Soulless remakes are the worst...

Soulless remakes are the worst. At least I can ignore the new Crash Bandicoot game and play the original trilogy for free on my PC.

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>Mario 64 DS
>added more content, stars

Shitposters aren't even trying anymore.

Crash looks great fuck off


The original, at least

>cherry picking
fuck off op, its great

Pic not related, Mario 64 DS was the exact opposite of soulless remakes

I don't remember that pause screen from Mario 64 DS.

there it is
that buzzword again

>At least I can ignore
And still you choose not to.

64 NDS is a pretty good remake in terms of extra content. Shame about the hot garbage controls.

Mario 64 DS isn't even a "remaster" or anything. It's more of a dolled-up port with a ton of new content.
What a shitty comparison.

I don't know why but I prefer SM64 to DS. DS just feels wrong. I don't care about extra content or playing as Yoshi.

It's odd because for pretty much every other game I'll prefer the remakes, for instance OOT/MM3D

Why is it everyone on Sup Forums complains about DS controls when they're not bad to begin with? I see the same shit with the Zelda games on there and they are just as easy as the console games. These are probably the same people who tell you to git gud at Souls games I'd wager.

After some adjustment I never had any trouble with the controls.
It's still not an analog stick, but I could get nearly every star in Rainbow Ride as Wario, the controls weren't unplayably bad.

playing as yoshi is dumb because you're literally locked out of the main character for a while.

Should have started with mario and replaced yoshi with waluigi

did they change the art in OOT/MM3D?

>complain that it looks closer to a battlefield

Yes, to some user's huge dismay. Apparently all the atmosphere was totally ruined but I don't see it that way at all. They look great.

That's cool, I think the DS version suffers from controls that were perfect on the 64 version, but I'd still take the additional content over it if I had to choose.

As for OOT/MM 3DS, yeah, and they don't suffer the control issue either.

Is that new gameplay legit or some fake demo? I tried googling for 5 second and ended up on some joke video and gave up searching for the source

Have Crash getting his shit beat in because he missed crates like a stupid asshole.

If they don't fuck this up somehow I'm definitely getting a PS4

Speaking of Mario 64 DS controls, has anyone ever made a hack for that game to utilize the 3DS Analouge Stick like in the original?
Ofcourse the stick works out of the box but you still have to hold the run button, instead of being able to alter the speed with the analouge stick like in the original Mario 64
I haven't got the slightest clue of what's possible with hacking the 3DS, so this might seem like the dumbest question ever

I still think Crash looks decent and I'm willing to try it.

so far crash looks aight, if you want to see actualy shit look at abes oddasy that shit got butcherd and raped
sorry im drunk so i cant english good

the Crash remaster has the same lighting, color scheme, ad feel of the original, fuck off

>OP pretending this looks shit

It looks fucking great desu

why though? Ive played through both games, and I thought the new one was fine

why did you use a bait image in the crash remake? obviously you picked a really bad frame to exaggerate your stupid point

people say that about any remake

>they changed it, now it sucks

>washed out colours.
And yet the new version of the dark ruins level looked brighter and had more colour
Care to explain fagg- i mean OP

im not OP though

Looks fucking like an A+.

Based Activision did something right for once.

You're drunk. Go home.


why do people buy remakes?

You can probably buy the original Super Mario 64 and a Nintendo 64 for less than $50.

epic post

because then they would have to play with that god awful controller

you realize both top pictures are from emulators, right?

>Unity engine fangames are okay when Sony does it!

Same reason people bought dvds, blue rays, cassettes ,cds or mp3s

>sonycucks excited about more rehashes

must be tough having no games

Because nu-gamers won't play anything released more than five years ago.

You sound mad friend

>make new game desaturated
>Sup Forums gets mad

>make new game saturated
>Sup Forums gets even more mad


that's bullshit watched crash trailer yesterday
it looks great, you're proving nothing just looking for a reason to complain
take your stupid "automatically vaild opionion" image and shove it up your putrid urethra retard



you just mean kids? we didn't buy very old shit when we were young, either, that takes a while getting into video games

kids now don't even have siblings any more who owned a N64 or whatever, shit's too old

>OP confirmed for not knowing shit about colour design and saturation balance

Remakes have the chance to improve on the original by fixing any flaws, add new content, have new incentives (on a portable system, etc), and so on.

No, people who only own a PS4 and never play old games because they think "newer = better".

kids nowadays grow up with iphones and ipads and are swimming in entertainment

nigger when I was a kid I owned a N64 and thought "newer = better", it wasn't until I was 12 or so that I even started looking into older games

Some remakes are better than the original.
Some remakes are so good, the original isn't worth playing anymore.

the only thing that is actually worse about these games is the palette

Can we post great remakes?

It's not like Metroid 2 was particularly worth playing in the first place. Those kinds of remakes are always appreciated. Zero Mission and Ys The Oath in Felghana also apply.

>am2r will never be considered official
>it will never show in official lists
>confined to illegal torrent downloads forever
>all that hard work and pure love for the series will be lost in time, Like tears in the rain

Nigga, that's a port. There's nothing remake about it.

No really

What's the deal with Crash?

Nobody really likes it or think is a good series,right?

well the racing game was pretty good
I good alternative to mario kart

Tons of added content and improved combat aren't enough to qualify as a remake?

sorry I cant really english

stop it

no, since the base is the same, its more like a DLC

>New controls
>new translation
>new content
>higher res
Nigga you're a port.

How about this one? The combat was completely changed

No, not at all. A few alterations doesn't mean it's remade. The popular term is "enhanced port".

I always turn on the saturation way up on my screen regardless of what I'm doing
I like my colors

Because it looks better

Why do faggots on PC always show off their graphics, better visuals do count for something.

>adding shitty filler content makes up for the soulless art style

Both of those seems to be very good remakes imo. Remasters are what I hate the most. Almost all of them are soulless cash grabs.


If it's not an exact copy, then it's trash.

>looks like a boucy ball rather than a spider

It looks fine on an actual DS.

This, all of these shitposts scale ds resolution up to 10 times the actual size and then complain it looks like shit

nah the new abes is shit, the gritty atmosphere, that selfless shill in the in game advertisments, the slight gamplay changes, the change in heaps of animations, and the speed up of them makes it fucking trash.
that wasnt me, im still hanging in though

>requiring 24 hours to move to an alternate dimension

That's the general state of everything my friend. All the official works of Aristotle are lost and the only things that remains are his lecture notes.


>Remasters are what I hate the most. Almost all of them are soulless cash grabs.

It depends. Some actually add new content and changes (KH 1.5 added new abilities, option to not level up to make the game harder) and all of them done by Bluepoint are very spot on, are usually in collections so it's a chance to catch up on series (I never played Jak, Ratchet, or Sly growing up), make technical improvements, and so on.

Some are bad like the Silent Hill ones but I blame Konami for that. But most of them are good.

Not all remakes are bad


Looks good for a mobile game, console not much.

the maps on that game are such a fucking sin

Is that real

Very interesting video. Thanks for posting it.

I really do miss pre-rendered backgrounds, this guy explains why they were so much better in a more coherent and intelligent way than I do.

got so fucking triggered holy shit

whats the best playstation emuator?

yeah, shit content

Garbage controls. Total waste of effort.

whoever greenlit this abortion should be fired form Nintendo and banned from the industry


>did they change the art in OOT/MM3D?

They changed it, but it ended up better.

It's not the worst looking thing ever but it's giving me "fan remake" vibes.

You have legit autism.

You can't polish a turd m8

The gameplay is overhauled so it's a remake.

Then how the fuck are people supposed to make new games?
No it will be bad and soulles
>Part 2 or sequel
It will ruin everything and just cost more cash
Paywall haha fuck you
>New orginal idea
will get fucked over by every bland new game