say something like this sir

It's the true sequel in that so much of the game is just a throwback to the first one and it hasn't advanced mechanically at all.

the second one didn't have the magic of the first and third, I'd still give it a playthrough though it's not a bad game

Your on to me lol but no joke i love bloodborne

This is the worst meme
>people got so triggered by Anor Londo that they just disregard the entire game and call it a throwback rehash

>gas coin
>fucking retard

i mean it advanced the game play in a pretty cool way and im pretty happy there is lots of references to darksouls 1 considering ITS A DIRECT FUCKING SEQUAL TO DARKSOULS 1. like holy fuck what levels of low functioning autism do you have to achieve to think that is a bad thing?

How's demons souls is it any good?

>Not liking the most innovative feature of Souls series
kill yourself fag

I love the online pvp in b loodborne its one of my fav features in the game

No, it's shit, that's why they made 4 more games off it

Oh fug :D

ds1>demonsoul> ds3>bloodborn>ds2

hey, I actually agree with you. that is rare when discussing from games on Sup Forums

although I would add some more >>> between bb and ds2. the other ones are very close to the same quality

I'm finding Demons Souls way more frustrating than fun (can't finish 4-1), since I have to redo an entire stage when I die.

Should I skip to Dark Souls 1? Or is the series not for me?