
New Nioh boss fight: Ogress. (at 4:20)

it's Ieyasu's wife

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Literally my only day 1 purchase in early 2017, can't wait.

So how about that trailer?
>fuckin broadsword
>fuckin kusarigama
>fuckin still no mention of an Alpha mode

Chain sickle looks really cool.
Can't wait to see what people who get really proficient with it can pull off.

>Kee-oh Tecmo


Mrs. Ieyasu hits like a truck!

dammit Japan

>doesn't block or Ki Pulse but gets away with murder
>enemies look even easier than before
>boss made to punish not watching your rear can't actually do extra rear damage because you're always facing her when locked on
But at least the small tease of the kusarigama looked great, actually similar to how I suggested it might work recently which is cool.


Demon Nobunaga boss fight when? Please KT, I want to pretend I'm playing Onimusha 5.

>white protagonist in feudal Japan


Don't worry, Capcom will undoubtedly try to cash-in and release a half-assed Onimusha reboot if Nioh sells well.

It's not like it will be anything new for KT.

It's based on a famous real life guy iirc, a Dutch trader who got stranded in Japan and then abandoned his old life to be a respected samurai

who the fuck started the japanese meme of jousting lances just being bigger badder spears for bigger badder men?
captcha: STOP STOP

I'm just memeing

What did you get for completing the second demo? I missed out on it and only got the mark from the first demo

A helmet based on the boss of the beta.

English actually. He was the world's first weeaboo,

I'm actually getting more and more hyped about this game, When's it out? I hope it's has a good story and Lore, thats what will sell me on it

February 7 for the US and Canada
February 8 for Europe and Australia/New Zealand
February 9 for Japan and SEA

Go off and read James Clavell's Shogun, you'll appreciate the game more for having done it.


Did anyone else have REALLY bad frame rate problems in the demo?

The alpha demo was quite an old build by the time it was released (We got it in May, but Japanese journalists had played the same one at TGS 6 months beforehand) and had an extremely unstable frame rate. The beta had been tightened up a ton.

I didn't, both were very stable for me, the Beta slightly moreso. The only framerate dips I saw were if there was a lot of fire onscreen, or if a really huge squad of enemies got hit at once while online in the Beta, which was only really in a specific area.

Looks like the dude from night at the museum, the cowboy that fights with the roman dude.

The alpha had minor framerate issues but the beta frame rate was very stable.

Me too.
Everything else looks like shit.

I never played Nioh. Is it possible to do a 2-player run like you can with Dark Souls (fighting every boss twice ggggg)?

I'm still getting it regardless but it would be nice to do a co-op run.

Yep, there's two kinds of co-op. One is setting down a sake bowl at a shrine (bonfire), so you can summon a golden phantom to come and join you during your run through a level, and the other being from the map screen, where you can do a level entirely in one sitting with another person.

Yeah, Nioh has similar co-op to Dark Souls where you summon people from shrines while in the level, or there's another, more conventional mode where you make a lobby from the map and go through the level reviving each other without shrines.

Wait what.
There's a mode where you can just do co-op without fucking around with summon signs like a stupid asshole?
This sounds far better.

Yep, from the map screen, you could just start a level and either be matched with someone random or a friend you'd given a password to. Doing that, the other person wouldn't appear as a golden phantom.

Does anyone know how difficult it is compared to dark souls? Especially BB

Hopefully harder than Baby's Souls 3.

As a dude who's put countless hours in both, its harder than DS1, 2 and 3. About even with bloodborne until you get good at BB.

It feels more like Ninja gaiden than those games tho.

Harder than souls mostly because it takes some mechanics skill to win fights

it's way harder

It's more difficult than dark souls if you try to play it exactly as dark souls.
Especially the alpha (they changed some things to be more souls like after it).
But if you learn and use the games mechanics it's about the same.

Probably on par with BB, roughly. Not overtly difficult for the most part once you've gotten a decent feel for it, but you might struggle a bit in the early days.

BB might be the hardest with the extra shit
>Chalice Dungeon Amygdala.

I'd agree, but that's extra shit. As far as the core games go, I found Nioh to be pleasantly difficult compared to the rest.

Alpha was shaping up to be harder with the mechanics actually demanding proper mastery as well as the enemies. Beta and onwards has been nerfing and simplifying things to the point where it's much harder to tell how it'll be though. It'll probably end up slightly harder but not in any meaningful way, and they might only have difficulty in later and side missions, but they're trying their hardest to make it look much harder than it really is now.

I'm still salty because DaS3 was so easy.
I thought the DLC would make up for it.

DS3 is a bad game, dlc isnt' going to fix that.

I can't justify it any more, it really isn't that great a game. I don't think it's bad by any means but last time I played it it felt like a chore.

This will be the game of the year
After the beta being literally perfect i am cumming at this game friendarinos

There's a free Nioh theme you can get over at Click on the quest tab and do the things listed on there (going to Nioh page, watch the trailer and visiting the PSX magazine article) and you'll get a code to redeem for your PSN account.

It's just a static theme, but it's free I guess.

>literally perfect
Not quite, it lost too much of it's soul and what made the combat really satisfying. The Alpha and Beta are two sides of the same coin, and all we needed was for it to land on it's edge.

Nah, you're just delusional.

Game is too hard. Souls was fair. This is just lame.


Not really.

>baiting for the pasta

I feel DS3 is unfair, with the stupid hit boxes the boss's had. BB was amazing though imo

to be honest i've never had any issues with hitboxes in any souls game i've played

maybe once or twice i get killed by a move that looked like it didn't hit, but by the way people whinge about it online you would think it's a huge issue

DS3's hitboxes were mostly fine, I can't think of any that were noticeably bad, unfair or awkward enough to be of note. The only problem of that sort I felt was the series wide one of input delay and input queuing. BB's are generally fine too, outside of perhaps Ebrietas's charge being what it is.

>arming sword is introduced
>ends up being the strongest weapon class

>Especially BB

It's harder than BB not by a huge margin but decently harder than it.

It's insanely harder than Souls games though.


I really do hope we end up getting a map of Zipangu theme at some stage.

So Living Weapon now recharges on its own in like 30 seconds instead of forcing you to kill 5-10 enemies to activate it anew? This makes it way more useful, wonder if there's some skills that can further increase its effect.

No, that timer comes on after you activate it and is a cooldown before you can start filling the gauge again.
Living Weapon was already practically broken, it does not need to be more useful at all, it needs to be weakened in some way, either in damage, how fast it charges or how long you stay in it. I remember there being skills associated with it already though, either damage or time increase.

It's harder, however there's a lot more room to git gud. Souls can fuck you over anytime no matter how good you are, in this game (the beta and alpha at least), once you get good, you can shrek your way trhough anything.

The biggest factor on living weapon was which guardian you used.
Bird had short duration and low power living weapon but it would recharge super quick.
Bull had long duration and you wouldn't lose much duration when taking damage but it had slow recharge.
Wolf had the shortest duration but would gain the most duration from kills while in living weapon (so you could extend it a lot)

The guardian spirits are significant and a lot of people didn't seem to realize that during alpha/beta, like not even picking up the grave after dying to the boss (this means they don't get the guardians passive skills).

There's very little in Souls that can really throw someone that's playing carefully and reactionary though, in the Nioh Alpha you not only needed to be cautious, but you needed much more situational awareness and to plan ahead due to how movement, enemy pursuit and Ki worked, meaning you had to take every advantage you could get before the fight begun. Shame they neutered that but the skill based component remains in regards to Ki Pulse. There's also much more leeway and at times necessity to play offensively and force the fight, again something reduced but still there in some capacity.
Yeah they all had their own quirks with Living Weapon alongside the passive buffs, but each and every one was still ridiculously powerful. Even the longest charging ones would still fill up very quickly, with me able to spend almost the entire level in it if I wanted to. They really need to focus on finding some kind of balance with it instead of slowing enemies down and lowering their health.

Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama.

I’m a 36 year old English Anjin (Navigator for you gaijins). I plot courses on my charts, and spend my days perfecting my map-reading and playing superior Nipponese games. (Hanafuda, Mahjong, Janken)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my scroll of sword mastery two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Nipponese fluently, both Kanji and the Kyushu dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Nipponese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Nipponese Red Seal, I am moving to Edo to attend a prestigious Academy to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a vassal to the Shogun or a merchant!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Nippon, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Nipponese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Zipangu!

>It's based on a famous real life guy iirc, a Dutch trader who got stranded in Japan and then abandoned his old life to become a weeb.


I highly question the authenticity of some of these monsters. Hino Enma is not even a real japanese demoness. Her design is a bastardization of the tengu, she wears the same wooden shoes they do, and has wings. However her wings match no wings of any actual japanese demon, they look almost birdlike but almost batlike, which is anatomically impossible, and tengu have birdlike wings. Her claws look nonsensical as well, and she has been labeled a succubus, which is false as kitsune are the japanese equivalent to a succubus. This is a shitty tengu ripoff.

New chapter of the manga on the 9th.

Tedious durability system?

dat gif is hilarious. did he just realize he's gay?

So there's a feature that let's you keep the look of the armor you're wearing even if you change to armor with better stats.

Wow, what a bunch of baka gaijin developers. How dare they infringe upon superior nipponese thousand-fold mythology.

Go fuck yourself, it's a fucking game.

You know the devs are Japanese right? Clearly it wasn't a big deal to them, and they preferred to go with something original, instead of just reusing the same old mythological creatures we've already seen before in other games. It's really not something worth sperging out over.

The strongest of all weebs.

There is? Are you talking about reforging or there's some sort of social slots?

The latest news seems to say there is a system now where you can transfer the looks of an item you like visually to an item with stats you like.
But the news didn't have a lot of detail so it's hard to say whether this is replacing soul match and reforge, or if it is just soul match and reforge, just the guy translating patch notes/PR notes making mistakes.

Such a cool design for a boss, too bad its just named ogress

He was basically kidnapped due to his knowledge of western trade.

>things only weenies care about

They have always significantly altered press demos I wouldn't use them to gauge difficulty