Origin Dragon Age Inquisition

So I got DA:I on Origin just because a friend said the multiplayer is good. I haven't played much of it I'm only a level 8 archer. Right now it's 4am in the usa so he's asleep, I want to level up a bit more. If you want to play with me right now add me on Origin and invite me to your game. My name on there is opalcocoon; add me now, thanks.

>because a friend said the multiplayer is good.
You better drop that friend because he lied to you.
>Playing Dragon Age for the multiplayer
That's the first time I ever heard something like that. Don't do that.

just b.c he has a different opinion from yours doesn't mean that he lied.

you have clearly
never played DA:I
it's a waste of time to even install
there's not a game in there

The main story is good. Why don't you fuck off? It's better than Skyrim, by a LOT.

Your friends are idiots

Even Skyrim's endless radiant quests are better written than Inquisition.

the game is good even if the multiplayer is not.

This troll is quality.
I love this troll.

I disagree, I think DA:I is way more engaging and interesting. Also it's written like a classic rpg, so it plays like an actual rpg where as Skyrim is too open of an open world and even the main quest line of Skyrim sucks, the player has no motivation to complete it. In DAI there characters are actually interesting and you have motivation to interact with them and the way that interaction is set up is new and groundbreaking. its not perfect but better than a lot of fantasy rpgs right now

Skyrim is utter shit. The only reason it got popular is because of mods.

Well i can agree with that.

>Dragon Age Inquisition

Good one OP, merely pretending to be retarded right?

He is, just look at this post

The multiplayer in DA:I is all right. It's everything else that sucks.

you're comparing a cow to a cow pasture.

>multiplayer is good
it's not

So who you romancing?

Wish I could with Cole I love him so much ;-; But prob gonna go for just whoever is easy I don't really care.

>it's written like a classic rpg
>the player has no motivation to complete it.
It's about saving the world from a big bad evil dragon. Sound familiar?
> In DAI there characters are actually interesting
Not more than in Skyrim really
>and the way that interaction is set up is new and groundbreaking
Yeah, you have 3 ways of saying the same shit. Groudnbreaking.

You should burn your friend's house down, pillage it and rape his mother and sister(s).

Oh and I love Solas but I didn't create an Elf.

Someone post that webm where they push the cunt out the window.

>> In DAI there characters are actually interesting
>Not more than in Skyrim really

Wrong. Cole and Solas are Gods. Name one good character in Skyrim who wasn't fanmade mod character. You can't.

Neither of them are gods and they fucked up the whole Elven pantheon pretty good just when I though they were establishing something interesting with Solas and Flemeth in the worst written Bioware game. Even ME3's colored endings are more creative than anything in Inquisition.

Well by how much you know you played the whole thing so you spend like at least 90+ hours doing something you hate(?)

Also corypheus and his dragon design is so fucking cool.

After finally completing this shit game over like a year i finally found out why everyone says the story is shit, its just a disappointment. And the multiplayer is the only good point about the game and even then its just a worse version of mass effects 3 multiplayer. Also don't get me started on the character design.

I think you arent even trolling but probably a 15 year old or something even worse like a Russian.

I never said I hated it, I just criticized it you faggot.

DA:I wouldn't have been that bad if the locations and side-quest weren't this boring.
Too bad Varric, Cassandra and Blackwall are stuck in this shitfest

Dragon Age: Cisquisition

Bioware nowadays is run by fucking SJWs e people here still buy their games, grow some balls

I actually havent even completed it yet so everyone in the thread could be right and I could be wrong. So oh well.

I like that about it tho since I'm a sjw myself. Not tryign to like gaslight, its just who I am cos Im queer as hell.



do you also like sera? because they're the same character only on opposite sides of the spectrum.

blackwall was just bland. although that could really be because he's the normal guy in a party of special snowflakes.

You actually telling me that you will defend a game that you have yet to complete?

HAHAAH how about you fuck off!

DAI is the worst DA game and one of the worst MMORPG existing. You know what DAI is?

>10/1020 blankets for refugges, 5/598 mossaics, 35/250 closed rifts, 1488/3423 efven roots
>empty boring world with invisible walls
>gross fucking annoying or bland and boring characters
>make endless mmo style quests to advance the slightest in the story
>your dialoge fucking wheel options are: yes, yes of course, sure
>no influence on the story whatsoever
>here we put a couple of dead characters just because
>here are your dyke, faggot and trans shove them up your ass
>here is you absolute shit tactical camera. It doesn't function? We don't give a fuck!
>here is your press x to win combat system
>here are your dialoge and music bugs that we can't fix for 4 years
>here is your retarded AI that can't manage to figure out what it has to do

DAI is the biggest disappointment I had in gaming ever. Fuck this "game" and fuck bioware not giving a single penny to them anymore ever.

No original DAI characters are interesting.

>or something even worse like a Russian.
Ho-hohol? Or Pole? Maybe balkan...
So many options geez.

seriously kys

Solas starts out great but turns to shit before the game is even halfway done, showing himself to be a complete hypocrite and windbag.

Cole, I don't even know what the fuck was up with him, he shows up on my doorstep like a lost puppy and I guess I'm supposed to care about him now because I can put him in my party? Okay, lets talk to him... and we're done with this guy, he is utterly incoherent and just rambles on about irrelevant bullshit like feewings as if I have time for that shit when Thedas is burning all around us.

I don't know his motives or goals and for all I know he's a spy sent by any number of my enemies, why the fuck should I trust him especially when he can essentially make himself vanish from people's memory, better yet, he's a fucking abomination and the last time we let one of those in the party this whole inquisition bullshit got started.

>here is your press x to win combat system

Lol, Have fun dying on nightmare with full trials option.

Yes I love her but Cole is still more cute, and no they are different.

He's sweet.

I'll get fisted by a drunken skeleton too.

>here are your dyke, faggot and trans shove them up your ass

im american.

Have fun OHK dragons with archer.

She's literally retarded and the embodiment of utter ineptitude outside of what the narrative claims she is.

Then again that kind of goes for the entirety of your staff, Josephine is awful at diplomacy despite the game insisting that she's great at it, Cullen is utterly unfit for his job how the fuck did he even get it? They didn't even bother researching some basic military lingo, paradigms, tactics, etc. to make him a believable commander so he's just a retard playing pretend. And Leliana is a completely different character that can't decide anything on her own and needs you to make her decisions for her.

You're disgusting faggot with no taste in games kys and your whole degenerate family.