As much as I shit on Hearthstone, Jade Golems are an amazing mechanic

As much as I shit on Hearthstone, Jade Golems are an amazing mechanic.

Too bad they're too slow againts Aggro decks

The Time you get 5-6 jades you're at 15 hp and the enemy is ready to fuck you up in 1-2 turn

Wouldn't know about that, since I've actually stopped playing Hearthstone like a month ago

But I love the idea and the feel they have

>green guy
Could this be a reference to Hierophant Green from Jojo?

>Portrait changes as they get more powerful
Thats pretty cool

>Could this be a reference to Hierophant Green from Jojo?

Is this a JoJo reference?

Unsure why it takes 13 to get the last one when it was every 3 before.

It niggles my autism something fierce that a 10/10 doesnt have a portrait change


Are you by chance referencing JoJo's Bizzare Adventures?



what happens when you devolve them?


turns to a random minion like every other card

I'm a fan of Shadowverse, but this is clearly Hearthstone thread. Do not change it into 'my card game is better than yours' shitposting festival

I don't play HS anymore, but it's fun to see that they totally didn't forgot Pandaria.

I feel like they wanted to do that, but some memelord beta tester kept using combo decks to get those niggers into twenties and complaining that there is no reward in doing that, since the art is the same since those were 10/10. So they changed it

It is the worst fucking mechanic to ever grace Hearthstone

>Midrange Shaman destroys it
>Aggro Hunter/Shaman destroys it
>Secret Hunter destroys it
>Control decks are utterly annihilated by it

It's done nothing but enforce the status quo meta.

are you asking what manacost minion does it become? The answer should be simple, it should correspond to the different manacost for each specific golem.

oh okay, i didnt know if they all had different mana costs or a cap to their cost


It's an interesting card but I can't see it taking off.

I want to run a Titania memedeck.

>tfw got 3 Tias, 1 Ancient Elf and 2 Cynthias just from packs

>being this passive aggressive

nigga I said nothing, just saw the cost of the card and thought it was as annoying as fairies

Hearthstone fans are just that insecure. They don't want any other card game to succeed or else their thousands of dollars wasted on packs would be a waste.

>Hearthstone thread
the only allowed one is on /vg/ to begin with. don't play victim after throwing the first punch.

What the hell are you talking about? What first punch? What victim playing? What?