Flash Games

>tfw this will never come out

Flash Games thread.

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Fuck, i remember playing that.

Yeah it is never coming out.


>mfw part 2 never came out

>tfw trying to kill the giant demon at the end.

Damn, that shit was hard.

remainder that this was made by the happy wheels dev

fuck i remember those games.

Holy shit, I'm surprised the guy is still alive after 10 years of silence.

>Child from cutout animation
>Autists make shitty make yourself, faggot "game"
>Suddenly autists put this everywhere but with beards and fedoras
Why do you fags do this?

>Johnny Rocketfingers 3 never

It hurts man..

Didn't that have a kickstarter?


>Super Smash Flash 2 is finally coming out

Only person I've ever seen doing it is ja/ck/, besides the flash used the south park art style because it's easy and south park used to be great.


Good thread while it lasted.

>get my hopes up
>see the same pictures I saw in newgrounds years ago for part 3
>"Whatever, I'll check the kickstarter anyways"
>Didn't get funded

Now I'm sad user.

Oh yeah, it never got funded.

Sorry about that user.

I played it recently and it really irked me how this guy's grammar was all over the place.

Literally no excuse for getting your and you're mixed up.

I know mine's not great either, but still

All flash games nowadays are
>in game purchase bonanza
can't blame them, autistic 12 year olds spend mad dosh on idle shit

He said he made it when he was an edgy 18 year old.

It's the reason he isn't making a 3rd one. Personally I liked the South Park style since it added a lot of charm to it.

I remember playing this before the zombieshit revival in popular media. It's a great shooter/tower-defense-like game with placing explosive barrels that reacted to your gunfire and c4s etc. I used to play this in middleschool with another friend on the same keyboard shoulder to shoulder, shit was fun.

Didn't that shot have an online multiplayer mode, or maybe it was a separate game? You could customize your avatar and it was basically a death match

Yeah that was Boxhead online probably, though I didn't play that one since it was too different from boxhead 2 which I did play a lot.

fucking this


I remember a cheat that used to give you tons of stat points for that game.

These threads remind me i still havent beat pic related

sup nignogs

>99999 str
>only your feet are visible onscreen


This was one of the later games at the tail end of the golden age. I enjoyed this series fondly, however, I never finished them

Sonny 3 when?

Krin, please come back.




fucking fun game though.

Holy fuck they rebooted it instead?

What the fuck Krin. Fucking dropped.

>muh nostalgia art

Fuck off, it looks great.

>muh nostalgia art

The art isn't the problem, well it kinda is since the art style make Sonny look like a roid head. But the problem is that its a reboot, and has no animations to the attacks.

How do you spend 6 years making a worse game I don't know


>and has no animations to the attacks.

It clearly is in Beta, he'll add them when it comes out obviously.

Old Sonny art was way too noir, this looks way more attractive to be honest

The noir style looked cool, this looks somewhat generic.

I am willing to give it a shot provided the content is decent and they fully flesh out the story.

>tfw sometimes revisit Sonny 2 and try to beat hardest mode
>tfw trying to do it without grinding
>tfw have yet to beat act 1

I guess it's time to have another crack at it.

was this series the pinnacle of flash gaming?

I have a lot of games in a cd bought when i was a kid, i should check it someday to see if it has something that disappeared from internet.

Holy shit. Is that one of those disks with over 200 ish games?

I had one of those. It's probably gone now.

Anyone here remember this?

I couldn't believe it when the third one actually came out.

Which I still haven't gotten around to playing yet

Holy fuck, I remember that.

What's the game called again?

You just need to drain his mana since he uses moves take away health and add mana. Pretty easy if you're Pysch/Hydro

Superstick RPG 2

Game was funny as fuck, at least back then

I remember my sister and I laughing at that crude-ass running cycle (and all the animations, really) of the main character. Never got any less funny, either.

>never could unlock the G36
I am a shit sniper

Does anybody remember this one Tomb Raider rip off series of episodic adventures games?
If the first episode not!Lara is one a boat being attacked by natives and eventually befriends one and fucks him I think.