why is he so hot?
Why is he so hot?
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Stinkin Hot.
lose the jacket
Homosex bait.
Or fujoshit bait.
It looks like a fucking modded skyrim screenshot!
Scared to take off your shirt because people would see your scrawny body?
Hey, I got muscles! You just...can't see 'em...
there is nothing about this guy that is fujoshit bait
he is actually masculine.
he is defff gaybait though. he is so fucking hot.
Why does it have to be gay? Has it ever occurred to you that girls play Final Fantasy and he appeals to them?
I'm a straight guy but Gladio appeals to me.
>What do you want to see more of?
>How about some more shots of Gladio.
I think you got the wrong tent buddy, the Hammerhead's across the street.
Alright serious question for anyone who beat the game: What picture did you choose?
Yeah I was gonna add "but it depends" because it does, if he's fucking another faggot.
Cause i have yet to meet or seen a girl who actually thinks that kinda body type, hair and beard combo be hot.
I keep trying to wrap my head around whether his jacket/jacketless variations would keep him warmer or colder. A tank top would be warmer than an open short sleeve lether flannel right?
>mfw this game will keep waifu-shitters mad for generations to come
user, gladiolus has the build and personality of a big, strong man who will protect his woman. Typically archetype for a woman looking to satisfy the biological need to breed strong offspring.
As a gay guy, it is annoying to see people just immediately be like "wow these are faggot pandering characters because they are more feminine than me" said by ugly basement dwellers on this board but
Gladiolus is pretty damn gay.
The constant ab cleavage. That hairstyle and the facial hair. He is extremely masculine but his face says fashion model. He dresses fashionably but acts like he wouldn't. Tattoos and jewelry.
He's a gay bottom magnet.
I'd argue that he's the most "gay" appealing of all of the characters. The rest of the cast were meant to appeal to younger girls. And otherwise in Japan, the requirement for being considered "masculine" is a lot different. Noctis is essentially the height of masculinity to a young woman in Japan.
It looks like a clear, sunny day in the middle of summer. Of course he's going to be warm.
i thought it was just me. dude is hot
Except I have honest to god not found anyone who actually likes or thinks like that, except faggots.
Insecure, meek faggots. Not the ones who go out and scream "Hey world, I am so special for liking penis" normal homo.
I'm gay but only in the 2 scale. I really don't find Gladiolus particularly hot, what I find hot is Hector Escaton on Westworld
Square is not making games for faggots.
This is the video game equivalent of bodice-ripper shit for chicks.
>Only 2
nice try breeder
t. 5
Nah he's more bisexual.
Or he's just to caught up in the "homosexuality is actually noteworthy in anything, ever." meme.
You've been conditioned by the prevalence of fujo material to think that. In biological terms, strong males attract females seeking to bear strong children.
Without knowing his personality beforehand, the average person would assume that Prompto is the gaybait, because of his feminine physical traits
Except nobody seeks out musclebound "protectors". "Alpha male" sure, but from what I've seen those body types are mostly just the one or two strange fetishist.
Like fatfags.
You are a fool, user
Great argument and/or explanation.
The bait's working. I bet Noctis only cares for Luna because they are childhood friends.
>Going through Prom's pictures at the end of the day
>Closeup of Gladio in battle
>Prompto says, "Me likey!"
>Then Gladio, "Yeah, I know."
Also this
>implying theyre not all gay af
>dat shoulder/waist ratio
I'm not gay but what the fuck. Gladio is like if all the "handsome" anime guys had a chimera-like clone of all the positive masculine features. Fuck me he's attractive.
But apparently his voice is pretty shitter if is indicative of anything.
If i'm not wrong, japs are having a decline in sales because less people play videogames anymore.
>have a thing of blonde guys
>all attractive guys in FFXV are brunettes
Prompto is 2twink4me
Gladio is a bottom magnet and if i'm not wrong pretty much a gay guy archtype from Japanese perspective (muscular, masculine and manly)
Other 3 are pretty much hosts\bishounens\fashionable nip youth which is an archtype for 100% heterosexual female ideal
>his voice is pretty shitte
He's the one who says "then you get to enjoy it with us"
Pretty masculine voice, to be honest.
true but its hard to actually call any of the characters homos. Noctis loves luna, prompto makes numerous comments about cindy iris and aranea, and gladios can be caught asleep with his face in a titty magazine (porno?)
Although Im japanese, I think japanese gamers are suck at review.
It's very masculine I'll give it that. I just feel that it's overly gravelly, and at the very least that line's delivery just seems off. "And you get to enjoy it *with us*"... I don't know, it just feels off.
What about Ignis?
It`s Metal Gear situation all over again.
People blamed Raiden for being faggot, despait the fact that he was actually developed to attract young Japanese females.
Meanwhile there are tons of bara porn about Snake or Big Boss drawn by gay guys.
It's quite a bad voice t b h
Gladio is a young guy and putting a gruff "i've seen some shit" war veteran bass on him just because he's well-built is such an annoying trope
Manly guys with a soft voice is where it's at
>Prompto is 2twink4me
Yeah he's an extra twinky version of cloud from FF7
Actually, I'm scared people will see my sagging skin. I worked hard to go from 270 to 160. Downside is that I did it in a little over a year and apparently that's really bad for your skin.
I lost weight to get laid, I'm still a virgin at 24 because of my skin insecurity.
too busy/oriented to even bother
>Noctis loves luna
>gladios can be caught asleep with his face in a titty magazine
Oh i wasn't really saying who's what's sexual orientation, i was just pointing out that from Japenese perspective Gladio is the most gay-looking guy, while the usual discussion around XV characters are that everyone except him and Cor are flaming faggots
Straight nip guy who wants to look attractive to girls probably would never hit the gym and start lifting weights and bulking up and growing manly facial hairs, he'd probably dye his hair, get a piercing, make a curly host hairdo and wear shiny lipstick instead
Ignis is either gay or asexual. But his stance here doesn't leave much doubt
I prefer Gladio/Ignis. Their chemistry in anime was subtle, but cute af.