You know what, I'm maining her from now on
She's just too freakin good
You know what, I'm maining her from now on
not as good as she could have been
holy shit
She got nerfed hard and now Sombra is a hard counter (the first one for Zarya)
metal as fuck
good thing nobody uses that spic in comp, and while her charge did get nerfed her laser follows through much better and overall buffed her
I have to ask, why does Overwatch need a character that can give temporary shields? Like, what void does this fill?
If you do really know how to use its passive Zarya is pretty good. Also you might want to remember she is a support now and then and to play your role to make it easier for your team to play the objective
I think its more about its passive than for covering at all because you get a really short time to use it compared to its cooldown
>and now Sombra
is completely irrelevant in the comp scene at basically every level of play
Yeah but what void in the balance world does this fill? I feel everything I need to know about the character can be seen from the F1 page, it doesn't leave much room for skill besides having better aim and foresight with enemy attacks.
I guess being able to make a teammate temporarily invincible is helpful, but is a temporary shield all she can offer? I feel she needs more to her toolkit.
nice shields would be a shame if something happened to them
did they nerf him? im not doing as good with him as i used to and now that dva has more health then him he seems kinda pointless
But sombra's ultimate is godlike if you throw it well
It's nice to have something that's not a huge barrier like Reinhardt, but little damage blocks here and there that are more easily applicable. It stops big burst damage abilities like Self Destruct and Pulse Bomb, and saves more than a few lives when an ally ends up out of position. 200HP from anywhere in line of sight is no joke.
nope, no changes to hog
Forgot to mention that her damage output at high energy is absolutely BONKERS. Highest dps of any tank outside of a roadhog at 0 meters, and splash damage to boot.
Oh so it's more of a 1hit ko stopper sort of deal then? I feel that could be useful, but I feel her ult should reflect that skill. Switching zenyatta's Q and her Q would make a lot more sense, although I don't know how you could justify her beaming light out of her ass to make people invincible as she yells "GRAVITY"
she has objectively the best ult in the game
Sort of? Zarya doesn't fit a one-dimensional role like, say, Mercy or Widowmaker. (Reliable single-target heals and long-range picks being their niches.)
She keeps her team alive with occasional shields, stops one-shot abilities, melts genjis with an unreflectable laser, does decent AOE damage to grouped up enemies with her right-click and her ult groups enemies up for that decent AOE damage. Plus, it's super easy to combo with other ults to recieve free teamwipes.
Man I love this hero.
She actually got a pretty good buff by making her beam more easier to hit
works fine on my machine
this change is way more important than the shield charge nerf
IMO she came out better than before
Zarya would be the best waifu of all the girls. Can Widow or Tracer help spot you at the gym and make fabulous poses with you? Didn't think so.